Thundercat's Groooooooow

Hope everyone is having a great day. Took it easy today just hung out. I might cut some clones here in a few minutes, gonna smoke a blunt first with the wife. I scraped the b grade batch thats been evaping the last 36 hours, and it turned out with a bunch of purple in it again :). Almost half the oil is glistening barney purple. I've got the A grade Sinmint oil evaping now, and the critical jack solution filtering in the freezer. I think I'm gonna be able to trade oil for most if not all of my glass blowing lessons.
Well its been a few days, had alot going on the last few. Have been out getting some things ready for this storm we got last night so we can just hang out at home and not have to try to go out in it. I was able to get to the glass shop and get some more torch time friday, and sunday which was nice. Last week I had made some little mushroom pendants, which came out of the kiln and look ok for being the first things I made I think. Sunday I had made a marble, no fancy designs or anything, just playing around. I managed to get it nice and round, was able to practice various welds and keeping things on center, and did good according the my teacher. Then I took the last punty off, and had the marble sitting in the mold to polish off the last mark.......and dropped it. I was slightly bummed that I didn't complete the project, but I had still learned some new things, and practiced some important things.

Plants are doing pretty good. I just took the 3 sinmint clones from the first batch down. They had about 8 weeks, and looked good enough. I also put the other 5 sinmints into flower that I had planted several weeks back. Along with those I put the other truepower og clone into flower, and I think 4 powernaps. Keeping the cycle going :).

Hope you guys are having a good morning. I'm about to take a few dabs and clean up the kitchen.
Thanks Bay :), I've been looking at sooo much lately, those look sweet. Whats your 2 cents on glasses, cus I think that will be one of my first purchases. I'm gonna order " Glass Alchemy The Alchemist's Guilde to Boromax Chemistry ", it seems like a good way to get a nice variety of color to play with, and learn how to use it right. The teacher mentioned the other day a guy he knew had a gtt lynx for sale, so I might see if he wants to make a trade for a couple oz. I'm also excited to see what comes from this shop the next few months. He recently started working with a guy that does CNC to make some various forms to blow into. The first ones were wood, but I have some access to some high quality graphite, so once his ventilation is set up he'll cut us graphite forms. I might have to buy one of those molds, and get him to copy it.
I havn't payed anything for torch time so far technically. Normally its somthing like "With my assistance the cost is $50/hr. Unsupervised Torch rental time for non beginners with limited supplies included is $20/hr. My shop is by apt only. I always take dabs with me for us to enjoy, and I've left him a .5g a couple times when I left.
i used to blow soft glass and it is a bitch thermal shock is crazy with it. i will have a set up one day but it is put back a year or so as my money is going to a move and a partnership with another grower for a canna biz. so look out in 2015;-) worm that is bad ass i like these guys i put this on Frenchy's thread[video=youtube;WuoVACgbRRc] =PL0iF73OARWoCggJ60sdE4OgpHjCA8tI27[/video]
My first real torch was a Lynx (started on a hothead doing soft glass). The Lynx is a great torch, and the GA kit is a good starting point. Learning about neutral/oxydizing/reducing flame chemistry is hugely important working in boro color.
Hey TC, show me your mushroom.........pendants :):):)

I told my wife to take a picture of at least the one she is wearing I'll see if I can get her too :).

i used to blow soft glass and it is a bitch thermal shock is crazy with it. i will have a set up one day but it is put back a year or so as my money is going to a move and a partnership with another grower for a canna biz. so look out in 2015;-) worm that is bad ass i like these guys i put this on Frenchy's thread[video=youtube;WuoVACgbRRc] =PL0iF73OARWoCggJ60sdE4OgpHjCA8tI27[/video]

Nice video post there DR., I really like the videos from revere they do a great job of really explaining things, and providing good video quality. I hate the videos where all you hear is torch.

My first real torch was a Lynx (started on a hothead doing soft glass). The Lynx is a great torch, and the GA kit is a good starting point. Learning about neutral/oxydizing/reducing flame chemistry is hugely important working in boro color.

The shop I've been going to has all GTT torchs so it is very possible I'm gonna get spoiled right off the bat. It seems like compared to some other torches I've watched videos of the GTTs are much quieter. I'm eager to learn about the chemistry and flame dynamics. The blower I'm learning from is mostly self taught and sadly when I asked him about the flame dynamics he didn't know what I meant..... I'm know he has the knowledge of how to use colors correctly, but not necessarily the terminology I guess for all the details of it. Anyway I think that book will be great.
OK heres one of the pendants I did the other day. This was actually the first one, and I think it turned out better then the other.

Heres that purple oil I told you guys about the other day. This is some Cindy B grade, and once it was mushed together into a mass the whole piece was barney purple :).


This is whats evaping right now, it was an A grade mixed run from a couple days ago.

Finally here is some of the Sinmint cookies I trimmed last night.

Looking at my photo bucket I realized how long its been since I have done a proper update. Gotta do some cleaning in the next couple days, so I'll try to get some shots of things to show everyone how its all progressing.
Outstanding TC..those buds look like some headbangers there.great color..Have you tried any yet? How does she taste if yes? can always open another photobucket account using another email addy.
Thanks guys! Ya I've smoked the moms these plants came form its what i harvested a back before christmas. Taste was great on them, I have never had the GSC, but I can taste the Bluepower for sure based off the several other BP crosses I have had recently. Its a complex flavor, some lime, some coffee..........
and my photobucket is ok, I just realized its been forever since I posted pics.