This ROI User Seems MAD SHADY!


Well-Known Member
not at all, you can joke on here, take some jabs at strangers but anyone that has some type of common sense who reads this and sees how and why you communicate with people will know that your probably a dirtbag...but the question is, what do you want? you got my attention now what? you ran your mouth for that other loser now what? want people to know how cool you are? how tough you are? Let me know i'll try and get that message across for you to.
Yaaa you sound mad I'll let ya stew in your own shit... Enjoy ;)


Well-Known Member
I just don't get why in the world someone would troll around spreading negativity and talk shit to an absolute stranger over the internet? blows my mind. dude comes on my thread and tells me a joke I made was "phucking lame", how phucking lame is it he clicked on it and then took the time to tell me how lame it was....i just hate people who act retarded for no reason, talk shit on the internet and the dude is probably someone you wouldn't let take your trash out let alone take advice from. Your absolutely right though! I shouldn't have let the low life get me fired up like that.

Thanks & Cheers!

Then why did you delete your post? Please give an intelligent answer !
You must be a female. Your good at twisting things. You started with the insults. I simply let you know your post were lame. Took no stabs at you until you started it. Now your starting it with a well known member ? Ahh you'll do fine here. You ever Grow anything ? Tomatoes even ?
bro you being a well known member is probably the biggest achievement of your life. You know that if half the people on here met you in real life they'd have nothing to do with you and I can tell that by the shit you typed here tonight. Thing is I blocked you like 202 mins ago and you still keep trolling....this all you have to do? for real, this all you have right now?


Well-Known Member
bro you being a well known member is probably the biggest achievement of your life. You know that if half the people on here met you in real life they'd have nothing to do with you and I can tell that by the shit you typed here tonight. Thing is I blocked you like 202 mins ago and you still keep trolling....this all you have to do? for real, this all you have right now?
If you blocked him his you wouldn't be able to see his posts LOL wow so not you are full of shit... Great accomplishment there lol

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you give those people money, you knw they just getting drunk or mcdoanalds after, you are contributing to there spiral of destruction

what an ass
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Well-Known Member
If those are big words to you I rest my case, see I had you peg'd for trash all along.....I'm get'n of the slow bus now have fun loser
Have you even grown anything?? you come a cannabis CULTIVATING forums sounding half ass retarded, you got numerous people telling you you sound retarded, but you you keep rambling on like your in the middle of a crank binge?
You seem to be the only one riding the short bus since you just admitted that your getting off it which implies that you in fact you do ride it... Congrats im sure mom is proud.


Well-Known Member
bro you being a well known member is probably the biggest achievement of your life. You know that if half the people on here met you in real life they'd have nothing to do with you and I can tell that by the shit you typed here tonight. Thing is I blocked you like 202 mins ago and you still keep trolling....this all you have to do? for real, this all you have right now?
Wasn't talking about myself. I don't consider myself to be a well known member by any means. Looks Like I upset you enough though you won't forget me for awhile. Still would like an ansewr to why you deleted your post if you saw nothing wrong with it and how all this started.

I'm done here and don't want to stupp to this poor kids level anymore then I all ready have. It was fun while it lasted, youy guys can have at him, he's a kick in the pants.

Good night RIU.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
your own intelligence is highly dubious ,if the size or length of your words or its complexity is a defining factor in your perception of others intellect


Well-Known Member
If someone has been a member on here for a year, never made a post and looks at your profile everday would you think that user is shady? Even his avatar is copish! :-?
I can smell youre a lonely scumbag through your IP Address, come on keep talking to someone over the internet that has no interest in what you have to say....tell me thats not pathetic! Come on man its 230am in the morning show how cool you are and try and keep taking jabs at a stranger over the net...that will show everyone how cool you are. I'm waiting i'll give you my attention unlike your father probably did, say something funny, i'll pretend to laugh so you feel better then I can go to bed
There it is ok you insulted a stranger over the internet at 230 in the am, you feel better now? you are a role model! you have to be someone people look up to right? your social skills are off the charts seriously. where is your next stop this AM? an underage chat room to bully some kids over the internet? Geez i'm touched to have met such an intellectual person.
says the shit talker that joined yesterday and has a WHOPPING 54 posts ;)[/QUOT

how are you typing with TW's penis in your hand? your really not taken serious in your day to day life you so have to come in here and try and back another fellow loser at 230 in the morning? i bet you two losers probably live in the same tree house
Obviously not as cool as your story, right? Trolling around looking for shit talking to get into. Never said a word to you but because you hate your pathetic life so much you look for low level social situations on a forum to get into. I bet your a pillar of your community.your the coolest!
I just don't get why in the world someone would troll around spreading negativity and talk shit to an absolute stranger over the internet? blows my mind. dude comes on my thread and tells me a joke I made was "phucking lame", how phucking lame is it he clicked on it and then took the time to tell me how lame it was....i just hate people who act retarded for no reason, talk shit on the internet and the dude is probably someone you wouldn't let take your trash out let alone take advice from. Your absolutely right though! I shouldn't have let the low life get me fired up like that.

Thanks & Cheers!
Dude, are you fucked in the head?

How is it that you are failing to realize that you are doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING that you are spewing in the form of judgments and accusations? Dude, you're paranoid as fuck first of all. Nobody cares that you're smoking some pot after mom and dad fall asleep. You have nothing to worry about. I stopped reading this thread after seeing the last post of yours I quoted. Seriously man, if you can't meditate on it for a minute and realize, you are accusing everybody who thinks you're a twat of "hanging out in online forums looking for kids to troll at 3 AM" yet YOU ARE THE ONE DOING IT, you need to wake the fuck up man.

Or quit smoking pot if you can't handle it in a mature fashion when you are high.

I know I already lost by responding but pic related.

EDIT: Holy shit bro, you spent 2 1/2 hours talking shit to strangers on the internet?

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Well-Known Member
if those are big words to you i rest my case, see i had you peg'd for trash all along.....i'm get'n of the slow bus now have fun loser
im soo glad i saw this thread before i changed my avi no joke was just literally about to do it and seen you got it dammit !!!! Lol great pic


Well-Known Member
Why you guys even arguing its not worth it he said your threads were lame oe somthing who cares just ignore him but if he said that first then yes to calm your nerves he started it now be the better person and ignore him and it dosent matter what your ranking here is just shows experience and that we spend a lot of time here and are respected too unless your name is potroast or is a mod dont worry just sit back and laugh at the fact somebody is waisting energy and time trying to privoke you that dosent even know you or do anything to you


Active Member
never argue with an idiot,theyll be ya with experience and then i wont know whos need a brownie to get to this kids level...sounds like living in a tony montana