Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Hey Palmdiggity thanks for swinging by. I'll check out that link here in a bit.

I'll have some pics up sometime this weekend I think tomorrow is gonna be the big day. I've got a bunch of other stuff I'm gonna do today, and then tomorrow will be garden day. Gonna chop the current crop, do a bit of cleaning, setup the new tray(which hopefuly my res will fill) and get another batch of girls into it. I'm gonna take some measurements today and see how much room I've got for a larger res. I'm currently using a 35 gallon tote, that is filled to about the 25 gallon level. I would love 50 gallons to hopefully have a nice stable res, but an actual res is super expensive so I've been working with totes. 50 gallon totes aren't real common or that sturdy which makes me think it would be best to double layer them to prevent warpage. I found one at lowes the other day, but need to measure to ensure it will fit under my table. If it does I'll be thrilled and can buy 2 of those to stack together for less then half what a real res costs. I also can't believe if you buy a real res most of the time the lids are sold separate, how lame is that.

Well anyway its gonna be a busy weekend. Todays project is about 30 canna cake pops I need to make to fill an order a friend gave me. I made a batch of them last week or the week before and this guy loved them and took them all from me, and now wants more. I love making edibles though, and I'm glad they are so popular. My wife just made a batch of penis cake pops for a friends bachelorhood party, and I've got some non penis ones to finish making for the bachelor party tonight. So I need to bake 30 some pops, and decorate about 60 yay!! I suppose its time to finish this bong load and get to work. Hope you guys have a wonderful saturday I'll prolly be back later or tonight!

Peace TC bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Well got the chop chop done! I was able to fill a laundry basket :). I didn't get the new setup finished tonight, but heres some pics for ya!

Its been a fun one, I almost didn't have enough room to dry everything. Its all looking good though sticky as hell, I was able to make a nice hash ball off my fingers earlier. I'll hit you guys with more info tomorrow. Hope you all have had a great weekend, and good luck on monday!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Beautiful Thunder! Great looking, Enjoy. I updated my journal tonight too, new pics of weeks 6 into flower. Check it out if you get a chance.


Well-Known Member
I'll swing over man for sure. The pics were kinda crappy I just took them with my phone real quick tonight, but my bedroom sure stinks to high heaven right now.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, they look great! I forgot which strain you were choppin but hell ya, looks like there was some nice foxtails, not the heat stress kind...the normal kind. Top shelf bro, great light usage :):):)


Well-Known Member
Nice haul man. What a good issue to have... running out of room to dry stuff. :) Not sure why, but I didn't figure you as skinny as your wrist makes you seem. How's the P.T. coming along?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!

Ninja 99% of what I took down last night was all Bubba Kush. There were 19 BK plants and 1 Widow plant, the 4 headed WW has another 3 weeks or so. I know another guy that grows the Bubba, and his doesn't seem to foxtail or at least not as much, but I'm not really sure why mine does. I don't think its heat at all cus the plant tops aren't hot and it even happened on ones not as close to the light. It just seems to be how it grows in my garden. My WW has always done it a small amount even in my old garden which is what makes me think its genetic. They are absolutely crusted with trichs so when they dry and the foxtails happen to break off they will make my butter that much better!

Jig I'm not a little guy by any means, but I'm not huge either. I'm tall but rather average size other then that. PT is going well, I actually need to call today and get some appointments scheduled for the rest of the month I just realized yesterday I didn't have any. I've made a ton of progress in the last 6 months, I think I'm gonna get back about 80-85% range of motion, but I'm guessing only close to 50% strength unfortunately. Its still really variable though, depending on if some of the nerves regrow and the muscles decide to start working again. What I've been getting back right now is mostly other muscles learning to compensate. Either way I'll take what I can get, and I'm gonna make the most of it.


Well-Known Member
Well it was a busy night!!

Finally time to visit THE DOCTOR and relax. bongsmiliebongsmilie Smoking the strawberry tonight. I can say it needed more time, but I really knew that already I pulled it early. Even with more time it may not match up to my other genetics we will see. I have more of the #1 plant I put in tonight, as well the #2,and #3 plants that were also female. We will see if the other flower any different then the #1, and I'm gonna give the strawberries about 7-8 weeks.

I got my new tray set up tonight and all I can say is damn its huge! I have noticeably less space with it in there, but the light covers the whole thing awesome. Once the plants are bigger they will move towards the outside, and the smaller ones will stay in the middle to maximize the coverage. Any way I also put the critical jack into flower today. I'm gonna be taking the clone off it either tomorrow or wednesday along with all the other clones I'm taking. Then the CJ will be growing out in my tray as a four headed monster! If all goes well.....I put the CJ into one of the new smart pots I got to try out. It wont be a fair comparison really since the smart pot is also prolly twice the root volume as my other pots and takes up more space. But it should at least help with the whole monster plant thing I'm hoping for. I've just always read that critical is a huge yielder, and this CJ is supposed to be as well. I also put one of the WW host plants into a smart pot. I'm gonna pull 2 clones off of it, and then it should be a 4 header if my count was correct. So in the new tray I'm gonna have a few quasi bushs, but I think I'll be cool......hopefully....

I'm gonna be cloning the Cindy and as soon as the clones are rooted and happy I'll be flowering the hosts. I'm hoping that in that time the hosts will be large enough I can clone them again before they start to flower. The WW mom is gonna get a huge hair cut, she is looking amazing with well over 15 real branches now. Most likely now that she is up to speed I will taper off the strawberry, unless it really surprises me. I've already put all my last Bubba kush in to flower tonight, along with a selection of the other 3 WW from seed that I grew. So this next harvest is gonna be quite the shmorgus board.

I'll get some pics once I'm completely done with it all. I cleaned all my media tonight and the walls of my room as well. I still need to change out my res and get that filled, I just hand watered everything tonight. I'm gonna run a altered mix from last time, lucas formula cut in half, plus the floralicious and calmagic at full strength and h202 still. I can always up it if I don't like how they look but this will give be a light ppm, with high o2 content and the addition of the humic acid and kelp can't hurt.

Well guys I'm totally beat its almost 3 here. Night!



Well-Known Member
I spent a good deal of time in my room yesterday too. Was a good day. Glad you got so much done.

You got me thinking about cloning my gals. Do you have a good success rate? What do you do/ use? And how big do the cuttings need to be? I've never taken a clone and it seems you do it a lot for your system.


Well-Known Member
I spent a good deal of time in my room yesterday too. Was a good day. Glad you got so much done.

You got me thinking about cloning my gals. Do you have a good success rate? What do you do/ use? And how big do the cuttings need to be? I've never taken a clone and it seems you do it a lot for your system.
Heres a clone post i did for another guy, if some of the infos strange its cause i just slammed it in here from my journal..hope this helps you. Ive had good success. Thunder cat if you disagree with any parts or have anything to add giver, im still a noob but this has worked for me pretty well so far.

Yup lst is going to help you with IDW. Otherwise shell out grow everyone else. And for the clones. Im glad you went with the rapid rooter rather than rock wool, its so much easier.
For the clones..
make sure theyre not on a cold floor. If the floors good temp no worries if thats where they are. Dont drown them. Mist the plugs every now and then but dont keep em soaked. No nutes for 15 days at least, then a tiny amount, itty bity. If the soil has nutes then wait till later. They should take 15 days to show roots about, 8s good but thats not that common. Usually around 12ish. Let them grow good roots before transplanting, dont jump the gun. They will wilt, when they do they need a spray of water on the leaves, that will make them perk back up in no time. In the first few days like five about, i mist mine alot. Probly five times or more if they need it. After that they can be misted less. After about a week - 8 days i start opening vents on my dome, i have three and i start with one a crack and then gradually open more untill theyre all open to break them in for full air time. You will need to watch them closely while you are adjusting them to the lower humidity fresh air, when the vents are open youll still need to mist them. Theyll droop still. I still close them off for the night with a spray at this point. When youve done a couple days of fresh air in there its time to take the dome right off. Check the underside of the clones. A couple may have poked roots out already. Around day 6 is when i pour a little film of water on the bottom of the container (sorry to back track) that they are sitting on. Then they will start to realize where the water is and search it out with roots. Id say by day 17 you should be transplanting. Hmm other stuff...when you mist the top of the dome just do it lightish no need to go crazy. Dont put fans on them right away. Dont pick up the container to check for roots till later on, if you move them lots you could mess em up.

They take alot of care And attention from my experience, some say differently but this is my take on it. It looks like you did a really good job with them, theyre cut back nicely and theyre a good height. They should do great. Heres mine, theyre about 14 days, a little sombody deleted my calander on my ipadbut i think ill get ten out of eleven, some are short but i had a disaster and didnt have much plant to work with. :):):)


Well-Known Member
Most of that seems like good clone care Ninja.

Jig I do take ALOT of clones, atleast by my opinion. Generally I have a 95% success rate. Usually if I take 20-30 clones I might loose 1 or 2. I've had times when I've lost a whole tray and it really hurt my grow, but that was always do to neglect on my part so I have no one to blame but me. I've tried several different things for cloning over the years. I've used peat pellets, coco rapid rooter plugs, rockwool, oasis cubes, and plain old soil. Surprisingly enough though I've grown hydro for 3+ years now I have never hydro cloned myself, just never got around to it. I always have such good success its hard to change things sometimes. With that said here is a "How I clone" tutorial my friends!

I have found my favorite medium to be the rapid rooter plugs, or peat pellets both have performed very similarly for me. I prepare these as par the directions on the box basically, by re-hydrating them with warm water. I always use what that is correctly ph'd though I've read you don't have to I like the environment to be correct when the roots start to pop. So after the plugs are hydrated I give them slight massage to break up the material inside and poke a small hole in the center to replace the large one that is there to start with. I take my cuttings between 3-5 inchs, but I've seen people clone things 6-9 inchs tall before. I base most of my size of clone off the number of nodes, I like there to be atleast one node that will get cut off and buried and then I like to only have 2-3 nodes at the top max so the clone isn't trying to keep alot of leaves alive. After selecting some I will cut the clones off the plant, and stick them in a cup of water while I work with them all. I cut the ends of the stem at a steep angle to expose a large area of inner stem, and as I said before I try to have a node which I removed near the bottom to provide another point for strong root growth. Then I dip the stem in some rooting gel, I'm currently using olivias and slide the stem into the plug. I then squeeze the plug gently around the stem to make sure its tight. I usually only leave 2-3 nodes at the top and 1-2 fan leaves, some times if they are larger I will trim the tips just so they don't take up as much space. Then they all go under a humidity dome for about a week give or take a few days. I mist the dome daily and I try to keep the roots MOIST but not wet. I think adding a heat pad to my operation would speed things up a few days I just don't have any more outlets and I do ok as is. After I see roots popping out I then put them into my beer cups.

Fresh cut:

Showing roots:

Into some cups:

About 2 weeks later ready for the trays:

7 weeks of TLC:

I think I covered about all the steps of how I do it guys. There are many techniques out there mine is just what I've adapted to and what has worked well for me.

I'm off to try to find a 50 gallon tote for a new res, hope you guys have a great afternoon!

Peace TCbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the kind words guys. Its been a long haul the last few years, but I feel like I've done an ok job.

Ninja to be honest I'm not sure with regards the nutrients in them. If they do its not a bunch, I think its kinda like any peat moss, or the other ones I have used are just fine coco in a pellet form.

I got a new res today and got her setup. I ended up buying a 40 gallon igloo cooler, its sturdy enough I can fill it almost to the top which gives me alot more water then I had before. Will it be enough water for 40 plants.....I sure hope so. I really hope I don't get crazy swings once I get the tray filled. Nutes ended up being about 800ppm even with going half strength on most things, we'll see how it goes. Tomorrow I will be taking a bunch more clones, and then I might get a few days off from all the work. You guys have a good one.

Peace TC