Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Im sure you can get it minor issue for you eh.Man i miss doing hydro im just sick and tired of fighting the damn heat,with ice bottles!!And i have had a request for me to do Organics,Not tht my dro taste bad it doesnt just want to compare.


Well-Known Member
Well my lights don't come on till 5ish so I won't be able to finish up till then, but I think I'm gonna be ok. After I scrubbed the rez out, and flushed the plants and tray out the smell of the algae was almost gone. I dug into the roots on one of the BKs that was little and they roots didn't seem slimey or like they were having issues so I think I caught it early enough like I said last night....finger crossed.

It also had to be the lid thing, cus my temps are pretty stable, the nutes havn't changed, and other then the tray the res is the only change I have made. So I'll fill her back up in a bit, feed those bitchs some fresh nutes, and just keep an eye on her.

So as I've been trimming I have been a bit dissapointed at how airy things have been. I can gaurentee I'm not gonna get my usual weight from them as the one WW I harvested(albeit small) was only 10g when from the size I was expecting about twice that. I didn't change much last grow, I added the floralicious as I've mentioned and I didn't push the nutes up as high as I used to because they seemed pretty happy. I'm certain the floralicious didn't cause the decrease in weight, but I think that me not raising the nutes might have. At one point in the last run I thought the there was a C lock out so I flushed them, but I think it may have been an actual deficiancy. This happened around week 3-4 when they are doing some of their heaviest growth and I think I stunted them. This run I will definitely be feeding them more like I usually do, when I put things in last week the res was at about 950 already, and the plants are all doing really well so I think I'll be much happier this time. I'll gradually work them up to 1400-1500 like I used to run them at, and I bet my weight will come back this time.

Well guys hope your all having a great Tuesday I'll prolly be back later on!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Man I use Florakleen when i think i have a lockout and tht stuff works wonders,So much tht i used it just incase in a 24hr run,To keep the nutes in check. I do this 1 time a month in flower.Since doing this ive yet to have any issues.


Well-Known Member
I ran clearex when I did the flush, I don't think the flush actually hurt me, but rather not building my nutes up to where they needed too be both before and after the flush.


Well-Known Member
I did just germinate 2 of the Dinafem Sweat Deep Grapefruit I had ordered. I'm about to put them into some peat pellets. They have been in water for over 24 hours one has popped a tail the other hasn't. We will see what they do, this will be my first blueberry cross I've ever ran. From the despriction it sounds like it may be right up my alley. I'm not sure about bud structure yet, but supposed to have a sweat berry flavor which sounds delightful to me. There is also supposed to be the possibility of some blue or purple genetics I believe which could be cool. Here's what they have to say about it:

"Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit combines two genetic strains which are appreciated for their extremely sweet and fruity aroma: a strain of Blueberry which is already well-known as it has been used in other strains such as Blue Fruit or Blue Widow, and a clone selected from Grapefruit, a variety that is known for its fruity taste, theoretically to grapefruit, although it reminds more of a sweet fruit like pineapple. This variety is very much appreciated in Canada and US. Grapefruit is very well-known in America thanks to its taste of pineapple and sweet grapefruit, added to its strength, yield and its outdoor cultivating possibilities, which has greatly helped production in places like British Columbia, for example, where it has been used for commercial purposes. The a result of this combination is an Indica-Sativa hybrid developed to boost its aromatic qualities to a maximum and provide a sweet, fruity, slightly acid taste. Apart from these exceptional qualities in aroma or taste, this variety provides lush heavy harvests as its branches form very regularly, with short knots, which in turn give abundant flowering The dense structure of the flowers produces a greater number of buds than in plants with longer knots. Furthermore, the buds are very compact and numerous thick buds are produced on both the lower, longer branches as well as on the higher branches. This means that the calibre of the buds is relatively uniform, in other words, the smaller buds are larger than in most other varieties. This, and in the flowering speed, is where we can see the influence of the characteristic indica genotypes in this hybrid, whereas we can clearly see its sativa ascendancy in its aspect, in the psychoactive effects it produces -a physical and cerebral mixture- and in the complexity of its taste. Thus, apart from good hybrid vigour and bountiful flowering, which make it a highly productive and effective variety, we can appreciate its fruity taste of sweet berries. The “Blue” influence is noticeable in the colour some of the plants acquire, violet, purple, reddish, more intense in outdoor harvests due to the colder temperature, as well as in the vigorous harvest, which multiplies quickly. For this reason, it is important to maintain the height of the plants under control at all times in indoor cultivation. Its strength is fairly high, combined with noticeable quantities of CBD, therefore producing a mixed effect. "

With any luck I'll get a good pheno and be able to add this to the keepers. I'm hoping out of these new strains to have at least one cindy, one CJ and one of these I can keep along with my WW. The next step will just be figuring out where I'lllkeep them all. lol


Well-Known Member
Res is nice and clean has a lid on it this time and is full of some ph'd water at about 1050ppm. I'm hoping they don't burn, I'm gonna check them tomorrow, and I might pump out a few gallons and refill to lower the ppm a bit. I mixed half strength GH gro, and micro, plus calmagic at 3/4 strength and floralicious plus at full strength. I thought I'd try this for one more week until they really start to flower. My thought was that the lower P might help reduce any stretch. My res I found tonight will pretty much hold 40 gallons give or take:D, and even though I mixed my nutes light and for only 30 gallons of water they ended up a bit hotter then I wanted. If they don't burn then I'll call it good.

Beech I don't always flush during flower actually it pretty rare, I was trying to resolve what I thought the issue was. Other wise I usually only flush during flower if I notice a lot of build up in the tray, which makes me think there is the same kind of build up in my pots and I should flush them. Typically I run my nutes all the way to the end, I don't usually do a harvest flush any more either. I've tried both ways and havn't noticed any difference in taste.

Gonna go get some treatment from THE DOCTOR bongsmilie, and try to finish this trimming, you guys have a great night. I'll see you all later or tomorrow who knows!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
This reminds me why I don't do hydro anymore. Thanks :)
Lol which part man?

Honestly its not usually any where near the pain its been the last like 3 days. Normally other then my res changes all I do is add a couple gallons of water a day and 3-5 tsp of ph down and its good to go. I guess after making so many changes it was inevitable I'd have to face at least one challenge. I dosed the res with an extra strong dose of h202, and got a lid on it so fingers crossed things will be back to normal.

I think I'm gonna hit the hydro store and pick up a bigger pump to try to fill my tray faster so I don't have to keep it running as long. If I could fill it completely in 5-10 minutes I'd only have to leave it on for the minimum 15mins, rather then running for 30 minutes like it does now. This could potentially let me flood 6 times instead of 3, though I will only up it to 5 I think since I don't like to flood right before lights off.

OH ya so I got a bubble curtain yesterday and I think I like it, seems to really move the water in the res well, nice circular motion.


Well-Known Member
It was a combination of the amount of ongoing daily work it takes to keep everything on-point and the fact that one bad accident can destroy an entire crop. Making dirt sucks, but after that, it doesn't take much to keep going (I probably average 30 mins/day on must-do stuff) , and it's much harder to kill everything at one time. And while I don't do it often, I *really* like being able to leave for a week and know that, barring something crazy happening with power or my water pumps, everything will be fine.


Well-Known Member
The vacation factor is a big deal, I either have to plan around things, or I do have one buddy I can house sit if I have to. Once I move I won't have that luxury and more.


Well-Known Member
I think he meant shitty you won't have a buddy you trust once you move. Or at least I, think that is shitty :) I moved about 5 years ago and I have a friend here for the past few years that I would trust with my life. You will find another friend you will trust once you move, it just takes time.


Well-Known Member
I think he meant shitty you won't have a buddy you trust once you move. Or at least I, think that is shitty :) I moved about 5 years ago and I have a friend here for the past few years that I would trust with my life. You will find another friend you will trust once you move, it just takes time.
I think the Dr. Took care of that. Cat, i think youd do well out in the country with a farm and shop, city lifes to hectic. I prefer to taker easy. Dr. Goodtimezzzzz ;)


Well-Known Member
Hehe I'm back been doing stuff around the house.

Ya not knowing anyone is one of the things thats kinda intimidating about moving a new place. Its nice if you have atleast one person but your right I'll meet some new people and it will be all good.

Ninja I totally agree I would much rather get outside of town. I don't really want a whole farm but a place I can put in a veggy garden would be great, and I like trees so ideally there should be lots of trees around.