Thundercat's Groooooooow

fuckin awesome bro i been wanting to get or build a cloner for a while i hope urs works out great and ur glass work is getting good i havent blown any glass in a while cause i get pissed when i finish a badass piece and then it cracks cause i dont have a kiln and have u ever made latchino where u put different color glass on a piece of clear rod and then u twist and spin it to make a awesome color rod its a good tech, just curious where do u get ur glass i get mine from sundance i need to upgrade my torch as well and get the little handheld torch for detailed work to many hobbies not enough time hahaha ne ways have u ever seen kravinglass hes a beast got his own website he does great work check it out sometime

Kravin does some awesome stuff, crazy sculptural work! It reminds me of Salt's work. Have you seen this video?

Those guys are EPIC!! RAM taught a class last year at the shop I've been learning at. I've got to see a few videos from it, he seems really cool, and obviously a glass master.

I don't think any of the canes I've made would actually be called lattacino. I have been striping the color onto a 12mm clear rod and then encasing it with 8mm clear. Melting it all together and condensing it while i twist it all up. Then shaping it.

As for the color I've been using it was a glass alchemy sampler pack I got. I actually bought 2 of them since I got them for 50% off from frantzartglass It ended up being like 3lbs of glass for like $30 plus shipping. Its been helping me learn about the flame chemistry some, and get to work with a bunch of different types of color. I havn't seen my last cane I made with crayon yellow, but I think I managed not to boil it :). I REALLY need to get a torch at my house so I can work alot more.
Just put another 12 in to flower, a mix of blue og, and ultra sour mostly. I also threw my sinmint male clone in there to get some pollen ready for another cross project with these other plants flowering. I decided to put my little ??? plant that started outside in to flower as well. I figured why the hell not, lol. If it turns out really nice I'll try to reveg it, its always fun to try something new.
for sure always good to try new stuff! Trading clones is fun that way. Lots of variety without all the work... LOL Be careful outdoors there buddy... :-)
I don't get much access to the huge clone variety you guys do out west there, but occasionally something comes along :).

lol the outdoor plant never got more then 1 set of leaves. I was just fooling around seeing if a couple random seeds would actually germ. Once it was up and had its first leaves I cut the stem off and cloned it. It rooted pretty fast, and vegged for about a week and a half now. Its only got about 5 nodes :). I think it was a seed from a tangerine power, but I have no real clue until it shows me some flowering traits.
Kravin does some awesome stuff, crazy sculptural work! It reminds me of Salt's work. Have you seen this video?

Those guys are EPIC!! RAM taught a class last year at the shop I've been learning at. I've got to see a few videos from it, he seems really cool, and obviously a glass master.

I don't think any of the canes I've made would actually be called lattacino. I have been striping the color onto a 12mm clear rod and then encasing it with 8mm clear. Melting it all together and condensing it while i twist it all up. Then shaping it.

As for the color I've been using it was a glass alchemy sampler pack I got. I actually bought 2 of them since I got them for 50% off from frantzartglass It ended up being like 3lbs of glass for like $30 plus shipping. Its been helping me learn about the flame chemistry some, and get to work with a bunch of different types of color. I havn't seen my last cane I made with crayon yellow, but I think I managed not to boil it :). I REALLY need to get a torch at my house so I can work alot more.
Dude that is bad ass bro! i hope all is well i have been crazy busy and trying to make my rounds. I have my new flower room framed up, and will be back around more soon just have to get this girls in to flower so i can be ready for the led garden when it finishs in a month or so.
Things are going really good here Doc! I saw your octagon, its looking sweet.

We had a nice weekend. The grandparents wanted to take my daughter to see a movie and kept her for the weekend. So my wife and I got some quiet time. The weather was gorgeous. We visited with some old friends we hadn't seen in a while, slept in, went bike riding, and made some yummy steaks for dinner. Had a real nice day. Then we ate a few hits of WOW and tripped face all night :).

The plants are looking pretty good. After culling the males last week I think, there were 6 tester plants left. 4 that are taller,and more sativa dom, and 2 that are much more indica dominant, thick leaves, shorter, and thick heavy stems. I took one of the tester plants (number 6) out and chopped it the other night. It was coverer in bananas. I found a few on 2 of the others, but not many so I just plucked them. They were all on the taller phenos. Both the shorter phenos were clean so far, but I'm gonna watch them all closer now. I was a little bummed, but I feel pretty confident its genetic since none of my other strains are doing it.....
We had a nice weekend. The grandparents wanted to take my daughter to see a movie and kept her for the weekend. So my wife and I got some quiet time. The weather was gorgeous. We visited with some old friends we hadn't seen in a while, slept in, went bike riding, and made some yummy steaks for dinner. Had a real nice day. Then we ate a few hits of WOW and tripped face all night :). are wise beyond your years, and very, very lucky (but feel free to ignore the latter ;0).
Lol JD I don't know how wise I am, but sometimes I get pretty lucky. This sheet of wow just kinda fell in my lap :), and after working a little trade it was basically free. We left a few hits with our friends when we saw them, and they spent the next day spun also. It was their first time, which was fun to facilitate. I love being able to share and spread some love :P
They said they literally had the best time of their lives, which was a pretty great report. Oh yeah, and the moon the other night when we were tripping was ridiculous to say the least. It was soooo bright, and there were some awesome clouds.

I try to use my head though. Its always kept me out of any real trouble. Getting the motorcycle a few years ago was prolly one of the stupidest things I've done, but I would not be were I am if that hadn't all happened. I'm still trying to figure out a job I can get into and actually enjoy. I'm gonna need alot more experience before the glass blowing will be paying any bills. I've got till February to figure it all out, and actually start working.

How did your interview go?
Always got plants going man :). The latest pics are a page or 2 back, but all is going real well. I've got about 42 flowering right now, a mix of clones from my moms and tester plants for Sin City seeds. Those are starting to bud up real well now.

Soon I'm going to be starting a batch of my "Sin-D99" that I breed last fall to try to find something special. I've also got a clone from the Sinmint Cookie father of that strain that I"m gonna cross with a few of my other strains as well. Its all ready to flower, but I wanna give the females a week or so head start to try to ensure I get some good viable seeds. I'm planning on pollinating 4 other strains with that male, which will give me 5 total crosses. That will give me more seeds then I'll be able to work for along time.

I'm also working on an idea to try to get more space, but I don't know if or when that will pan out.
Man i need to get with you and see if the fairy can fly so of that magic dust my why. I have a couple of plant that would love it. I bet i would do real nice on the cut of blue moonshine i picked up. 42 is a lot of girls i layed out the shelves last night and the new room will be 48 2 gal plants. I will get new 3 gal bags at some point as they will fit ang hold about 2 3\4 gal of soil in there. Damn a sheet and i would be ruined manlast time i had some was 9 hits new years 2000 in Amsterdam. Boy was that a night to remember:fire:
Ok guys sorry it took me so Lin to reply. My computer went down the other day and my wife has the phone most if he time. I'm here and alive though .

Qwiso I ran the nightmare og. It turned out good, but I wouldn't say the couple I had were outstanding so I didn't keep either. I've still got 4-5 seeds to try again though. Did you start yours yet?

So doc did you eat those nine hits all at once? I think that would wreck me too. The most I've ate at once is 4 hits. I normally have a great time with 2-3 though. It's been lots of fun having enough to redose after the first few hours.

So your gonna be running 48 in the new cab? Nice, gonna be a production box for sure. I'm sure some fairy dust could make it to your BM.
Yea i eat 4 rolls that night then found a guy with liquid and took 6 hits. Latter we found a guy with paper and got 3 more. You could not walk three steps with out having a guy try and sell you some thing. Hell yea i bet SM x BM would be some epic hard golfball nugs, and yes i am setting this one up to produce. It will be a big mult strain grow but next roun will be three of the best yeild\dank cuts and see what i can force out of 1 600.
Nice man sounds like it should rock! I'll get some dude dust collected in prolly a week and a half I just put him back into flower Friday night, just shoot me a pm. All the girls I'm gonna cross have started setting flowers so I think they should be just perfect when he has dust ready.

That's how I've heard Amsterdam was I had a friend that went a few months ago and had some crazy stories. I don't know if I'm adventurous enough for unknown drugs from strangers.
That's A little dissapointing to hear.
Well I've got 3 alien nightmare going and 3 crossed with tga's deep purp. That purp cross smells sooo good. The 1 male smells the best and cause I'm bored I'm gonna hit one of the regular alien nm's with it and see what happens.
I'm moving my grow to a different location currently.
Man my next harvest is gonna be pretty crappy everything is unhealthy. A few actually died cause I haven't watered. I'm just gonna do an open pollination in there with cheese and the flav to
I wouldn't be disappointed with the nightmare yet unless they are not liking well. Mine were good plants, they grew easily and smoked, tasted and smelled good. I just have/had a lot of different strains going and they didn't stand out above and beyond some others. You might absolutely live them, and your cross is different too so who knows.

Yields have been pretty good here this summer, but I had a few real weak ones last fall into this winter.

So I'm pretty excited. I may be starting to work regularly at the glass shop. I started learning to do some production and prep work this week. The owner was talking to me yesterday about how I want to get payed. It seems like if I can do a good job I may be able to turn it into a real job.