This isn't over.

A false argument is made when the person making the argument first misstates the opponent's meaning. After that they claim the opponent is either lying or stupid or diminishes them in some way.

Just like you did right there.
I quite clearly stated blm's "racism" and vegans "suffering", etc. Have NO meaning. I never claimed they were lying or stupid.

Please if I have misrepresented them in some way, tell me exactly what vegans mean by "ending suffering", what their goals, what metrics they use to measure progress are and what the concrete steps to achieve those goals are.
Your argument is a complete pile of steaming bullshit. Cant fight for the end of racism because it’s not defined to your liking? The fight against racism included all of the things you mentioned but it’s not a worthy fight if each of the actual different sub issues are not defined? Why must the fight contain what you think are definitions of racism when different people have a different reason for maintaining the fight? Your ideal that BLM is for treating blacks any different from anyone else shows your ignorance of the actual issues and shows that you are the exact thing they fighting against.
As above. Is there some place online where blm defines racism, lists the metrics they use to measure progress and state exactly what they hope to achieve?

Has nothing about my liking it. Post what /they/ like and think so people can respond to it. If racism is really a bunch of sub issues grouped (valid interpretation), they should have no problem outlining them, and telling us what they want exactly instead if hiding all these things behind the opaque box of "ending racism"

Re blm and treating blacks differently: so affirmative action (discrimination against non blacks), and reparations are about treating people the same? Ignoring the gun crime epidemic and pulling the desperately needed police from black neighbourhoods specifically is treating people the same. How come black on black murders don't deserve justice or media reporting? This is treating people equally? Some worldview you have.
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As above. Is there some place online where blm defines racism, lists the metrics they use to measure progress and state exactly what they hope to achieve?

Has nothing about my liking it. Post what /they/ like and think so people can respond to it. If racism is really a bunch of sub issues grouped (valid interpretation), they should have no problem outlining them, and telling us what they want exactly instead if hiding all these things behind the opaque box of "ending racism"

Re blm and treating blacks differently: so affirmative action (discrimination against non blacks), and reparations are about treating people the same? Some worldview you have.
Affirmative action was brought about to right the wrong of a few hundred years of oppression, as are reparations, of which has many meanings. Are you against righting a wrong and are you against ending racism, no definition required as it’s a simple concept. Seems you’ve been reading the playbook of the Proud Boys, are you a Proud Boy? As you wait for the definition of racism that suits your ideology the fight continues with or without you. The metrics of success are being defined slowly, one of which is by the ass booting your dear leader took. I’m assuming you believe that was stolen from him as well? I believe you will now join the ranks of Rob as I have no time for whiney ass, woo is me, proud white boy crap.
It's in Germany on a US military base with a hard drive showing trump won California and 404 electoral college votes. They really should try and get that at some point.
I was going to say it sits in a vault on the island of misfit dems, that at this point is being flooded from salty tears and hair dye, but your ideal sounds more plausible.
Nope, no way would an attempt to disenfranchise 8 million voters be possible. What is possible is a corrupt official who throws out 300,000 votes in a district that supported Biden by more than 70% thereby flipping Michigan and its EC votes to Trump. What is possible is a court ruling in PA that invalidates the vote and the legislature awards Trump the Electoral College votes from that state. The way for a minority to defeat the majority in a US presidential election is through the EC. The Electoral College has no value and adds risk to our country. It has to go.
People can always find a way to break laws is my strong belief.

Directly attacking the legitimacy of this election is different from his other abuses of power. His other abuses of power rested on his election in 2016. He legitimately could claim the powers of the President through an election. Nobody seriously doubted that he won that election. Now that he lost an election, he's acting without any justification other than raw power. That said, he's been telling us all along that he would only accept an election result if he won. So, now, he's doing what he said he'd do. Republicans are all for it. So, we are in dangerous waters.
I dont disagree with the waters we are in being dangerous. This is why populous messaging needs to be stomped out when it is bullshit.

I think you can draw a direct line from the dy of his inauguration to today with all the ways Trump has been trying to set up his theft of this election too.

Luckily he really does suck at everything he does and failed every step of the way. From firing Comey 'because of this Russia thing', giving Netanyahu a big win by moving the embassy for nothing, believing Putin over American intel, ignoring our laws like the Hatch act, strong-arming a vulnerable allies to manufacture dirt on the one political opponent he knew all of his trolls would fall flat against, his super spreader events, etc. It was all not enough to overcome his inability to be successful at the only real job he has ever had.
It's in Germany on a US military base with a hard drive showing trump won California and 404 electoral college votes. They really should try and get that at some point.

So, you deserve another, "another chance".

Do you find it odd that the United States HAS a military base in Germany? Could you show me where in the Constitution a decades long structure of military bases in Germany is authorized?

Could you show me where in the constitution a standing USA army is even permitted ?

Note - I am not thumping the U.S. Constitution as a sacred document. I am merely pointing out it has been regularly shat on by those who claim it has magical powers.
I think there is an ongoing war against the proper use of precise language.

I could see that. But I could also see how we could come up with vastly different examples of this war.

I would not be so quick to believe what 'people' say. 'People' who really are just trolls will say anything and everything at different times just to create noise. Some good points, some bad, but lots of noise.

I don't even like to fully buy into 'people' being 'people' online, because it is free and easy to make trolls, and we know they have been weaponized against us to stop conversations from being able to happen.

1) don't want to put their ideas forth where they can be challenged - hence hiding behind "fighting racism" (meaningless phrase) rather than simply give the concrete belief of what should come from their choice of action and explain *why* they think that choice of action is right.

Eg. Different groups have different ways that they want to effect the world, but their mission statements are always leave you wondering what their actual position is.

I don't think that 'fighting racism' is a meaningless phrase at all.

I could have agreed if you said 'overused'. Or used to trigger people into not having a conversation. But not meaningless. Racism exists, I have witnessed it many times in real life, and it is always worth standing up against.

I think you fall for the trolling of these groups that are being amplified in specific ways to make people like yourself confused about what their message actually is because you are getting a cherry picked narrative about them or specific groups that are not representative of the movements they are branded onto.

2) people don't want to have to attack other's arguments directly so they use mushy meaningless words like racist which are supposed to illicit an *emotional* response and to which you are not supposed to be able to defend against - how can you defend yourself against charges if the charges themselves are not defined.
I disagree here.

1. Trolls/people like to toss out incendiary words like 'racist' to train others seeing that post to jump to calling people 'racist' when a slightly different definition would work better. Because it will illicit that emotional response further hardening their bubbles of information.

2. Is correctly used during those times when people are actually saying racist shit (even if that person is not aware that they are tricked into thinking it wasn't racist).

3) I think that proper use of precise language at a young age is one of the building blocks for being able to effect the change you want in the world, to be able to become a doer rather than follower. To writ, how can you change the world if you can't begin to describe what's wrong and how you will fix it.
I think this is dangerously close to falling into the racist/classist/xenophobic rhetoric that people use to tell people they should talk better.

People have all sorts of differences in their ability to talk well. This blanket statement you make is just discriminatory.

"Ending racism" for example is not a goal, there's no specific end game and no route to get there. Reducing economic or educational disparities are goals however and people can disagree on how to get there and can weigh the various merits of different choices.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, because I don't think I have ever said that the goal should be to 'end racism', that is as naive as saying there is no racism. It exists and is not something that will just end. But I would agree that ending the impacts of racism in our society is a valid goal albeit at the end of the day just more populous messaging if it is not attached with very real actions to help reduce racisms impact.

Before I go further, I want to say this is decidedly non partisan. Even though I picked racism as an example this could apply to anything and these are tools used by anyone that wants power over another.

And so to answer your question
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- yes, because you cannot argue with someone who doesn't actually want to get anywhere with their arguments (beyond some undefined thing is bad or good). Many (maybe even most) don't even know how to describe what they want and how to get it, and so there's nothing to do but get the same repeated insults thrown at you with no explanation of how they even fit.
I see you respond to a lot of trolls that don't actually offer much in the form of a coherent post, instead of just ignoring them so that you don't have to wade through all the nonsense. And I think is what makes you (at least it seems like it) defend your positions instead of trying to understand what other (actual people not trolling you) are trying to help you see.

I agree that I think this is what hardens the false logic that is implanted into the bullshit narratives. Because the more often you repeat something (even though you can know it is false), the more you trick your brain into believing it is reality, when it is not.

Beau sums up how I feel about this situation pretty effectively.
Let's talk about Trump's base and evidence....
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Trump Urges State Legislatures And Courts To ‘Flip’ Results | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As some Republicans including Chris Christie and Gov. Larry Hogan are calling on the Trump team to provide a peaceful transfer, others including Senate Majority Leader McConnell continue to stand by.