Well-Known Member
Hello nerds!
So what is the deal with Subcool??? Half the growing world SWEARS by his gear and say he is the second coming of Jack Herrer himself..... the other half say he sells herm prone, non-stabilized strains, and that he sell himself out just to make some cash.
I know his gear's phenotypes are all over the place, and from what i understand phenotype selection is what the breeder is supposed to do, not the grower. I read that is phenotypes are all the place because he doesnt really bother to stabilize the strain. Leaving us grower with a hodge podge of different plants from the same seeds......
Thoughts on Super soil?? worth it or overrated hype?
just sort of curious on what you "pro" growers think about his company/gear.
Personally i find him annoying as FUCK. His "weed nerd" videos go ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON...... he plays bad music for the 1st half, then talks drama for the other half. I have learned VERY little from his "informative" videos..... he just wax's poetic about lame ass shit that means nothing to me. VaderOG is WAY better for learning and watching imo.....
So is he a joke? Or am i sorely mistaken about him and his gear??
i remember when a whole bunch of seed sellers were newbies to growing. it cracks me up that they buy seeds from a real breeder, make F2s, cross breed F2s, and then brag about how good their shit is and sell it for big $$. funny stuff.
that being said, i got gifted with some subcool genetics and they were quite good. i didn't breed them though.