Thundercat's Groooooooow

I started off kinda going military, for the dependability, and got
a Beretta 92FS 9 mm and a Mossberg 590.

Then I added some surplus, with an amazing Swedish Mauser
and then a Czech CZ-52 that fires the Tokerev round.

We go target shooting on BLM land....anywhere less obscure and
some turd will pop out of thin air to complain because Guns and
because California.


Its all the IDIOTS using guns the wrong way that make the news. I wish common sense was really common... LOL! Did you hear about the little 9yo girl who shot her gun range instructor with and UZI in AZ? I am thinking 12 is the lowest age for hunter safety no? .... maybe no uzi for a 9yo..
Its all the IDIOTS using guns the wrong way that make the news. I wish common sense was really common... LOL! Did you hear about the little 9yo girl who shot her gun range instructor with and UZI in AZ? I am thinking 12 is the lowest age for hunter safety no? .... maybe no uzi for a 9yo..
Guns are toys bra.
i do not own any hand guns but i do have rifles, shotguns, black powder rifle, and a bow.

All are used for hunting during different seasons of the year. But i do not hunt as much as i used to. i have taken enough game and it is all fun for big game until you pull the trigger, then the work starts.
So I went to "work" this morning at the glass shop. We take a few dabs and the boss says to me " so you wanna micro dose". Of course I respond......certainly! We blew glass and hung out till this afternoon. It was great! I made a few pendants and a marble. It was a productive day. Then I came home mowed the lawn and took my daughter for a bike ride. All around great Friday. Hope you guys have had just as much fun.
It took me long enough to do it, I'm just glad it works. I checked on a few others today and they are doing really well. It's quite possible this may completely replace peat pellets for me. My peat clones are doing good as well, and some are showing roots but they've been in a few days longer and don't seem as advanced.