This juust in. Mass exodus of californians


New Member
I'm not a attention. By the way, that's not even a salient argument.
Argueing with you is akin to pissing into the wind. You are always right, even when you are wrong. Your EGO must be the size of an 18 wheeler. It must really suck to be you. Your mind is sealed shut like a bank vault. Bouncing Ideas off your thick skull is wasting ammo, better to deal with someone that actually listens and then makes a salient response. I wonder, have you ever admitted you were wrong? I'd take odds you haven't. Sometimes you come up with a good Idea, but most times, it's just the old right wing rhetoric, Bla, Bla, Bla.


New Member
I'll just disregard your emotional outburst and put it down to (throws a dart), heh, I won't bother telling you the random cause, you might cry. :wink:

How can saying I'm not a republican make me wrong? :lol:


New Member
I'll just disregard your emotional outburst and put it down to (throws a dart), heh, I won't bother telling you the random cause, you might cry. :wink:

How can saying I'm not a republican make me wrong? :lol:
Oh, so you want specifics. My My, I haven't the time or inclination. You should look into emotions sometime, But I doubt you have any, The stone child.


New Member
heh, you are always a laugh riot. Full of vim and vinegar, but no facts to back any of it up. Don't let accuracy get in your way....rant away.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
"you try and pull a piece out on the lanes and ill take it away from you stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger till it goes click"


Well-Known Member
heh, you are always a laugh riot. Full of vim and vinegar, but no facts to back any of it up. Don't let accuracy get in your way....rant away.
i tried to get you to help me understand you the other day and all you could do was throw out little one liner quips. i gave up trying to understand. the saddest part is i really was interested. :bigjoint::-P


New Member
i tried to get you to help me understand you the other day and all you could do was throw out little one liner quips. i gave up trying to understand. the saddest part is i really was interested. :bigjoint::-P

That was directed at Med Man.....

Ask away, I will help. Always.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
well that is true to an extent there are flaws with all systems and no one solution to societal problems. it seems that never can everyone be pleased at once. if its not the poor being given too much then its the rich taking everything. what are you gonna do no one has an answer its easy to point out flaws. what are the solutions that are fair to all thats what i would like to hear from someone. but know one knows so we ride the waves of politics everything changes but everything stays the same.


New Member
The problem with Welfare is Clinton actually tried to reform it only to have Obama dismantle it. Clinton's one good idea that he actually followed up on has been thrown in the trash can. The left wants votes, not personal independence.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
it seems to me from looking at different admins dem or repub that each one goes to extremes in one direction and then the opposite group gets power and then the process repeats. next election probably a repub will get in they'll fuck people in different ways. then people get sick of that and a dem gets in again. its like a mary go round and with a 2 party system how is this going to change. basically i feel the choices are only how you want to be fucked.