Thoughts on democrats and republicans.

Geeze, why don't you tell us how you really feel. I think rich "cocksuckers" are the real thieves. They control the "hated" government and pretty much have things their way. You call those poor that recieve any compensation from government thieves, I call rich assholes that take money out of circulation to pass on to their spoiled offspring, thieven bastards. Rhetoric, which is all this arguement is, will solve nothing. Untill people like you pull your selfish head out and start tolerating those that need help as human beings, and people like me start seeing people like you as all right, there will be no progress in this world. So why don't you start, LOL. Now we can proceed to mouth frothing and name calling.

I don’t hate poor people I just don’t think they have a right to other people’s property. Compensation implies they did work. I knew my post was nothing but rhetoric. Why don’t you read it again and you may understand what I was actually saying. See you call me selfish because I don’t want the government taking my money for charity. That bullshit doesn’t work on me. Oh I’m so intolerant for believing in freedom from forced charitable donations. Who has more right to a man’s money; the man who earned it or the people the government thinks deserve it? You realize when you take a man’s money your taking part of his life. He traded time and effort for that he gave up part of the time he has on earth to earn that money but somehow it’s supposed to be ok for the government take that time and give it to another they deem more worthy. And I’m supposed to be evil.

If liberals would actually use their brains they would see how fucking flawed their way of thinking is. For the record I don’t want some preacher telling me I can’t buy beer on Sunday either. I used to think a lot like a liberal but when I was 27 I had to re-evaluate things and saw the error in my ways. Now the only person I blame for my failure’s in life and my shortcomings as a man is myself. As Neil Boortz likes to say “I default to freedom”.

Read your statements and read mine. Ask yourself honestly who spews the hate.
I think it is telling that most college kids lean liberal, but as they get jobs, age, and pay taxes that many turn into conservatives.

What is the difference between taking money from me to give to me neighbors and taking money from America to give to China. Aren't they both forms of wealth redistribution? Aren't we in a 'global society' now? The liberal ideal is to gain more and more power and put everyone on a equal level whether they worked for it or not. Will we in the future tax America to give money to Mexico and Romania to even the field? That is the logical next step for Liberals once they have leveled the playing field in the USA.

BudMcLovin: "
You want to know why a lot of libertarians tend to vote republican? Because it’s easier to get away with breaking laws that try to regulate personal morality than it is to break laws that regulate a fiscal morality."

That is about as close to the reason I vote Republican as it gets. I am really hoping the NH Free State project works out.

"The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance."

Cause the liberals in office that "control" politics aren't rich....oh yeah and they are immune from lobbyist and earmarks. Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Al Gore ect. all multimillionares and the list goes on. I'm sure they get donations from the poor for their campaigns as well ;) That comment was naive...In 2009, in a democratic congress half of its members were millionares. It's roughly a 50/50 split of millionares between parties typically, so all of those bastards are's hypocritical to think the dems are of blue collar stock.

Perhaps a change in thought process is needed. How about: I need to spend less time smoking dope, posting on RIU if things aren't working out for me and work towards a plan to improve my situation, rather than bitch, "hope" and wait for the gov to do it for me. Just a thought. Noone is stealing from you because of their success, you just haven't found your way and gov will never change this for you. They can only inhibit opportunity and the way of life you have taken for granted and not taken advantage of. Quit trying to screw it up for everyone all just boils down to being an immature hater.