This isn't over.

So, let's see,

Its a good bet that a lot of those resisters were and are still are, Democrats and voted for Biden.

Trump will revoke Carter's pardon, declares their votes invalid and proclaims the 2020 election will be re-run under his jurisdiction because the vote is tainted.

Is this where you are going?
They were infected with liberalism while here! Trump doesn't want to start revoking pardons for obvious reasons. State law determines the voting rights of felons and draft dodging was a federal crime, not a state one.
Trump Declares Georgia Senate Runoffs 'Invalid and Illegal'

President Donald Trump on Friday said that changes made by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to loosen the state’s absentee ballot signature verification laws were unconstitutional, making November’s election in the state as well as the Senate runoff races ''illegal and invalid.''

Trump issued his claims in a series of three posts on Twitter, referring to the consent decree that Raffensperger agreed to with the Georgia Democratic Party in March to settle a lawsuit regarding mail-in ballots.

''Before even discussing the massive corruption which took place in the 2020 Election, which gives us far more votes than is necessary to win all of the Swing States (only need three), it must be noted that the State Legislatures were not in any way responsible for the massive changes made to the voting process, rules and regulations, many made hastily before the election, and therefore the whole State Election is not legal or Constitutional,'' Trump wrote.

''Additionally, the Georgia Consent Decree is Unconstitutional & the State 2020 Presidential Election is therefore both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current Senatorial Elections. In Wisconsin, Voters not asking for applications invalidates the Election. All of this without even discussing the millions of fraudulent votes that were cast or altered!''

The claim is similar to one made by famed Georgia attorney Lin Wood, who sued in federal court in November claiming that only the state legislature — not Raffensperger — has the authority to change election law.

Republican incumbents Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are facing off against Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to contest the state's two Senate seats in Tuesday’s runoff elections. While Perdue received a few thousand votes shy of more than half the votes in his race against Ossoff, no candidate achieved the necessary more than 50% in either election in November.

Trump Declares Georgia Senate Runoffs 'Invalid and Illegal'

President Donald Trump on Friday said that changes made by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to loosen the state’s absentee ballot signature verification laws were unconstitutional, making November’s election in the state as well as the Senate runoff races ''illegal and invalid.''

Trump issued his claims in a series of three posts on Twitter, referring to the consent decree that Raffensperger agreed to with the Georgia Democratic Party in March to settle a lawsuit regarding mail-in ballots.

''Before even discussing the massive corruption which took place in the 2020 Election, which gives us far more votes than is necessary to win all of the Swing States (only need three), it must be noted that the State Legislatures were not in any way responsible for the massive changes made to the voting process, rules and regulations, many made hastily before the election, and therefore the whole State Election is not legal or Constitutional,'' Trump wrote.

''Additionally, the Georgia Consent Decree is Unconstitutional & the State 2020 Presidential Election is therefore both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current Senatorial Elections. In Wisconsin, Voters not asking for applications invalidates the Election. All of this without even discussing the millions of fraudulent votes that were cast or altered!''

The claim is similar to one made by famed Georgia attorney Lin Wood, who sued in federal court in November claiming that only the state legislature — not Raffensperger — has the authority to change election law.

Republican incumbents Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are facing off against Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to contest the state's two Senate seats in Tuesday’s runoff elections. While Perdue received a few thousand votes shy of more than half the votes in his race against Ossoff, no candidate achieved the necessary more than 50% in either election in November.

A lot of Trump's base watch and share newsmax and if the chosen one says the elections are invalid and illegal perhaps they will stay home? I wonder what he is gonna say at his rally in Georgia? Not much other than whine and bitch about the election I'll bet, I hope he loses Georgia for Mitch, then Mitch will be powerless and pissed. Just what America needs, a war inside the GOP for control and the most crazy of the crazy walking out the door behind Donald. Better they make war on each other than on the country, their usual target.
It’s peculiar to me that a country formed by a rebellion against a despotic sovereign would allow those same powers in it’s chief government executive.

Pardons should be eliminated
Yeah, it's probably an anachronism that should be eliminated. It would take an amendment to the Constitution and I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. Until now, it hasn't been much of an issue. We've never had a Donald Trump in the WH before. Trump didn't follow the law and the Senate backed him up. It's a crisis in our Democracy that jiggering the Constitution won't fix.
The DC police are under the mayor's control, so they had better keep the festivities on the federal side of the line. If they head for the capital, well they have their own police force. I think Donald's federal goon squad has been disbanded and is gone along with Bill Barr. I don't think a few thousand unarmed losers in DC will be an issue. I don't think the republicans made the capital hill area open carry, they don't even do that for their conventions, which I find odd. Given their stated views, you would think they would want open and concealed carry in the house and senate too!

From Google:
"Washington, D.C. is a shall-issue district with concealed weapons permits issued by D.C. Metropolitan Police. All firearms must be registered, and this process acts as a permit to purchase. Individuals cannot possess ammunition without a valid registration of a firearm. Open carry is illegal in D.C. "
The report notes that noted Trump supporter Proud Boy Joe Biggs, boasted on Parler, "Watch out, January 6 — you ain't gonna know who the f*ck it is standing beside you."

Yeah, it could be an FBI agent standing beside them, there are 14,000 FBI agents, against say 2000 to 5000 morons, most of these idiots will be unarmed and just standing around looking stupid. This of course does not include ten times as many citizens in DC who would love to have a piece of them. Then there are the DC and capital police.
10 Republican in the Senate are going to support the move to pull off this election coup
It ain't over with these traitors
They are making a list and lot's have signed up already, it's good to know who your enemies are. If they attack the constitution by supporting Trump they are the enemy of every patriot, not merely political opposition. This is what the road to Hell looks like, smooth and wide at the start with a gentle downward slope that eventually turns vertical and ends on the Devil's doorstep.

If they lose the senate, they could find out that enlisting themselves in the army of the stupid might be a mistake and one that will be used against them in 2022. Many of these assholes are supported by voters who are assholes themselves and will always be, but enough will be vulnerable in 2 years to make a difference in the election. They should lose 10% support over the next couple of years and another 10% in the next two years, if the democrats win the senate.
10 Republican in the Senate are going to support the move to pull off this election coup
It ain't over with these traitors
So, every time Trump is convicted by a court of law, they will have to come out and say it was unfair and unjust blah, blah, or agree with the verdict and sentence, or most likely, run away from the cameras. Their primaries are just 18 months away and Donald should be several trials and convictions into shit by then and in prison.

Reporter in the summer of 2022: Senator/congressman, do you think the next republican president should pardon Trump? Do you still support president Trump? Even though he is in federal prison you still support president Trump?
So, every time Trump is convicted by a court of law, they will have to come out and say it was unfair and unjust blah, blah, or agree with the verdict and sentence, or most likely, run away from the cameras. Their primaries are just 18 months away and Donald should be several trials and convictions into shit by then and in prison.

Reporter in the summer of 2022: Senator/congressman, do you think the next republican president should pardon Trump? Do you still support president Trump? Even though he is in federal prison you still support president Trump?
Best part is SDNY is known for fast court hearings
You might get your wish
Come on rocket docket
Best part is SDNY is known for fast court hearings
You might get your wish
Come on rocket docket
Individual #1 is already in the pipeline and Cohen is already doing the time. Sealed indictments or someone is gonna want to know why not. If there are not unsealed indictments after Jan 20th, someone destroyed evidence or obstructed justice. That is a slam dunk documents based case and sentencing recommendations are about a decade for Donald as the ringleader.

Assuming he is indicted for these federal crimes in January 2021, as soon as he pleads the judge should hit him with a gag order as a condition of bail. After indictment the judge owns his ass until sentencing, even if he is presumed to be innocent. If Donald can't STFU he will be in jail awaiting his trial and sentencing.
Best part is SDNY is known for fast court hearings
You might get your wish
Come on rocket docket
If Donald starts going nuts on Pence in the days before the inauguration, he won't be king for 10 minutes so he can pardon Donald. Trump seems to be holding back a bit on Mike so far, let's see how he treats him after the 6th and the certification of the electoral votes. Mike appears to be Mitch's man and always has been, but we will see, Jesus, Pence or death are the only way out for Trump at this point. Donald doesn't really have a problem with losing, after all his original plan was to lose the 2016 election to Hillary, but he fucked that up too.
I want to know who will be the first to come out with a book covering the second half of 2020. Who will it be and how soon will it come out. Because you know there will be a few people in Trump's sphere that will want to make a buck over their inside knowledge.

Edit: Well Mary will have one.

Mary Trump To Release Second Book After Debut Bestseller

After the knockout success of her first book about Donald Trump, the president’s niece, Mary Trump, is set to publish a second tome early next year, her publisher announced Tuesday, this time focusing on the impacts of Trump’s presidency.

“For four years, Donald Trump has inflicted a series of traumas upon the American people,” Trump said in the announcement, adding: “In short, he transformed our country into a macro version of my malignantly dysfunctional family.”

The book will focus on Trump’s presidency, including his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the publishers, as well as the roots of “rising levels of rage and hatred, hopelessness and apathy” in the U.S.

The ‘Trump Bump’ for Books Has Been Significant. Can It Continue?
As a new administration looms, publishers have snapped up another crop of forthcoming Trump books by prominent journalists and pundits.

In the run-up to and aftermath of the election, publishers have snapped up a new crop of Trump books by prominent journalists and pundits. Penguin Random House has emerged as one of the front-runners in the race to lock up the first definitive accounts of the Trump epoch. Shortly after the election, Penguin Press announced that it would publish the New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman’s narrative of Mr. Trump’s political career, tracking his rise from his real-estate development roots to the final days of his tumultuous presidency.

Penguin also acquired a new book from the Washington Post reporters Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, the co-authors of “A Very Stable Genius,” published early this year. Their sequel will explore the last year of Mr. Trump’s presidency, as he faced impeachment, played down the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, was hospitalized with Covid-19 and fought to overturn the results of the election. Doubleday, another Penguin Random House imprint, acquired a book that will be co-written by Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent for The New York Times, and Susan Glasser, a writer for The New Yorker, which will analyze how Trump has changed the culture and politics of Washington.

“The opportunity for book publishers was huge starting in 2016, and will be huge in 2020,” said Ann Godoff, Penguin’s president and editor in chief. “People say, ‘Well, there have been too many Trump books.’ I think you haven’t seen anything yet, and the reason for that is the sources are going to come loose; they’re going to be freer to talk.”
Simon & Schuster, which published several best-selling books about Trump this year, is still investing heavily in behind-the-scenes books about the president and the 2020 election. After publishing two blockbusters by Bob Woodward, “Rage” and “Fear,” Simon & Schuster plans to release Woodward’s next book, which he is writing with the Washington Post reporter Robert Costa, about the final days of the Trump presidency and the beginning of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s administration.
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Uh oh, rumor coming out of Washington right now is that Nancy is having discussions about refusing to seat the new GOP house members involved in this and forcing it to the courts.