Those who edibles do nothing to

you tried to drink or eat grapefruit? said to confuse the liver and give more potency to certain drugs

Gosh this thread is turning out just the way I wanted it to, glad you say.

They say distracting your liver with fat and other things will help but not in my case, knowing what I know now, that is not the issue. Liver, distracted or not, HAS to convert it to 11ohthc something most users don’t even know.

To your comment, terpenes can help same way they do in smoking. Myrcene (found in indicas) thin the bloodbrain barrier and make sublingual and other intake more effective. Mango juice high in myrcene.

Tried it, helps, fun fact; it works with smoking too. Did not work for my problem as this has nothing to do with converting molicules through liver which is how we absorb drugs.
A tingly buzz for 15-20 mins is not the 11ohthc high. likely, your liver is highly active, beyond average and might even possess a unique wild type gene, known to shred through a lot of types of drugs, even faster. Breaks the molicule instead of converting it to 11oh. thc.
I've always seemed to have a fairly high tolerance for pretty much any substance I've decided to abuse. I could drink a 5th of vodka, down some xannies, etc, and still be pretty functional. Another thing I generally just attributed to my bulk. Wouldn't surprise me if it is just another way I've managed to lose the genetic lottery, though.
I've always seemed to have a fairly high tolerance for pretty much any substance I've decided to abuse. I could drink a 5th of vodka, down some xannies, etc, and still be pretty functional. Another thing I generally just attributed to my bulk. Wouldn't surprise me if it is just another way I've managed to lose the genetic lottery, though.

It is common even just for high motabolisms in general to have that effect. Low motabolism, you are just wow, gifted. But I think this curse is also why I can get considerably stoned every hour of the day with similar amounts, resets your clock faster naturally.

I think this is why I have such a strong control over tolerance. Half of it resets with just sitting around watching tv for a few hours.

So the benefit is being able to do a monster dab or joint and be able to do something critical in a half hour to come hehe. low motabolism people might need 5 hours instead of 30 mins. Thats my speculation though, I know something about this does to one surpise have some type of benefit.

Like enjoying several different strains in one day! smoking people under the table! haha. Still being able to get called into work at no notice!
fun fact, metabolism has no corration with body fat or weight gain. You could be either while thinking you are one just because of your appearance. How you handle drugs is the best tale sign. cough cough bingers.

I wasn’t coughing to imply nothing, this weed just loud as heck
Are ya out there? Nice to meet ya! I never met anyone alike. Simply don’t produce 11oh.

How do you get by? What technologies have you heard of that are upcoming for those users? Tried extended release, nothing.

If you have no tips, I have one for you, sublingual. Too weak? Because it absorbs slower than smoking, hitting weaker. Sucks. Works though. Did not know rso was sublingual. Thats the best it can get sadly.

Try letting it seep over course of time with low tollerance, multi doses. have fun lol.
Takes like 400 mg to do the trick for me. Always has taken a larger dose, no idea why. I don’t even have that high of a tolerance, smoke like a few ounces a month. Idk
Takes like 400 mg to do the trick for me. Always has taken a larger dose, no idea why. I don’t even have that high of a tolerance, smoke like a few ounces a month. Idk

Same, about 300 minimally but usually its only 45 mins long and this sensation of an incoming sunami of a high that never comes.
Takes like 400 mg to do the trick for me. Always has taken a larger dose, no idea why. I don’t even have that high of a tolerance, smoke like a few ounces a month. Idk

That's about what it takes me to get ripped, but I'll still be stoned the next day. I take up to a gram a day just to stay functional.

If you can't get stoned on RSO then maybe the decard wasn't quite right.
That's about what it takes me to get ripped, but I'll still be stoned the next day. I take up to a gram a day just to stay functional.

If you can't get stoned on RSO then maybe the decard wasn't quite right.
Same. It’s like the dose that gets me high keeps me high the next morning. Lol Guess even with Cannabis it’s all or nothing. Fitting the rest of my life is the same way haha
It is hit or miss every time I do 200 or 400mg of any edible but yes, rso, I have gotten a next day lingering haze effect that was gone by noon but most of the time nothing at all. Hit or miss, when it hits, it is rare and still not the high the thread is about having.

Other wise 400mg plus, it just gives me diarrhea or headache. Not fun. the times I feel a small high are rare at that. I actually recall those times being off 100-200mg. Seems like the less often I try and with less, the better the chance.

Normally people can count on a 20mg piece for effects. What I am talking about can have people on the floor crawling, damn that sounds fun, just not from alcohol.

Below would do nothing at all, ever, unless it is rso but always get tempted to start high since I probably won’t feel anything anyway.

Any large glob of rso should have anyone to where you cannot even deal with them. Stupid high. It just pisses me off and I walk away to SMOKE it off lol.

I have to only consume a strict amount and wait a few weeks to get stupid high each smoke, presenting a struggle for heavy users with said issue. Never quite catch that dragon.

So I just be “dragon” dab tools of concentrate across my banger to compensate.
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“crawling on the floor” if you can take 300mg rso and not be doing that, you take it daily for serious conditions or have a genetic explination. Thats cheating or sad and hope you the best.

Early days research used to have answers that evolved to what this thread concludes is now a myth “youre crapping it all out” “GI track issues” “full or empty stomach” “edibles that werent made right” .

Sorry to type a lot, but there is still no direct solution for this nor is it well understood. But you do always absorb it and process it in your blood and liver and sublingual glands/tissue everywhere in your body.

which explains why you thought you were high but not the real deal. Maybe even taking hundreds to edibles later to find this out. But years from now ?

We actually have to know this at some point. How are we going to get around how effects are produced to where driving laws can reflect? cannabis cafes where youre expected to wait 5 hours before you can drive home because large numbers of people who DO stay high that long? seein sparkles and visual distortions of the road and around you.. How can all this NOT become relevant soon.

They seem to want to study it thouroughly before full blown legalization. Edit: it is relevant, studies show car crashes are increasing with dropping dirty for high concentrations of weed. look it up. That makes us look bad as of now.
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They seem to want to study it thouroughly before full blown legalization.

My ex-cartioligst said the same thing as he stomped out of the room after I told him I didn't have years to wait on them. My regular doctor, about to become another ex, will not discuss it at all. He just says, "I don't believe in marijuna."

Lecithin is the kicker that makes it do what it do.
20% of the Oil volume.
Supercharger. Bioavailability enhancer..... Liposomal Encapsulation....


15 grams of dry ice Kief
3 tablespoons Coconut Oil
2 teaspoon Lecithin.

I'm betting about 4 of these would get the job done. 10 of them at once convinced my neighbor they were LSD and in 5 years he still doesn't believe they were just Cannabis. He was another in a long list of "Edibles don't work on me"

I could never reach or stay endlessly stoned out of my gourd before finding this. Smoking had long stopped doing much beyond steady state. Edibles when they worked were unpredictable at best and took massive amounts.
Lecithin is dirt cheap so if it doesn't work your only out $5.00.
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My ex-cartioligst said the same thing as he stomped out of the room after I told him I didn't have years to wait on them. My regular doctor, about to become another ex, will not discuss it at all. He just says, "I don't believe in marijuna."

That changed, new law. I am suprised the politics or legal news section is not as up to date as I personally am. They are allowed to now officially but they are apprehensive hehe some actually already are fond of it but yeah, theres just a general clash of everything in the industry that every one is curious as to how it will be.

The cannabis genome. The hard work put for quality not corp greed. doctors spending their life telling you weed is bad now suddenly soon suggesting it. farma being a little nervous. No longer a reason to incarcerate (that one is trippy, cops driving past dispensaries hehe)

I dont think doctors or farma will lose out on jack, I depend on plenty of meds that weed actually makes worse without. Not going anywhere.

Lecithin is the kicker that makes it do what it do.
20% of the Oil volume.
Supercharger. Bioavailability enhancer..... Liposomal Encapsulation....


15 grams of dry ice Kief
3 tablespoons Coconut Oil
2 teaspoon Lecithin.

I'm betting about 4 of these would get the job done. 10 of them at once convinced my neighbor they were LSD and in 5 years he still doesn't believe they were just Cannabis. He was another in a long list of "Edibles don't work on me"

I could never reach or stay endlessly stoned out of my gourd before finding this. Smoking had long stopped doing much beyond steady state. Edibles when they worked were unpredictable at best and took massive amounts.
Lecithin is dirt cheap so if it doesn't work your only out $5.00.

Just lectin? I would have to read how that works exactly but isn’t eating foods high in lectin enough? How does it directly help produce 11ohthc?
The next level up from this is to use a heated Ultrasonic cleaner for your processing step. I've not tried it as I get such good results just dumping in the Lecithin.
The next level up from this is to use a heated Ultrasonic cleaner for your processing step. I've not tried it as I get such good results just dumping in the Lecithin.

I am reading the part now that explains, wow, yep its the cyp enzyme or what ever that I kept reading about. Im going to read more now before asking more.
Just lectin? I would have to read how that works exactly but isn’t eating foods high in lectin enough? How does it directly help produce 11ohthc?

It encapsulates the THC / Oil globule and............ Science Stuff.... LMAO
It helps your body make better use of what it has. I'm a hard to stone and it rips my head clean off every day without fail