Thrips Help

Hey guys iv got a thrip problem. I seem to get them every time I get cuttings. Anyways Im 4 weeks into flowering, and I dont really want to spray the plants. Im growing Hydroponicly (automatic drip-system) in hyrodton. What can I do? Aza Max? Neem?


i have the exsact same problem but its the first time iv even heard of them! but im growing in soil if you get a soloution before me would u mind sharing with me mate? cheers


hello again, been havin a read up n looking at other forums etc, and it seems the best bet because were a fair bit into flowering is to ride it out and things should turn out okay, if the problem isnt to bad, because anything u give them now might ruin the taste of her. there are strips etc if there flying but mine arnt at the moment, so personally think im going to leave them n cross my fingers, just once i harvest i will have to give the room a really good scrub and get rid of every trace of them, because i use the same room for drying, let me know what you decide


Well-Known Member
Prevent: Keeping clean habits is the only defense against a thrip infestation. These tiny insects will go unnoticed even by the most cautious grower until they reach damaging levels.
Identify: The thrip is commonly a greenhouse pest. It is difficult for the thrip to reproduce in large quantities outdoors and they must hitchhike into indoor gardens. These little guys are TINY! Thrips can be almost any color, move very quickly and have wings. They can be hard to see individually however detection should not be difficult. Thrips have a tendency to move in herds together, ripping tiny strips off the top of your leaves and drinking juices below. This can deprive plants leaves of chlorophyll so thoroughly they become brittle, dark, and crumble. Tiny black lines present across leaf surface, thats their toilet. The flying thrip can easily infest your garden very quickly if protected from outdoor conditions. The female thrip bores a hole into plant matter and leaves her eggs there in a hole so small you will need a magnifying glass to even know it is there. Apologies, I've been saving the worst for last. In marijuana the thrip prefers to thrive, eat, shit and reproduce primarily inside buds. Shaking branches will send these pests flying and jumping for other places.

Repression: Forced air circulation using powerful enough fans to move air throughout your greenhouse or growroom can keep the thrip from being able to hang on or move. Regular misting of water will flood the thrips on the leaves and slow their travel, reproduction, and ability to damage your plant. Sticky traps will help, however the thrip is happy eating in the same area for its entire life cycle. Low migration reduces effectiveness of sticky traps.
Predators: Nearly any predatory mite is effective in combating thrips. Parasitic wasps may also be used, however the sheer numbers of thrips limits their ability.
Manual Removal: You might be able to see herds of the tiny specks moving around your plant, crushing these will reduce their numbers of course but is not effective overall.
Spray: Pyrethrum or insecticidal soap sprayed 2-4 times at 5-10 day intervals will nuke thrips back to the stone age.


Well-Known Member
I've actually got a thread dealing with all this shit right at the top of the forum in case you get any more bugs, the post above is just copy/pasted. Check it out for pictures, the damage thrips do is pretty specific so you can be sure fairly easily.

4th week of flowering? I'd spray now man, the thrips will not leave and they're just going to keep eating. Insecticidal soap isn't persistent, neither is pyrethrum, I'd take care of this now.


thanks for that mate, where can i find these? could i be a real pain n would you mind finding me what i could use on ebay im from uk, because well im bloody useless and your help will really help!


got a friend to run down to hydro shop because he had same prob, same cuttings, so cheers but i hopfully should be okay!