this may be a new idea, but i doubt it


Well-Known Member
I was looking into clones awhile back, and i saw this vid with a guy cloning small trees or something, and from what i remember, he would cut into the side of the small tree thingy and insert the cuttings/clones and then patch it and wrap it up so that it would add a new healthy branch.

Just wondering if its possible. What if you had a few different strains going on, and you pick a healthy looking plant, and add branches of a few different strains. For example: you have 1 stretchy lemon haze going on, and you add a cutting of some desiel, maybe some kush, or whatever else, i wonder if that one plant would yield however many different strains?


Active Member
It's called "grafting", I've done it with pecan trees and citrus but not with... hmmm I know cannabis has been successfully grafted with hops though. Let us know how it goes!


Active Member
Lots of people have grafted multiple strains onto the same rootstock to keep one mom for all their strains. Do a search for grafting; there's tons of stuff on here.

Smucker G

Active Member
Thats how they grow some oranges. I forget the types but they use a hardy truck of one orange and graph a weaker orange to the top to produce fruit. Just a useless fact I thought I'd kick out.


Active Member
It works but dosent work. You need 2 strains the same flowering length. No sativa grafted on and indica vise versa.
because the original plant (rooted) will send out it hormones to flower and the grafted plant will be like wtf.
at least thats what i think, never tried it. most likely will regect the grafted plant.


Well-Known Member
because the original plant (rooted) will send out it hormones to flower and the grafted plant will be like wtf.
at least thats what i think, never tried it. most likely will regect the grafted plant.
Cannabis should graft to other strains of cannabis with relative ease. The applied use of grafting is usually done in bonsai trees, grafting a desireable canopy onto a desireable trunk, but always within the same species.


Active Member
I would see no problems with grafting a sativa to an indica or vice versa. Mostly for the use of 1 plant for several strains for clones. It's like saying a white person can't use the liver of a black person. It's got the same parts it works in a similar enough way. They would grow together no matter the color of their buds.

Flowering could be a different story but I think the plant would be okay. Part of it would just mature much faster.


Well-Known Member
If it is the same as for seed bearing trees, then maybe indica strains should go with indica strains and sativa with sativa. when you graft fruit trees together you ALWAYS have to fuse two or more of the same seedtype tree. For instance, you can only graft fruit trees that bear a fruit with one main seed ( PIT ) onto one another. And you can graft multiple seed fruits ( apples, pears. . . .) together. So yea, not too awful scientific but it does seem like there may be something to it. . . .