Thundercat's Groooooooow

MOrning guys, atleast for a few more minutes :). Thought I'd drop in and post a couple pics I took last night. Just a few randoms of the veg room, clones, and the new tester seedlings. As of last night 8 out of 10 were above/breaking ground, and one more looking like it was about to. Not bad for 24hrs :).

Heres my mothers and a couple more mature clones. The 1khps box there for size referance.

Heres my current batch of clones just about ready to fill that tray back up. I hope I have room honestly I went kinda crazy and took over 20 clones.

Last but not least, here is the Sin City Seeds "Original Power x Sin's OG". I havn't heard any talk about a name yet so we'll see what developes.

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday, and had a good weekend. I've been fighting a cold, but otherwise doing real well. With having the cold I can't taste or smelll anything, but I can say the Ultra sour is some nice smoke. Super smooth, and a real fun high.
Strong clean Veg work Cat.

Get well soon!


Thanks buddy, always glad to see ya! Those girls were chopped back immensely when I took that batch of clones. Since I put them on a reservoir when I went to Arizona they are growing so much faster. I've always hand watered my veg area on purpose for that reason, to kinda control the growth some. I'm glad they are happy though, as long as they don't mind getting chopped back. Its almost that time again. With these new seedlings I won't need to take a huge batch next time, but always gotta have fresh clones the right age around :).
Yes TC, having extra growth is a nice thing. I have only had
one plant freak out from getting chopped down, so just hack
when you need to.

Here's to vigor for those clones Dr!

I have been trying to get my 20 San Diego clonys (the new
word I am trying to embed...) to give clones, as that is when
they can go into flower. Well, they are resisting! :0)

GDP and Green Crack gave one up, so they are slotted for the tent.
It sucks only 2 of them managed to take so far. I'm sure more will come along. How long has it been now? I've had the random clone take well over 2 weeks before. Usually I start seeing roots around a week on things. I hate it when one doesn't take and you were really counting on it though. I had one of my tester plants last year that I loved how it turned out, but then I realized after the fact that it was one of 2 clones that hadn't survived.
My Cherry Pie is ridiculous slow at cloning. I think I found the hitch though. Often I take small clones to slow down the veg...LOL I take clones 2-3wks into flower sometimes for this reason also. The CP just wants to be a bigger cut to root well. Problem is it is not a prolific vegger.. worth dealing with though.

I have been doing good at not killing anything off lately. LOL
My Cherry Pie is ridiculous slow at cloning. I think I found the hitch though. Often I take small clones to slow down the veg...LOL I take clones 2-3wks into flower sometimes for this reason also. The CP just wants to be a bigger cut to root well. Problem is it is not a prolific vegger.. worth dealing with though.

I have been doing good at not killing anything off lately. LOL
I found I was getting too greedy with trying to take small cuts too. The CP for me was also slow to clone, slow to veg, so they were small going into flower as well. The shark shock is similar so far although Ive yet to get a good plant to harvest.
Hey chaka good to see ya! So not loving the shark shock?

So I apparently saw your guys posts on here the other night while I was tripping, and completly thought it was JD's thread. I checked out the pics and only caught a little of the conversation, then moved on at the time. Didn't realize till just now when i saw Chaka's post that it was infact my thread, lmao.

Hehe that being said, got some more good acid the other day :). Just had a single hit trip the other night to try it out, and had lots of fun as usual. Still got plenty for a couple more, should be a blast.

My little seedlings are looking good. One more sprouted so I've got 9/10 growing now. The last one tried to sprout but twisted it self up under the peat and i broke it when I tried to check on it :(. So 10/10 on germination from the testers.

I put about 18(give or take a couple I didn't count) of the rooted clones into the tray the other night. I just put the strongest looking ones in since I had way more then I needed anyway. I also chopped back all the moms. That made me sad because I didn't use any of the cuts as clones. It filled my little garbage can. I'll be taking another clone batch in a week or so when they grow back up, but if I took it now I would run completely out of room.