Tie Die Buds? Does Food Coloring Really Work?


just read the damn link that was posted for you; (color of my dreams)..... it affected taste and the way it burnt. enough that it was considered not worth it. but if you want to waste an otherwise good bud, go for it


Active Member
hey.. i know two ways to make it some other colors and give it a baller taste.. ill let you in on my favorite though..

Put it in a bowl.. burn it.. inhale smoke.. it will turn to a brown/black/ashy color right before your eyes.. 99% of the time it tastes good.. although i have taken a hit that tasted like someone straight farted into the pipe.. not cool..


Active Member
Regardless of whether or not the weed is going to be worse, if your selling it and you wanna run a game on it, go for it. If you live in a tourist area, it kinda works out pretty good. Most tourists are gonna be looking for the best they can get, i mean of course, they are on vacation. All you have to do is find someone who wants to buy, pull out a bud thats got a funky color, and its sold. If you have extremely good weed, i wouldnt suggest it, but if youve got some stuff that you dont mind playing with, theres a lot of people who will buy it and never know the difference of what it could have been from what it was. A lot of people will buy bud based on apperance, and a lot of people arent as picky as we may be on this forum :-)

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
Regardless of whether or not the weed is going to be worse, if your selling it and you wanna run a game on it, go for it. If you live in a tourist area, it kinda works out pretty good. Most tourists are gonna be looking for the best they can get, i mean of course, they are on vacation. All you have to do is find someone who wants to buy, pull out a bud thats got a funky color, and its sold. If you have extremely good weed, i wouldnt suggest it, but if youve got some stuff that you dont mind playing with, theres a lot of people who will buy it and never know the difference of what it could have been from what it was. A lot of people will buy bud based on apperance, and a lot of people arent as picky as we may be on this forum :-)
that would not fly up here broheim.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of whether or not the weed is going to be worse, if your selling it and you wanna run a game on it, go for it. If you live in a tourist area, it kinda works out pretty good. Most tourists are gonna be looking for the best they can get, i mean of course, they are on vacation. All you have to do is find someone who wants to buy, pull out a bud thats got a funky color, and its sold. If you have extremely good weed, i wouldnt suggest it, but if youve got some stuff that you dont mind playing with, theres a lot of people who will buy it and never know the difference of what it could have been from what it was. A lot of people will buy bud based on apperance, and a lot of people arent as picky as we may be on this forum :-)
bad form....fuck rip-off artists!


Well-Known Member
it's spelled "forum", and this place is the bomb... all most everyone here is high so excuse their imaginations running off..:bigjoint:
i can spell dude, i meant exactly what i said. fake colors to increase sales is BAD FORM. its ripping the customer off.


Well-Known Member
If you want to improve flavor, in your flowering cycle, add molasses and pure unsweetened 100% natural apple juice [usually in the baby aisle]. Work your way up to 1 & 1/2 cups AJ and 3 tablespoons per gallon of your usual flowering nute solution. Also, use the same recipe with water in between nutrient feedings. And in the last 2 weeks of your cycle thats usually devoted to just flush, use 1/2 cup AJ and 1.5 tablespoons molasses per gallon of JUST water in the first week, and 1/4 cup AJ and 1 tablespoon molasses per gallon of water in the second.

The chemicals, properties and nutrients in these two grocery store products are exactly what'd you'd find in 98% of the bloom boosters, flavor enhancers, and bud increasers. Trust me. This solution works wonders. It'll make B- bud into B+ bud, A- into A, and A bud into A++ bud [if paired with a good cure, or course]. It also increases bud quantity by up to 15%, I have done side by side tests with the only variable being adding this or not.


Well-Known Member
If you want to improve flavor, in your flowering cycle, add molasses and pure unsweetened 100% natural apple juice [usually in the baby aisle]. Work your way up to 1 & 1/2 cups AJ and 3 tablespoons per gallon of your usual flowering nute solution. Also, use the same recipe with water in between nutrient feedings. And in the last 2 weeks of your cycle thats usually devoted to just flush, use 1/2 cup AJ and 1.5 tablespoons molasses per gallon of JUST water in the first week, and 1/4 cup AJ and 1 tablespoon molasses per gallon of water in the second.

The chemicals, properties and nutrients in these two grocery store products are exactly what'd you'd find in 98% of the bloom boosters, flavor enhancers, and bud increasers. Trust me. This solution works wonders. It'll make B- bud into B+ bud, A- into A, and A bud into A++ bud [if paired with a good cure, or course]. It also increases bud quantity by up to 15%, I have done side by side tests with the only variable being adding this or not.
never tried apple juice, but i use molasses. ill have to try the AJ.


Active Member
bad form....fuck rip-off artists!
lol its not a rip off at all.. if you cant tell somethings been done differently with your bud when you get it blue or red or whatever other color you may put in there, you probably shouldnt be smoking quite yet (or you should cut way down..) people want a product.. people want something different.. nobody forces them to buy, nobody calls it "blueberry haze" or "white widow", that shit dosent exist around here, its about quality not the name.. nobody gives a shit if you got the winner of the cannabis cup, that dosent mean you got good weed, you may suck at growing.. Maybe you dont want to buy it, but there is a great number of people who do want to buy it because its something theyve never seen before or that they may want to try, i say if you wanna color your weed go ahead.. They said it may make your weed a little more harsh, youve been warned, but if you can sell it consistently with no complaints then go for it.. its not your weed, he knows what could happen to his crop, but now hes standing out from the rest, hes made his product scarce. Also, do not accuse me of being a con artist, you dont know me, i said i know how to change the color of my bud, by the way nobody has mentioned my method, which in my opinion and the opinion of the rest of my acquaintances, dosent hurt it at all. So, what im saying is, if you dont like the color of my bud, piss off homeboy, i dont need your stuck up business? All due respects of course ;)


Well-Known Member
lol its not a rip off at all.. if you cant tell somethings been done differently with your bud when you get it blue or red or whatever other color you may put in there, you probably shouldnt be smoking quite yet (or you should cut way down..) people want a product.. people want something different.. nobody forces them to buy, nobody calls it "blueberry haze" or "white widow", that shit dosent exist around here, its about quality not the name.. nobody gives a shit if you got the winner of the cannabis cup, that dosent mean you got good weed, you may suck at growing.. Maybe you dont want to buy it, but there is a great number of people who do want to buy it because its something theyve never seen before or that they may want to try, i say if you wanna color your weed go ahead.. They said it may make your weed a little more harsh, youve been warned, but if you can sell it consistently with no complaints then go for it.. its not your weed, he knows what could happen to his crop, but now hes standing out from the rest, hes made his product scarce. Also, do not accuse me of being a con artist, you dont know me, i said i know how to change the color of my bud, by the way nobody has mentioned my method, which in my opinion and the opinion of the rest of my acquaintances, dosent hurt it at all. So, what im saying is, if you dont like the color of my bud, piss off homeboy, i dont need your stuck up business? All due respects of course ;)
you talk about coloring weed and selling it to tourists who want the best product and then tell me your not ripping them off? try this- next time your selling "magic rainbow weed", tell the potential customer "check out this regular bud i dyed red/yellow/whatever." and see how much you sell.


Active Member
Its not about ripping them off, and im not saying "this is the best shit", im saying that the portion of the bud that is colored is scarce.. if you cant understand that concept, then i would hope you dont sell weed. Yeah, they are looking for something theyve never had before, or "the best", but you cant very well say that my weed isnt the best around? Youve never had it.. youve got no basis for your argument other than that you believe, in YOUR OWN OPINION, that coloring your weed makes it harsh. Furthermore, you dont know how i color my weed, maybe ive got a way to do it that you dont know about, something i came up with on my own because im not afraid to try new things with my bud? All in all bro, let me put it this way to you.. Not all of us come from a place where everythings shits and giggles, not everyone is as privelaged as other people. Not everyone cares about getting the best weed around, they are just happy to get weed, or maybe they just wanna get high. Sometimes we gotta do things to make our product different from the rest, dont hate because somebody is tryin to make a dollar.. nobody forces you to buy that weed.. id gladly sell them regular, uncolored weed if they wanted it, its not like i dye my whole crop colors.. thats just stupidity, most people like variety.. its the same concept as balloons.. why do you get the red balloon? because its your favorite color? I was selling christmas bags of red and green bud in zips that said "Happy Holidays" and people went wild.. lots and lots of people bought them as stocking stuffers!


Well-Known Member
Its not about ripping them off, and im not saying "this is the best shit", im saying that the portion of the bud that is colored is scarce.. if you cant understand that concept, then i would hope you dont sell weed. Yeah, they are looking for something theyve never had before, or "the best", but you cant very well say that my weed isnt the best around? Youve never had it.. youve got no basis for your argument other than that you believe, in YOUR OWN OPINION, that coloring your weed makes it harsh. Furthermore, you dont know how i color my weed, maybe ive got a way to do it that you dont know about, something i came up with on my own because im not afraid to try new things with my bud? All in all bro, let me put it this way to you.. Not all of us come from a place where everythings shits and giggles, not everyone is as privelaged as other people. Not everyone cares about getting the best weed around, they are just happy to get weed, or maybe they just wanna get high. Sometimes we gotta do things to make our product different from the rest, dont hate because somebody is tryin to make a dollar.. nobody forces you to buy that weed.. id gladly sell them regular, uncolored weed if they wanted it, its not like i dye my whole crop colors.. thats just stupidity, most people like variety.. its the same concept as balloons.. why do you get the red balloon? because its your favorite color? I was selling christmas bags of red and green bud in zips that said "Happy Holidays" and people went wild.. lots and lots of people bought them as stocking stuffers!
alright, maybe there are people who would like to buy red or blue or whatever weed. i personally cannot fathom the idea of smoking unnaturally colored herb. you say you have a method for dying/coloring that doesnt affect taste, but you say you wont share it. im inclined to not believe you on the taste thing but niether of us can prove shit to the other without a pepsi challenge. so i guess were just gonna have to agree that weve reached a stalemate.

for the record, i DO NOT SELL HERB....i grow my own and barely have enough to share.


Active Member
read the whole thread...only one persone says theyve done it without an awefull taste and he's not sharing his method.
well im not sure what to tell you, i seem to have a method that nobody else has thought of, and honestly, id like to keep it that way, n ot to be a dick, but i figure its gonna maybe cause some people to try some new things, or maybe its just gonna give me that little extra that other people dont have that sets me apart from the crowd. Im not sure what the big fuss is over coloring your weed.. this isnt just aimed at slikwill, its for everyone that makes a big deal about it. Regardless of how you grow your weed and your personal preference, its all an opinionated topic. Just because you may not color your weed dosent mean other people cant, just because you do business a certain way dosent mean everyone does it that way, yet is that not the beauty of competition? If man never experimented and tried new things.. if they just sat around and said "Nah, dont change a thing, this works fine, lets leave it that way, no need for improvements" where would we be today? I doubt we would have computers.. which would mean this forum would not exist. We wouldnt have cars. We wouldnt have a lot of the things most people take for granted. Simply put, experimentation is what creates competition and diversification, competition and diversification are what stimulate experimentation.. its a closed circuit.. thats business, and thats how an economy grows.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i also heard like orange juice will make the buds taster like oj or stuff simlilar to like sweeter buds form pineapple juice, or whole plants changin color from food coloring, how can this happen? we should like have a contest to see who can get the hippiest tye dyest plant
Just like they color cut flowers, stick the stems in colored water. It's a novelty. Lots of die will screw with the PH. Most dye is a leftover from the petrochemical industry. Not going to kill us used in moderation.