This isn't over.

A Proud Boy Arrest, A District of Columbia Pardon Quirk and a January 6 Presidential Certification

A so-called leader of the so-called Proud Boys, Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, was arrested for destruction of property. Upon his arrest, the was found to be in possession of two high-capacity magazines - "extended clips" - so he was on the receiving end of additional criminal charges. At his presentment hearing, the judge ordered him to stay out of DC until his next court hearing.
How does the presidential pardon power play in to local DC criminal charges? Here's the answer.
So what about moron fest 2020 in DC today, the mob should be big enough for napalm and cluster bombs!
This should be interesting, congress is just ceremonial bullshit theater today, no news there, here is where the news will be.

The MAGATS better get used to the taste of pepper spray and the smell of tear gas.
Cops pepper spray MAGA protesters as Roger Stone heads rally over Biden win
The full LARP camouflage geared up idiots just look so sorry without their phallic symbols.
he is talking, therefore the focus should be on him. i have nothing against this camera angle. once hes done, sure ill watch the crowd or ill just watch some live stream someone is doing on their phone.
he is talking, therefore the focus should be on him. i have nothing against this camera angle. once hes done, sure ill watch the crowd or ill just watch some live stream someone is doing on their phone.
Prosperity. Those dozens of people will be talking about this speech for years.

Edit lol, posterity. I guess I spelled it wrong enough it spellchecked to prosperity.
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There is a shitload of people there. I can see 50,000. Could it be 100,000? Maybe, I did not count everyone. But so what. It makes no difference.