This product safe for use in an extraction?


Well-Known Member

Is this product safe to use in an a/b extraction?
I will be using vinegar as the acid, easy-off as the base, for its sodium hydroxide, and toluene as the non-polar solvant.

Also, is doing this extraction on a plant, that i beleive to have no regulations, legal? I will be doing some research on kratom extracts (considering i cant find much info on this). Would ordering from ebay be safe? Just say its for a kratom extract? I am also growing marijuana, would my house be searched for any reason if found ordering sodium hydroxide? I know i have seen many other posts about this subject, making it seem fine, i just dont want an investigation to find something else (the 2 marijuana plants).

Also growing 1 Poppy and 20 cacti (san pedro, and Peruvian torch.)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use it. If you can't get NaOH get pickling lime which is generally basic enough for extracting alkaloids.


Well-Known Member
Alright great. I can get NaOH im just being impatient, had that in the house. Trying to go from a ph of 3 to 13, although I have been told 13 is pretty alkaline for this, though there is little to no info on a good tek. No one wants to share. Thanks for your response.


Well-Known Member
Alright great. I can get NaOH im just being impatient, had that in the house. Trying to go from a ph of 3 to 13, although I have been told 13 is pretty alkaline for this, though there is little to no info on a good tek. No one wants to share. Thanks for your response.
Too late to start feeling relieved.
You announced your 2 plants, 1 poppy and 20 cacti to the world
Now you're being monitored by satellites....

But seriously,
What could you do with ONE POPPY?


Well-Known Member
You can learn a lot from one poppy. and I am not extracting anything from the poppy. just plan to smoke. If I get any yield that is.
Hundreds of people post things on here, I'm not worried about an investigation over posting some thing on here. For all you know, it could be bull shit.


Well-Known Member
You can learn a lot from one poppy. and I am not extracting anything from the poppy. just plan to smoke. If I get any yield that is.
Hundreds of people post things on here, I'm not worried about an investigation over posting some thing on here. For all you know, it could be bull shit.
the ratio is far too low, smoking poppy straw is nasty and unproductive.


Well-Known Member
First time growing it, really didn't expect it to live this long indoors. just a good learning experience. If I do happen to get a pod I plan to score it, won't be upset if I get nothing. thanks so much for your knowledge and input everyone.


Well-Known Member
Would anyone know if the extraction on a legal plant and legal alkaloids be legal? The kratom is unregulated, I just don't know if there may be laws on certain uses for chemicals? Ie can I use NaOH for extraction of legal alkaloids?


Well-Known Member
My guess is you would beat the charges but they'd take your equipment if you have a lawyer. If you don't have money to fight it you'll probably get fucked with some intent to cook meth bs.


Well-Known Member
No worries. The info is pretty generally applicable. I'd still do a bit of compound specific research as well. If you don't mind a crude extract of kratom you can probably just use an alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have done alcohol and water extracts. both work decently . but I'm growing kratom so I will have access to a large supply. I would like to find a way to make a pretty pure product. I read your thread again, if there a certain amount of time you defat for?

Next going for a good lsa extract. Growing hbwr and morning glories. I have tried a few times and failed but I have heard many good reports on success. most people seem to think its not worth it, but I have been told of lsa gel tabs that worked well, so it is possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i saw that, figured they meant water but didnt mention it. Ill just keep throwing that stuff down the drain, found mrs wages pickling lime pretty cheap online, i usually just dont like buying things online, cause you never know if it will come. Though i think i found a legit site. (the manufactures)


Well-Known Member
Also, thank you. Id give you rep but it says i have to give it to someone else before giving it to you again.