its just a little 5"black and white FIRST ALERT. it does the job telli get my new system.The alarm is invaluable...I got kinda the same thing
Ya I'm gonna get me a Rotweiler feed him steak and he'll only like me fo sho. Getting so many patients gonna need a warehouse.
i got 2 pits and a rot/shepard mix... a mossberg 12 gauage... security lights on all 4 sides of the house at night.. and alarm the notifys my cell phone... and all my lower floor windows are nailed shut except the front ones that face the street.. there is only one way in and one way out... i learned the first time my place got broke into...
hey bro now is what you do is get a outlet plug in that screws into a light fixture remove one light or both and screw the plug into the socket. now run an extension cord from that into your house put alight on that end so when some one comes in the motion sensor will set the light off in the house. this is for motion sensor lights.i got 2 pits and a rot/Shepard mix... a mossberg 12 gauge... security lights on all 4 sides of the house at night.. and alarm the notifys my cell phone... and all my lower floor windows are nailed shut except the front ones that face the street.. there is only one way in and one way out... i learned the first time my place got broke into...
hey bro now is what you do is get a outlet plug in that screws into a light fixture remove one light or both and screw the plug into the socket. now run an extension cord from that into your house put alight on that end so when some one comes in the motion sensor will set the light off in the house. this is for motion sensor lights.
now if you can put that light in your bedroom so that when you are a sleep if some one enters your yard then the bright light in your face will wake you , grab the old mosburg and intersept.damn good idea bro! ill can set up a few lights that way and just up plug them when i am home at night...
okay this security thing is a great topic.. I hypthectically have a 7.62 x 39mm semi auto w. 100round drum plus a 9mm w/ good luck...gotta love my state laws regarding the guns.. but i would like this video montering sys inside my op so if im gone i can moniter via cell phone...thats ingenious for anxienty. i agree that there should aways be a caregiver in near proximity..but emergencies call and this seems like a wonderful idea.. ur boarded window is in the op..wuts ur intake again? and ur runnin a/c....dude if this is so the need to watch that K2 youtube 'how to grow vid' watch part 1, theres like 8 parts..its the 1 with a long blonde haired UK dude settn up shop..n e ways it shows how to do a window proud..i even thought about installing a door with a window in my garage for this very reason... ill explain real quick: you make a particle board box around the window from buy fancy blinds from ikea or bed and mount blinds and secure them so they dont leave window open 1/4'' just a lil...and secure window not to move from that posistion, with window security hardware... you line particle board box with say , gunn padding stapled up..then you silicone and screw this to your door or around the casing of window...router a 6'' round hole into center of your box..intall a 6'' flange..and blam pull your intake from her via flex and fan. just a stoner revelation. I smoked a piece of microwaved big bud and hdf..both smelless and tasteless this way..but im way stoned
Check the new vid..3rd link after kiss assers
naw i didnt realize he runs the mh in the loop..but it makes sense since he vegged in that room 2.. mh def way to go with veg..i have hands on eye ball experience with my boyz mh veg op..and its pimp..way better than hps thro veg..but thats were the buck stops..hps all the way for budding if u ask me
If you can keep em cool 1000's will put money in your pocket fo sho. Really what it comes down to is do you want 3 inch nugs or 6 to 10.very true indeed..i felt the same way till i picked my 1000watter up...every1 says 6 is more 1000watter is twice the bulb almost... its a st8 donkey dick
If you can keep em cool 1000's will put money in your pocket fo sho. Really what it comes down to is do you want 3 inch nugs or 6 to 10.