Tilray Product = Garbage !!!....???? Seems to be the concensus

Tilray may be able to grow good product when they want to, but currently they just want to force their clients into buying up all their leftover shake. I wrote a customer complaint:

"When will you be selling products that are not milled house blends? I purchased the sativa blend in December and I was unhappy with the quality.

I now see that you are only selling house blends. I would like to know when I can buy some actual medicine again.

The quality of the house blend would be suitable for cooking, and that's it. In my opinion.

Thank you for your time."

I wonder if they'll write back?
Tilray may be able to grow good product when they want to, but currently they just want to force their clients into buying up all their leftover shake. I wrote a customer complaint:

"When will you be selling products that are not milled house blends? I purchased the sativa blend in December and I was unhappy with the quality.

I now see that you are only selling house blends. I would like to know when I can buy some actual medicine again.

The quality of the house blend would be suitable for cooking, and that's it. In my opinion.

Thank you for your time."

I wonder if they'll write back?
Please be sure to or us know yessi! Was the complaint in their website?
Where ya been Missy ? You were in abundance before and now.....vooooom gonr.
Someone here piss you off? Your input is missed
No pissing off, just been under the weather and off the inter web. Trying to keep my head on strait.

Also I was posting a lot before because the beautiful new notion of legal marijuana getting mailed to me seemed like a life revelation. Now, unfortunately, the bubble has burst. I'll be happier when I grow!
No pissing off, just been under the weather and off the inter web. Trying to keep my head on strait.

Also I was posting a lot before because the beautiful new notion of legal marijuana getting mailed to me seemed like a life revelation. Now, unfortunately, the bubble has burst. I'll be happier when I grow!
Glad to have you back as your well liked here and have friends as well. Your input was always sensible and kind. Not stupid and ignorant...like mine lol but true.
I wonder if your weren't feeling...lets say, not the best.
Anyway chin up and pip pip old chap. Your back and better than ever. Ready to kick LP ass. We need some Ladies input here too as us guys are all withered up and senile which is a bit like wrinkled and sterile.
Even old GB123 has become aloof and reclusive. He now only comes out to give someone a quick bite on the ankle.
They're too busy merchandising "Marley Naturals" and getting investments from Murica to care about things like growing a quality product for people.

I forgot about the Marley thing. Boy I bet old Bob is rolling in his grave when he heard his name was being sold to sell MMJ and now they are not even selling buds at all only shake. Bob problably is wondering what that garbage is they are triing to pass of as medical bud with his name attached to it. Oh thats tilhays houseblend Bob. It looks like someone swept the floor then packaged it all up nicely so they could lie and call it milled flower to sell it as medicine. What a disgrace this wonderful shareholding abortion of a medical marihuana corporation is! I sure am glad health canaduh is looking out for my best intrest and keep a close eye on all these LP's and there quality control practices!!!! What a joke..

Keep your head up yessica you will soon be able to grow. This is mmpr abrotion is too greed driven to survive IMO

I forgot about the Marley thing. Boy I bet old Bob is rolling in his grave when he heard his name was being sold to sell MMJ and now they are not even selling buds at all only shake. Bob problably is wondering what that garbage is they are triing to pass of as medical bud with his name attached to it. Oh thats tilhays houseblend Bob. It looks like someone swept the floor then packaged it all up nicely so they could lie and call it milled flower to sell it as medicine. What a disgrace this wonderful shareholding abortion of a medical marihuana corporation is! I sure am glad health canaduh is looking out for my best intrest and keep a close eye on all these LP's and there quality control practices!!!! What a joke..

Keep your head up yessica you will soon be able to grow. This is mmpr abrotion is too greed driven to survive IMO

if Bob knew what they were selling, we'd have a very angry rasta....that herb ain't what he smokes...it can't be used to get closer to Jah
No pissing off, just been under the weather and off the inter web. Trying to keep my head on strait.

Also I was posting a lot before because the beautiful new notion of legal marijuana getting mailed to me seemed like a life revelation. Now, unfortunately, the bubble has burst. I'll be happier when I grow!

Dude!! Totally with you one hundred fucking percent! We signed with tilray at the same time last year.
This year I'm going to grow.
Ordered cheese and rockstar for my wife. This will be her last order if either of these are not close to par with what I've been able to source. I will post up pics when they arrive.

This is my last attempt at working within the mmpr guidelines. I've spent way too much money trying to follow the "rules". Burn me once shame on you...

Packages came in. Wife is taking rockstar now. Better than anything she received from tweed. This is her 5th or 6th order from Tilray. All have been similar in appearance quality-wise.