This isn't over.

Ya know, not even Donald can say, "get Pence cause he won't pardon me", to the base! To set the base upon Pence another "reason" must be found and this appears to be it. Not even Donald believes Pence can do anything about the election, it was explained enough to him by dozens of people I'm sure. If Pence would be made POTUS and would agree to pardon Donald, he might resign, but there are all those state charges too, including mass 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.

The only real way out for Donald is to retain power, until he died, or just dies now! It's not about losing, losing to Hillary was the original plan FFS, but he fucked that up, it's about going to court and then prison. Wearing an orange jumpsuit in a cell, with his assets seized and his finances fully exposed is to be America's biggest loser in Donald's mind. Once the long arm of the law gets a grip on the Don it will never loosen it's iron grasp on his throat.

Trump enters burn-it-down mode
The president used a Washington rally to take aim at both his political rivals and allies as Congress prepares to certify Biden's victory.

As Congress prepares to officially seal president-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory, President Donald Trump on Wednesday took a torch to his political opponents during a rally in front of the White House while also vowing to “never concede.”

“We will never give up. We will never concede," Trump said at a large protest of supporters at the nation's capital.

Trump vowed to take on Republicans who reject his effort to stay in office more than two months after he lost the presidential election — a threat that came just ahead of a joint session of Congress in which dozens of GOP lawmakers are planning to challenge Biden's Electoral College win.

“I’m going to be watching because history is going to be made," he said. "We are going to see whether or not we have great and courageous leaders, or whether or not we have leaders that should be ashamed of themselves.”

Trump continued to promote baseless allegations of rampant voter fraud that he falsely claimed denied him a second term.

"You don't concede when there's theft involved," he said of an election in which he garnered seven million fewer votes. "This was not a close election.”

He also said that Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who appear likely to have lost runoff elections in Georgia, were "set up."

But Trump devoted much of his time to ripping into sundry enemies, including the mainstream media, the tech industry, Supreme Court justices he appointed and "weak Republicans."

"Your leadership has led you down the tubes,” he told rallygoers.

He also further leaned on Vice President Mike Pence to act unilaterally to overturn Biden's victory later on Wednesday, an unprecedented notion that Pence has indicated privately that he will not do.

"Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country,” he said.
The full LARP camouflage geared up idiots just look so sorry without their phallic symbols.
They might be shot down in the streets next year in some open carry American city where the cops are under new management. A hundred heavily armed assholes like that confronting the cops could see it happen and all it would take is someone tossing a pack of firecrackers on the ground. If just one of these mentally unstable assholes points his AR-15 at the cops then everybody around him in the mob would be dead meat. A .50 caliber sniper rifle defeats all body armor, ditto for an M2 heavy machine gun.

A heavily armed concentrated mob on open ground is the worst possible tactical position to be in, one lunatic starts shooting at the cops or national guard and it would be over in seconds. Someone from the liberal opposition might even do it to get the ball rolling with a package of fire crackers or other fireworks. A steel jacketed .50 caliber round will go through a lot of body armor and bodies before stopping.