Threatening the POTUS

Nearly every politician disrespects people. This is evidenced by the fact they believe they can legitimately possess rights which other people do not have and thus cannot be given to politicians.

Can a person delegate a right they do not have ? No, they cannot.

So, I ask anybody here to explain how a politician can then gain a right from a bunch of people all of whom who do not possess that right(s) ?

Nobody has answered the question directly above yet.
Because we are ruled just like the British we chased back to England?
he's a piece of shit. you earn respect by conducting yourself as a respectable person. i've yet to see obama do that. reap what you sow.
When it comes to shit you should be an expert. Everything about you screams feces. But being a foul load of shit also taints everything you touch. Your "thoughts" pure shit. Youve got fecal breath and it probably not just from making out with @zeddd.
I have heard and remember plenty of disrespect toward Bush, I have also never witnessed a president like Obama who disparages his own country like he does, never in history has there been a president who so regularly mocks, ridicules, and calls out his own country, so unfortunately for him, you kinda reap what you sow in that respect, and that is my observation.

can you give us some examples, or is this your dementia speaking again, socko?

You're 45 and you have seen no other president disrespected?

You are marginally below average intelligence. There is nothing wrong with that. You fit right in with the other lefty dumb bells here on RIU.

remember that one time you joined a white supremacy group, and spent months trying to deny it before i called you out on it?

that was hilarious. mostly for me. not so much for you.
Has the SPLC designated Black Lives Matter as a hate group yet?

have you declared your entire life to be a failure yet?

you're a grown person (not a man) and can't even wrangle up $800 to keep your silly little "defend the roost (from dark skinned people)" event going! your wife is morbidly obese and your two sons are both losers. one couldn't make it through basic training and the other is an alcoholic.

with all that going for you, i can see why you spend your days trying to convince yourself that at least you're better than black people simply because you are white.

when you have nothing else to be proud of in life, there is always white pride.
Has the SPLC designated Black Lives Matter as a hate group yet?

The GED exam is hard, though.

how'd you do on the police exam?

i pulled off a few practice questions. my labrador could answer them.

Police Practice Test
Take this free practice test to see what types of questions you may face on a police officer entrance exam. Many police departments and law enforcement agencies use the National Police Officer Selection Test (POST), which focuses primarily on math, reading comprehension, grammar and writing skills.

1. Officer Smith often works as a drug-use prevention officer in the local public schools. He visits three schools a week, 40 weeks out of the year. How many schools does he visit in a year?

a. 100

b. 110

c. 120

d. 130

2. A robbery suspect has been arrested. The judge in the case has set bail at one million dollars. The bail bondsman requires a 10% deposit to issue a bail bond. What portion of the one million dollars does the robbery suspect need to pay to get the bail bond?

a. $100,000

b. $10,000

c. $1,000

d. $100
how'd you do on the police exam?

i pulled off a few practice questions. my labrador could answer them.

Police Practice Test
Take this free practice test to see what types of questions you may face on a police officer entrance exam. Many police departments and law enforcement agencies use the National Police Officer Selection Test (POST), which focuses primarily on math, reading comprehension, grammar and writing skills.

1. Officer Smith often works as a drug-use prevention officer in the local public schools. He visits three schools a week, 40 weeks out of the year. How many schools does he visit in a year?

a. 100

b. 110

c. 120

d. 130

2. A robbery suspect has been arrested. The judge in the case has set bail at one million dollars. The bail bondsman requires a 10% deposit to issue a bail bond. What portion of the one million dollars does the robbery suspect need to pay to get the bail bond?

a. $100,000

b. $10,000

c. $1,000

d. $100

Gorsh... Those questions weren't on the GED exam.

Email Barbie says, "security is hard".
When the federal deficit increases more under his watch that all the other presidents combined, you must be obama

When you Attack the Bill of Rights at every chance you get, you must be obama

When your AG oversees sending automatic weapons to the Mexican cartels and those weapons kill civilians, cops, and are used in the Paris Islamic massacre, you must be obama

When you put someone with a long history of abusive use of power and zero redeeming qualities in the State dept...and put them in charge of it, you must be obama

When you have killed 10x more civilians with drone strikes than actual targets and brag that you are really good at killing people you must be obama

When one of your main election platforms is how unjust the war(s) are and then not get us out you must be obama

When you say Guantanamo Bay should be closed and make it part of your election campaign, yet 8 years later it's still there you must be obama

When you won't call a spade a spade when it comes to Islamic terrorists and leave our borders wide open and make every effort to make people think they are just racist for noticing the trend you must be obama

None of those things deserve respect. Because you were elected to office, doesn't make you untouchable. The notion that obama is the most disrespected is ridiculous. Obama is practically phalaciated at every turn by the main stream media. He hasn't had a single tough interview and is almost always portrayed as positive in media. I'm no bush fan, but gw was lambasted by EVERY main stream media outlet (exc maybe fox but I don't count them as they are clearly shills)

You're 45 and you have seen no other president disrespected?

You are marginally below average intelligence. There is nothing wrong with that. You fit right in with the other lefty dumb bells here on RIU.

No. It's called selective recall. And having a race baiting agenda.
How many times have you ever seen it done directly to his face? And why do people act like this fucking country can't be criticized? There is a lot fucked up about this place. That's why Americans walk around with this aire of exceptionalism that is completely misplaced. This country is just about average at everything, except military spending, which is really nothing to brag about. What is this country actually exceptional at?
idiots posting in a politics thread on a dope growing forum