Thundercat's Groooooooow

Morning everyone, its a gorgeous 68 degrees and sunny here today, looks like its gonna be a great day :). I'm just having a bagel and some hash coffee and waking up then off to the shop for the day. Took my daughter to the park for the first time this year yesterday, she had a blast it was a nice afternoon. Not sure what we are doing the rest of the weekend yet, we might be partying tomorrow for bicycle day, or perhaps wait till monday and just celebrate 420 in style :). Hope you guys all are having a great weekend at the BBQs and Cup if you made it to either.
Hey man, glad to see you. Thanks very much, things have been going pretty well. The glass and the garden are so much fun.
Glad to be seen, brotha! When you get a blunt smoker scoping out your glass, you're on point! I own 4 pieces, one which I just dropped :-( and rarely touch them, but that Sherlock tho....dope! May have to add one of those. It's look like a simpler deal for a glass novice like me. Your thoughts? ATB!
First let me say I'm primarily still a blunt smoker when I smoke flower. I only have kept about 5 of the pieces I've made that were worth keeping. I don't smoke bowls very often any more, I mostly dab during the day because its quick and easy. At night my wife and I still love sitting down to have a blunt and relax. That being said I absolutely love sherlocks man :). I actually just made myself one that I intend to keep. Last year a VERY talented glass blower taught a class at the studio I work in. The other day I found a left over piece of tube that he had made during that class, and my shop mate let me use it to make a pipe :). It turned out really nice, and it feels kinda special to me so it isn't even dirty yet lol. I also just made a "puff the magic dragon" sherlock on friday. I'll take some pics of them both once I get it home so you guys can see them.
First let me say I'm primarily still a blunt smoker when I smoke flower. I only have kept about 5 of the pieces I've made that were worth keeping. I don't smoke bowls very often any more, I mostly dab during the day because its quick and easy. At night my wife and I still love sitting down to have a blunt and relax. That being said I absolutely love sherlocks man :). I actually just made myself one that I intend to keep. Last year a VERY talented glass blower taught a class at the studio I work in. The other day I found a left over piece of tube that he had made during that class, and my shop mate let me use it to make a pipe :). It turned out really nice, and it feels kinda special to me so it isn't even dirty yet lol. I also just made a "puff the magic dragon" sherlock on friday. I'll take some pics of them both once I get it home so you guys can see them.
We still love blunts but I want to pay you to make me a dab rig with the health stone. I hit one this weekend and loved it.something like thisimage.jpg
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HAPPY 420!!!!!

I'm gonna have to buy one of those health stones, and see what size they are and how they fit so I can figure out how to make them. They look simple enough, but if there is one thing I've learned about working with glass, its not usually as simple as it looks :). I've read really good stuff about how they smoke. Kinda the same deal with the silicone containers. I've seen pictures but havn't seen one in person. Could you tell if they were attached with some adhesive, or just press fit into the glass Doc?

Yesterday I made my first Hunter S. Thompson tribute piece. My wife came up with the idea. Its a pendant/dabber that is shaped like a fly swatter, with a bat attached to it (ie. fear and loathing). It was a ton of fun to make, and I think turned out pretty nice I think. I made most of it on a tiny little hand torch with a flame about 3/4 of an inch long. It was pretty neat, I felt like a surgeon :).
Look to just fit in the pipe, but they are great to hit a dab. I love the fly swatter idea! Take your time with it and I can work it in to the finances in a couple months.
I know the health stones are pretty much just fit by size and shape, they have that taper on them. Once you get a little oil in there they stay put. I saw the pendant on your page which gave me an idea on that too.