TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

i was going to go with more 600's at first... but i know i would want 1000's... so 4-1000's it is... im gettin so close to that time.... im hoping i can control the heat... its a small space for that many watts... but it'll be worth all the struggle to control the heat if i get the returns i am thinkin!!
well and u saw jack me offs 4x1000watter setup..fucking clean love identicle multiple hoods..love some of his electrical ideas too..basically hes runnin less amps then me right now with double the lighting..half the bill. genius.
well and u saw jack me offs 4x1000watter setup..fucking clean love identicle multiple hoods..love some of his electrical ideas too..basically hes runnin less amps then me right now with double the lighting..half the bill. genius.

I haven't seen that...I am sure...I am gonna get a thousand watt instead of a 600....
thanks guys for the kind words..they keep me in the mood to make more pics vids...and yes Gambler i do crawl thro that everytime.. its actually wide enough to get most items in or out. including my H20 heater if it failed. but damn it suks. thats part of the injustice of my room. all in due time brother... i measured the new area out not quite as big as i wanted. but itll be roughtly 11x11 with a bigger door..so it sounds like my idea for lighting will give me ample room to move around..and for expansion down the road. i will make sure to make a bigger door too!

ya, i'd just fill it up along the back wall... so you'll have good reflection there and along the sides... and do like 5' by 11' footprint... with plenty of room in front... just make sure you get a 3' watering wand.

(EDIT: "what u ben smok'in?" i've got durban poison, white russian, and mr. nice (g13xhp) right now. i tend to just smoke the pure indica crossed mr. nice... i'm already high strung enough that i don't usually need any sativa.)
yes this sounds good to me..i agree make the footprint area against the back wall and highly reflective..then all that extra space will allow a nice table and chair..so i can smoke my blunts with my girls w. out cramping my style..feet up on the table..and i will be able to expand if the time comes. i need to get on this wand thing..im a tile guy so i have a billion and 1 water pumps for my wet saws..so connect that to tubing..then to the wand i gather?

i envy ur selection..but hopefully i will have my own share of constant jars soon enough...keep it puffn tought TM
Hey man... checked ur 3rd vid. i know you got lots of changes in the loop... but i just wanted to mention ur canopy height... the plants look good but the height is all over the place (it seems)... get those lower plants up off the ground if need be (use other containers, boxes, stands, milk crates...) and kinda 'suck it all in'. it looks like ur kinda runnin in 3 different spots under the 3 different lights... rather than one area. try to get the tops of all plants with'in 18" of the bulb. less mountains... more sea of green. you prolly started the plants at different times and such... so i'm sure things would look different under a new setup.

"i need to get on this wand thing..im a tile guy so i have a billion and 1 water pumps for my wet saws..so connect that to tubing..then to the wand i gather?"

ya, i prefer to connect a garden hose to the pump (300gph or higher)... then you have a nice selection of store bought wands to choose from.
ur right..they are all over..and ive been lazy with that aspect getting the canopy hieght leveled out..not to long to go..i might prop the lil blueberry and heavy duty fruity up a lil..but that it...next run everything will be put in at the exact time..so it shouldnt look like a rollercoaster..

perfect that makes sense..im going to route a hose of my laundry machine with a T and shutoff...to my rez area..then hook a sumbersible w. a shut off to a hose and wand..genius..thanks for the tip..
ur right..they are all over..and ive been lazy with that aspect getting the canopy hieght leveled out..not to long to go..i might prop the lil blueberry and heavy duty fruity up a lil..but that it...next run everything will be put in at the exact time..so it shouldnt look like a rollercoaster..

perfect that makes sense..im going to route a hose of my laundry machine with a T and shutoff...to my rez area..then hook a sumbersible w. a shut off to a hose and wand..genius..thanks for the tip..

im with you on the perfect next grow and being kinda lazy on this one.. as much as i care about this grow im just ready for it to be done so i can do things right... super crop to keep a nice canopy... actually have only 1 plant per pot... start using my ebb and flow... just to have everything in order...

i know i wont have the room to smoke a blunt with my legs up... so youll have to smoke one for me.. or two.. or 100.. whereever you wanna stop... :lol:
wow so I know I am late on the security issue, ya I hate when I'm at work and no one is at the house ya know. I mean I got pits but normally they stay outside when I'm not home. Deffinately live in the suburbs so fence isn't around whole house. Shit if they try and jump the back fence without knowing I'm sure as soon as they step foot down they will be trying to jump back over. My dogs go nuts over anything that steps near the fence. Shits funny when we first moved the neighbors were all freaked the hell out and then they saw the dogs walking and were like are those the same dogs???? They are so much nicer when they are out I don't get it? I was like ya pits are super territorial they are fine out side of their territory but you come into theirs being unwelcomed your gonna leave with some bites and maybe some broken bones lol. Wow just realized how baked I am hahaha.

ur right..they are all over..and ive been lazy with that aspect getting the canopy hieght leveled out..not to long to go..i might prop the lil blueberry and heavy duty fruity up a lil..but that it...next run everything will be put in at the exact time..so it shouldnt look like a rollercoaster..

perfect that makes sense..im going to route a hose of my laundry machine with a T and shutoff...to my rez area..then hook a sumbersible w. a shut off to a hose and wand..genius..thanks for the tip..

i personaly haven't had any problems with uneven canopy hight.
fuck i feel like my birthdays coming...[quote=simpsonsampson420;2571830]no.. he has a week or 2 left before he cuts.. same as me and slip...[/quote]
hell ya ill take the virtual tour and some porn please..tell u wut ..thatll motivate me to step my memory card up..i was watchn the DaGamblers tour..5min long..music and graphics..fuck ya..im on it like my pit on pussy..chomp chomp chomp. edit : i like MG's vids 2..cant leave u out bro