Time for a good ol ass beating?

Yesterday one of my friends (lets call her jamie) called me up asking if i wanted to split an 8 ball. I decided too because i haven't had a "snow" day in a while. I give her my portion of the money and she goes and picks it up. Im anxiously awaiting her arrival . She comes back and empties all the powder on the counter. I knew it was fake right away. The "rocks" ended up being soap carvings pressed together and the powder was simply just powder sugar. This kid that she got it from is some little rich white kid who thinks hes gangster. Hes in this gang called the East bluff gang, its a bunch of little white kids that think they're gangster. My friends and I have actually fought a few of them and always won. So what would you do?
sounds to me like you need to stomp his head out his ass and play soccor with it. Its people like that that make me sick:spew:so hunt him down, go to his house, repeatably, he has to come home to eat or sleep sooner or later. thats when you strike, ask him where your money or product is, if he refuses to answer or lies break one finger. ask him again, "wrong answer"? break another, and so on. What do you think will happen first? will he run out of fingers? or will he make things right again? either way there is a line that should not be crossed and he crossed it, and he should be prepared to pay for the consequences of his actions and if its more than he can pay, its his fault and know one elses. he should be old enough to know how to play the game, and what happens when you break the rules. So all in all fuck him up and make an example of him:hump:
coke, pot, pills, does it really matter what your getting ripped for? its the principle of the matter if he jews you once he will do it again
You're living evidence that it does, more's the shame.

Take a look at my avatar and my handle, you ignorant bag of shit.

Just do the world a favor and make thing the next thing you send up your nose a .38 cartridge.
I have NO idea.... but on the subject.....

I have a friend who had a crackhead attempt to carjack her..... she shot him 3 times in the chest at point blank range with a 9mm ... (hollow points) and that fucker still didn't die! ..... Whitney Houston was right.... CRACK IS WHACK!

The crackhead didn't get her car, she was NOT prosecuted (she has a CCW)..... and she lived! God Bless the 2nd Amendment! :D
god shot but use a 1911 -a1 .45acp thats a gun that lets you know you were shot even if you just graze someone, hit them in the chest once, there is no hope .45 bullets make a small entrence hole, but a huge exit hole. A 9mm is just like a cap gun, ever wonder why they hold so many bullets in the clip? All the first 2 or 3 shots do unless they are head shots is just piss him off. trust me get a .45acp a truley exceptional hand gun. fits average to large hand very well almost like an extension of your hand just point and shoot,although slightly heavy. with a little pratice you wont notice the heavyness anymore, and it might help you shoot better by giving you a stable platfom to fire from.
That's better. The drug trade is a business, disputes are best handled as such. Rather than pride, your concern should be with recovering your money; and his should be with protecting his reputation--taking a beating is one thing, having no one willing to buy from you 'cause you're known to sell bunk is something else.You made it sound as if you're in the same social circles, and that kind of news spreads fast.

Upon further reflection, if this guy is as much of a wannabe as you say he is, he probably got fucked by his upstream connection--which is likely the kind of person he really can't fuck with--and so he's stuck with the bullshit and tried to pass it off rather than eating the loss.

I've seen it plenty of times before when I was hanging out in proximity to those kinds of goings on (and glad to be a spectator. What a fucking mess.)

Sounds like he wised up to the fact that eating the loss is by far better than torpedoing his ability to do business at all.

Hope you get your money back, but keep your head screwed on straight.
your right it is a bussiness, but not for everybody, its the cluster fucks that think they can get away with whatever, then everyone stands around wondering why this guy got wacked, its a different bussiness with different rules. there are no investigative services to report to, so you have to stop it somewhere on your own
You're living evidence that it does, more's the shame.

Take a look at my avatar and my handle, you ignorant bag of shit.

Just do the world a favor and make thing the next thing you send up your nose a .38 cartridge.
what symbol is that avatar?
...there are no investigative services to report to, so you have to stop it somewhere on your own

These are kids that got a bunk eight-ball, not Tony fucking Montana.

I know you're pinheaded racist coke wreckage, but try and get a grip on reality.
The Star of David in the middle doesn't give you a hint?
sorry didnt mean to offend the term jewish or jewbate was used to describe people who would rip you off. again i apoligize if i have offended you:mrgreen: no racial slur intended
sorry didnt mean to offend the term jewish or jewbate was used to describe people who would rip you off. again i apoligize if i have offended you:mrgreen: no racial slur intended

>gurgling noises<:evil:

I have to go read Panhead's "Don't Beat People To Within An Edge of Life" post again now.

Ranken: from the offensive to the depressing to the surreal in 1.5 pages

These are kids that got a bunk eight-ball, not Tony fucking Montana.

Haha,you got that right.

Fuken kids kill me,they go to sleep dreaming of winning the lotto or of being with a hot girl then they wake up & the 1st thing that hits them in the face is bright ass light,then they start thinking "where the fuck am i",then after a few groggy moments they remember.

Damm,i fucked that guy up now im in jail,i wish i hadn't pulled that stupid shit.
Haha,you got that right.

Fuken kids kill me,they go to sleep dreaming of winning the lotto or of being with a hot girl then they wake up & the 1st thing that hits them in the face is bright ass light,then they start thinking "where the fuck am i",then after a few groggy moments they remember.

Damm,i fucked that guy up now im in jail,i wish i hadn't pulled that stupid shit.

Panhead you speak the truth!!!

If I got a bunk 8-ball which has happened in the past(I had a bit a coke problm back in the day:roll:..lol... I got two 8balls I did one on my lunch break and it didn't do shit to me...well barely.. Not like doing a fucking 8ball should...
I called my boy and he called his boy and I got that shit either replaced or refunded..But hey if you gotta beat a mothafucka down then maybe $100 isn't worth it..