Well-Known Member
you tried to drink or eat grapefruit? said to confuse the liver and give more potency to certain drugs
Gosh this thread is turning out just the way I wanted it to, glad you say.
They say distracting your liver with fat and other things will help but not in my case, knowing what I know now, that is not the issue. Liver, distracted or not, HAS to convert it to 11ohthc something most users don’t even know.
To your comment, terpenes can help same way they do in smoking. Myrcene (found in indicas) thin the bloodbrain barrier and make sublingual and other intake more effective. Mango juice high in myrcene.
Tried it, helps, fun fact; it works with smoking too. Did not work for my problem as this has nothing to do with converting molicules through liver which is how we absorb drugs.