Threatening the POTUS

When the federal deficit increases more under his watch that all the other presidents combined, you must be obama

when you confuse the federal debt with deficit, you must be retarded. or a simpleton. or a bit of each?

guess you were absent when they taught you in high school that Congress is in charge of the federal budget?

i'll break it down for ya.

let's say your mommy gives you $5 for your allowance. if you spend $6, you have a budget deficit. if you spend $4, you have a budget surplus.

Clinton and Obama both believe in surplus. GOP believes a deficit is OK.

You're 45 and you have seen no other president disrespected?

You are marginally below average intelligence. There is nothing wrong with that. You fit right in with the other lefty dumb bells here on RIU.
No, have you? Feel free to provide any examples the you may have of such behavior. I'll wait.

i'll break it down for ya.

let's say your mommy gives you $5 for your allowance. if you spend $6, you have a budget deficit. if you spend $4, you have a budget surplus.

Clinton and Obama both believe in surplus. GOP believes a deficit is OK.

is that why the debt has increased more under obama than every president before him, combined? save your low intelligence humor for the klan rally. you know, since we are talking about party root? and people are either ignorant or gloss over the fact the democratic party invented jim crow laws, filibustered the civil rights bill, and made the kkk. and you highly intelligent people call Trump mold that narrative big boy.
marg.jpeg margaret-sanger-quote.jpg marg2.jpg

lmao, and THIS person is fit to be president and super smart people call Trump a fuking racist. so much lol.


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is that why the debt has increased more under obama than every president before him, combined? save your low intelligence humor for the klan rally. you know, since we are talking about party root? and people are either ignorant or gloss over the fact the democratic party invented jim crow laws, filibustered the civil rights bill, and made the kkk. and you highly intelligent people call Trump mold that narrative big boy.

isn't the KKK actively campaigning for trump right now? aren't they even planning to attend the convention to show their support for trump?
lmao, and THIS person is fit to be president and super smart people call Trump a fuking racist. so much lol.

nice try. let's get our facts straight. since yours are false about ms. sanger.

Claims like this have been examined by PolitiFact before. Back in March, New Hampshire Rep. William O’Brien claimed Sanger was an "an active participant in the Ku Klux Klan." That claim was rated false.

And in 2011, businessman and GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain said Planned Parenthood’s early mission was to "help kill black babies before they came into the world." That statement was rated Pants on Fire.

Carson’s statement pulls on the same threads.

Sanger was indeed a believer in eugenics, but the basic concept that humanity could be improved by selective breeding was an article of faith for many in the years before World War II. Winston Churchill, Herbert Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells all supported the movement. African-American leader W. E. B. Du Bois backed many of its principles as well.

ps. Trump is STILL a racist. Just like his daddy.
when you confuse the federal debt with deficit, you must be retarded. or a simpleton. or a bit of each?

guess you were absent when they taught you in high school that Congress is in charge of the federal budget?

Both are related in the sense that some people use force to decide how the fruit of other persons labor will be spent.

If you or I did these things, it would be stealing, except when the magical government does it, it magically is transformed into "not stealing".

Speaking of confused people...

Would you agree some people believe the same action if done by two different classes of people can mean two different things ?

Theft if you or I use force to assign debt to people without their explicit consent, "not theft" if the masters do it. Confusing huh?