Thundercat's Groooooooow

Still got some refining to do I suppose, and a few experiments I wanna try, but i've been pretty happy :). I still wanna grab a vacuum pump some time and see what happens just for the fun of it. I'm still not gonna heat it so it might not do anything.
The freezing was one of the biggest things that changed my extracts. Having it all real cold, and keeping it cold helps so much to keep down the amount of chlorophyll that gets pulled out of the material. Be fast with your washes and don't be scared it won't yield enough. If the material is good the yield will be good period. The 95% will work good for ya for sure man. I also gotta push the whole no heat natural evap. I know I use a tiny bit of warmth from the dehumidifer, but it really is just warmth.
I really wanna devise a way to do the whole process including the evap in a walk in cooler kept in the 40s. I bet I could get an even nicer terpene profile if the solution never got about room temp.

Edit: well shit JD you gotta do a test run for us with and without the filteration. I'd love to see the difference.
The best way to do this is to use a vacuum flask:

TC, I will surely share results if I do try this.....time to see if I can dig them up.
