Thoughts on this LED


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot. My COB unit has to be 6" off the COB's to hit the same PAR #'s as the Stadium light @ 24". Confirmed 600w MH.


Well-Known Member
Hey,off subject of big nuts,I bought one of these to stick in between my 2 x 600 hps's next real research,just a few glances at pertinent info..price was o.k. and I found a stack I hid in a drawer this week,so I didn't care.I just bought it so I could post results from my perspective,and I wanted extra supplemental lighting without redoing my exhaust or hanging tons of extra fixtures..
So..led noob,i don't care if I bought shit ,I it appears I made a decent purchase(depending on who you ask)..opinions on this please?
Good or bad.


Well-Known Member
This thread is intense , looking forward to watching a side by side though
if you guys don't stop slapping Mr king around he will only start crying that your side by side is rigged in some way
because you must work for a rival led company or some shit

maybe let him up a little to lick is wounds , before the real life test begins


Staff member
if you replied to obvious advertisement dude, its been deleted , not because you did anything wrong but because he was using free time to advertise or promote his own company, which you cant do here. just fyi


Well-Known Member
He'd probably buy the advertising time. He says he just spent a million dollars on a shipment of leds directly from CREE.

We all know how the test results are going to come out regardless.


Well-Known Member
Probably not. You see how it's an 8x8 array? Those are 64W rated epistar multichips (64x1W). There's no way they could be running them at 200W each, and that would be poor efficiency and lifespan if they did.

It's an epistar multichip array, and doesn't have the same efficiency as cxa3070 or vero series.

Those multichips cost about 20 dollars on ebay. It might be better to just get HPS.

The link i left above,in your opinion..good starter purchase? Shit?
You seem to know your shit more than septic repair man,is why I ask...
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Well-Known Member
Probably not. You see how it's an 8x8 array? Those are 64W rated epistar multichips (64x1W). There's no way they could be running them at 200W each, and that would be poor efficiency and lifespan if they did.

It's an epistar multichip array, and doesn't have the same efficiency as cxa3070 or vero series.

Those multichips cost about 20 dollars on ebay. It might be better to just get HPS.

I trust you know whats up,I just wanted to know if I did good..oh well,I'm gonna use it anyways,just to see what it'll be in between 2 x 600hps in a 8x4 tent,so if it doesn't do squat I'm still good;-)
Can't even believe their stats..all companies suck!! You say 1w,their page says 3w!
Thing is I usually trust the party that has no vested interest in my money,nor doing anything to get're just telling it like it is for no reason other than truth and morality.more companies need to take a note from you,wether they manufacture superior lights or not..honesty is the best deal cincher...
much respect!! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I like how you think it is a lot of money this is why I wanted to hear experience on this plus LEDs do well with FLIR Cameras by the PD and DEA not that I would indulge in such acts : )
I just saw something on tv the other day that says the US Supreme Court ruled on a case and said that the police cannot use thermal imaging to establish probably cause. They first have to have a warrant to use the thermal imaging. Im sure that wont stop them though.


Well-Known Member
I just saw something on tv the other day that says the US Supreme Court ruled on a case and said that the police cannot use thermal imaging to establish probably cause. They first have to have a warrant to use the thermal imaging. Im sure that wont stop them though.
I just googled "Supreme Court thermal imaging" and found nothing since it's 2001 decision. It's possible a circuit or state court ruled in a way which conflicts. That would only apply to folks in that jurisdiction.

Be careful posting information like that (the potential ramification).


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot. My COB unit has to be 6" off the COB's to hit the same PAR #'s as the Stadium light @ 24". Confirmed 600w MH.
Can you summarize? You've mentioned 500w (actual) SKL, 1000w HPS, 600w MH and four COBs of unstated wattage. Does the SKL appear to produce more or less light? (taking into account coverage, not merely center intensity). Any conclusion you'd make? As good, better, worse?

FWIW: I don't agree with the deletion of SKL's posts. I thought it was an informative thread and was leading to more objective conclusions. I feel bad about it because I invited him to the thread. So, if his posts constituted spam, that was my fault.

I just thought it odd that he uses Crees, stresses efficiency, and had such a negative view of COBs. We never know who might find a better way. I was leaning largely toward rory's "douchy" conclusion. But, unfortunately we (and anyone who finds this thread in the coming years) will know less about this topic.

I'm trying to understand more about this with Sunni. For example, why eraserhead can post about his lights, defend himself against complaints, etc.


Well-Known Member
The PAR # at the bottom of page 3 are not for his light, but the one I had made in China with this hood. Mine is using 288 Cree XBD's, but uses the same heatsink.

The COB unit I was comparing to, I also had made for me in China. It uses 4 Bridgelux chips (not Vero's) and meanwell drivers that draws 195 watts at the wall. So far, I have pulled a pound with 4 of these. 2 over a 2x4 tray X2(4 a total of under 800w). Around the 15th, I will know what 200 watts over a 2x4 tray can do.

Forget the 1000w HPS, I wasn't able to test it at anything but 24", that is our test light for checking ballasts (cannot move it). We do have a 600w MH lighting our back shed, that is what I was able to get PAR readings from. 500w LED @ 4' = 260 / 600w MH @ 4' = 95
500w LED @ 2' = 854 / 600w MH @ 2' = 260


Well-Known Member
Just saw this video posted at icmag. SKL posted it to youtube yesterday.

He seems to refer to the challenge/criticism he received here. He ends by saying he'll chop those plants, weigh the results, publish for everyone to see, kind of holds up his hands in a "what else can I do, I'm the victim" gesture. But, no mention of a PAR grid chart. :)

Still trying to understand why his posts were deleted. Sunni said he had to pay for advertising in order to post here. I'm trying to understand if that means A51/eraserhead pays to post. I don't think people know that representation may be a result of paying for access. (I may have this wrong. Still waiting to learn more.).


Well-Known Member
They are all very foxtailed and fluffy. But the 1K and DE are killing it comparitavley. I wonder what strain that is.

Chill about EH...getting pretty close to rating out...and I hope that is not your intentions. He was a memeber years before he started a51... he is EH, not a51 per say. And he very well could pay his dues too. But he was an LED'er that took his hobby to the next level and still is around here occasionally.


Well-Known Member
They are all very foxtailed and fluffy. But the 1K and DE are killing it comparitavley. I wonder what strain that is.

Chill about EH...getting pretty close to rating out...and I hope that is not your intentions. He was a memeber years before he started a51... he is EH, not a51 per say. And he very well could pay his dues too. But he was an LED'er that took his hobby to the next level and still is around here occasionally.


Well-Known Member
Chill about EH...getting pretty close to rating out...and I hope that is not your intentions.
Are you saying I'm facing some consequences if I continue? (Not sure what you're trying to say.).

I'm just trying to understand why SKL's posts were deleted when he didn't seem to be doing anything more than others do. Just used A51/EH as an example. PetFlora's "tester for hire" comes to mind too.

To me it's disappointing because this thread could have been something that could have been referred to in the future. For example, someone on icmag just asked about SKL. This thread would have been the perfect "everything you want to know" both from the skeptics as well as the seller's defense against the skeptics.

I can understand deleting the typical AliExpress guy who signs up and says "contact us for best prices!" But, I invited the guy to discuss his particularly unusual stance (playing up efficiency while having no respect for COBs). He was hardly "pumping" his product because we were challenging his claims, leading him to conclusive data.

I'm disappointed. It seems you're suggesting I'll report A51/EH. That's not my point. I don't think sunni would have taken action unless someone reported SKL as spam. I have to ask why other posts aren't reported. It calls into question the representation of those other posts. That they're overrepresented due to fear of other lights? (Isn't that the implication when open speech is discouraged?).


Well-Known Member
Why should that person be trusted to tell the truth AZ? Or grow an honest grow? That design is so old in LED years, he's as full of shit as anyone. He didn't build it, he didn't design it. He just sells them and I wouldn't believe a word him and his psuedo-hippie act says. Fuck man we can get his shit for 200-300 bucks a sample.

It's nice to be positive and open but it doesn't mean everyone should be believed. This man is an LED salesman which makes him one step up from a used car salesman. Sometimes the folks around here just want to believe in something so bad for reasons I can't fathom. Go to the website AZ and read. It's filled with the same BS as all the other profit driven LED re-sellers. I hope he eats everyone of those warehouse lights that are about as efficient as a Chinese BS panel just with more kick. And EH doesn't sell his panels here, he discusses and defends them. PetFlora is a spammer and a salesman who after x amount of complaints got the riot act read to him.

Mods please lock and delete this thread


Well-Known Member
Why should that person be trusted to tell the truth AZ?
If he had no merit, what was wrong with that being documented in a form that could be infinitely referenced in the future? If his claims were baseless, then his posts would be the equivalent of digging his own hole. Ultimately it was leading to a PAR-grid chart comparison -- or that he'd never produce that information. Why should everything leading up to (and including) that conclusion not exist?

IMO, silencing that kind of conversation does nothing except call into question whether he was really that wrong. I mean, if someone repeats information from his 101 page the discussion will go something like this:

"He was here discussing that... and we were getting to the point of a PAR-grid chart which should have proved he's full of it. But, his posts were deleted because he was so full of it that we didn't need to wait for that. We deleted his posts to protect you from what he was saying. Or, because we have *rules*. And rules are *rules*. (even though they're selectively enforced)."​

I don't think the average person would find that persuasive. It will be even less persuasive when "the entire thread was deleted because we have to protect you from the discussion about him."

I'm disappointed. It suggests a "lockstep" culture which I don't believe exists.


Well-Known Member
And EH doesn't sell his panels here, he discusses and defends them.
How was that not what the SKL guy was doing? He didn't come here and start a thread. An RIU member asked about the light. I saw SKL's rather startling emphasis on quality and efficient diodes compared to his complete lack of respect for COBs. I referred him to this thread because that's quite an odd position to have.

PetFlora is a spammer and a salesman who after x amount of complaints got the riot act read to him.
According to him he was threatened into silence because he wouldn't conform to the dominant view. I don't believe that for reasons I've stated elsewhere. But, this episode isn't as contrary to pet's claims as I'd like it to be. :? That's all I'm saying.