This will be my first auto grow dwc...

Civics06- Cannazym or hydroguard- I use the latter and have had res. temps in mid-70's with no issues- couple frozen water bottles per day until you can get product-These grow good bacteria that will eat the bad- do NOT want to get the DREADED root rot( kills a DWC grow quicker than anything- xcept Agent Orange
Civics06- Cannazym or hydroguard- I use the latter and have had res. temps in mid-70's with no issues- couple frozen water bottles per day until you can get product-These grow good bacteria that will eat the bad- do NOT want to get the DREADED root rot( kills a DWC grow quicker than anything- xcept Agent Orange
LOL agent orange haha! Ok, so you when using the cannazym then there really is not a need to use the frozen ice cups? Also, how often would you add the cannazym?
Don't know from use- but follow directions based on res. size and refresh after res. change or burning up x amount of water
LOL agent orange haha! Ok, so you when using the cannazym then there really is not a need to use the frozen ice cups? Also, how often would you add the cannazym?
I am looking on amazon for both products and both have good reviews. The hydroguard seems to only have a 6 month life after opening which would not be good for me because I am only growing one plant at a time which means I would only be using very little out of the bottle. The Cannazym shows a 2 year shelf life but could not find anything yet on the life of product after opening. I may be going with the Cannazym since it is available in 250ml bottles for the half the cost of the other and if I only have to use a little amount, I wont be trashing that much liquid in the long run.
First link was correct-CANNA-Cannazym
The other looked to be plant food(nutes) not bacterial enzyms
Also, I have been checking my water temps and they are running an average of 72-78 degrees F. I know the temps should be around 62-68 degrees from what I researched. This cannazym that you were talking about, should I be using this stuff also right now and if so, how often should I use it?
Use on every water change and yes, if you cant maintain a stedy temp then use it as bad bacteria grows better in warm water.cannazym will kill this.and also if there are any dying roots.
The second 1 pal.dont put any more nitregen in to the plant as it will get that from your veg nutes.
Ok...umm now I am confused. You said the second link is the correct product and another person said the first link. I apologize but I am completely new to all of this. What are the main differences between the two?
Ok...umm now I am confused. You said the second link is the correct product and another person said the first link. I apologize but I am completely new to all of this. What are the main differences between the two?

they are the same. 1L vs 250mL.

if you think you are going to stick with dwc or hydro, you might want to think about investing in an aquarium chiller. pricey but well worth it in the long run. keep your res at 65F and you 'll have the best results.
LOL agent orange haha! Ok, so you when using the cannazym then there really is not a need to use the frozen ice cups? Also, how often would you add the cannazym?
Everytime you change your res.put required amount in and this can last upto 3 weeks.
Ok...umm now I am confused. You said the second link is the correct product and another person said the first link. I apologize but I am completely new to all of this. What are the main differences between the two?
The first one has nitrogen in it which you don't need to add more nitrogen as the plants will get this from veg nutes.
Basically too little nitrogen can be rectifyed by adding more feed.
But too much nitrogen then you will have to flush out and this could mess up your schudule, and also nitrogen is hard too flush if there is too much in the plant.
At the end or harvest you might be waiting for the leaves to turn yellow during ripening and if there is to much nitrogen then this will not happen.
You will then think your plant is not ready but your buds will be.un used nitrogen can create a dank nite like taste in your buds.this is why u flush every 1-2 weeks as this will make sure there isn't a big build up,which can also create nutelock.
they are the same. 1L vs 250mL.

if you think you are going to stick with dwc or hydro, you might want to think about investing in an aquarium chiller. pricey but well worth it in the long run. keep your res at 65F and you 'll have the best results.
If you
Put your fan on the floor directed at your bucket this will cool it and also the breeze from the fan will hit the sidewalls off your grow space and still circulate the air.
As you canopy grows you will take the light higher which will drop the res temp and also not much heat will penetrate through the canopy.
If you
Put your fan on the floor directed at your bucket this will cool it and also the breeze from the fan will hit the sidewalls off your grow space and still circulate the air.
As you canopy grows you will take the light higher which will drop the res temp and also not much heat will penetrate through the canopy.

true but the res will eventually get up to grow room temps of mid 70's. it might take longer with the fan or the shade but it will eventually get there.

65F is also a magic number in that the water will hold the most dissolved oxygen at that temp.

i actually prefer the sterile res method instead of bacteria. i used to use Dutchmaster Zone but can't find it anymore. now I use HTH pool shock. a 1 pound bag will last maybe 5 to 10 years! use at 0.10 grams per 10 gallons.
Thanks everyone for the advice! Right now my water temps are hitting around 77 degrees which I know is too high. I added one frozen water bottle in last night and it dropped the temp down to around 74 degrees. I will try 3 bottles tonight and see how low it will go. Quick question, since the bottles float, would it harm the plant to have the frozen bottles resting against the roots?
I did manage to keep my res temp below 70. I grew in a gloss white wardrobe believe it or not.
The gap inbetween the wardrobe was 3\4 covered with masking tape and gap at the bottom, this gap acted as my air flow intake as I used to leave a window open and this would provide a cooler flow of air in through the gap and directly around the bucket,this is why mine stayed cool. When the plant was a full growth it covered the whole width of my grow space with then stop light getting down into the bottom part off the plant. It looked like a scrogg grow but without the net.
There was an overall temp difference of 5 digree c. From top off canopy to the top of my bucket.
Has anyone tried a Styrofoam cooler with the 5 gallon bucket on the inside and then put blue ice packs around it to bring down the temp?