Time for a good ol ass beating?

Lemme tell you how it's done, you put the lime in the coconut, drink them both together... put the lime in the coconut then you feel better! Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up... put the lime in the coconut and call me in the mornin' and say DOKTAH!!! Now go make that crack!

Thanx you asshole. Like a year and a half ago i always had the song stuck in my head. Ill be singing it for the next week now. You're a real jerk.:evil:
Thanx you asshole. Like a year and a half ago i always had the song stuck in my head. Ill be singing it for the next week now. You're a real jerk.:evil:

HAHAHAHA! Hey man, join the club it's been stuck in mine for about 2 weeks now! Put da lime in da coconut...
Why is thread all about crack now?

I have NO idea.... but on the subject.....

I have a friend who had a crackhead attempt to carjack her..... she shot him 3 times in the chest at point blank range with a 9mm ... (hollow points) and that fucker still didn't die! ..... Whitney Houston was right.... CRACK IS WHACK!

The crackhead didn't get her car, she was NOT prosecuted (she has a CCW)..... and she lived! God Bless the 2nd Amendment! :D

This thread makes Marijuana Jesus cry.

How the fuck is it that people are bickering over their crack recipes as if that makes you cool? Anyone who wants to know how to make crack can run a google search, or go check Clockers out of the public library.

Also, kids who film their 'crew' beating some other idiot kid with their cell phone cameras so they can upload the clip to YouTube all deserve to be beaten with a fucking dictionary and sent somewhere without electricity until they figure out how to act like human fucking beings.

I think this is one of those days when I start getting depressed that Western society is collapsing into a sad melange of pr0n, reality TV, Da Ali G Show and Idiocracy.

I probably need to go pick up a couple grams of qif and roast my dome until my outlook improves.
that lasted about 2 minutes into the first line. :mrgreen::spew:
what was i thinking? :-?

I know that feeling.

Know what happens when I'm dumb enough to accept a line?

I get pissed off, smoke all the weed I have on hand, and then go to bed.

All in about 90 minutes.
This thread makes Marijuana Jesus cry.

How the fuck is it that people are bickering over their crack recipes as if that makes you cool? Anyone who wants to know how to make crack can run a google search, or go check Clockers out of the public library.

Also, kids who film their 'crew' beating some other idiot kid with their cell phones so they can upload the clip to YouTube all deserve to be beaten with a fucking dictionary.

I think this is one of those days when I start getting depressed that Western society is collapsing into a sad melange of pr0n, reality TV, Da Ali G Show and Idiocracy.

I probably need to go pick up a couple grams of qif and roast my dome until my outlook improves.

i went to "google image search" and typed in "crack cocaine'. there was actually a step-by-step photo essay on how to make crack. i almost posted it but figured someone here would end up trying it. lol. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Yeah I think you are a punk! If you had any morals you wouldn't bring yourself down to their level! So you got ripped off, I don't know what an eight ball costs but don't you think that if you get ripped off that it is worth the money you lost just to know who NOT to buy from? You can kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince/Princess but eventually you find some guy with the right morals to sell you a good deal on a regular basis!By confronting this dick head you are only making more trouble for yourself, cops may be called, if you carry out your revenge you will still have to constantly watch your back no matter how weak an enemy is it takes very little effort to REALLY hurt someone if taken by surprise, WHY would you put yourself in that position? Learn your lesson, be the bigger and wiser person and walk away! Christ sake!
Actually, I've changed my mind. Complete 180.

He dissed you on your magic 8-ball, playas can't be havin that dawg.

Next thing you know your hoez won't respect you and you won't be able to get any head before Wrestlemania.

You gots to smoke that bitch!

Gather your crew:


And make sure to take this with you. You'll need it:


Just kidding, I love everybody. Kittens and cupcakes for all!
Actually, I've changed my mind. Complete 180.

He dissed you on your magic 8-ball, playas can't be havin that dawg.

Next thing you know your hoez won't respect you and you won't be able to get any head before Wrestlemania.

You gots to smoke that bitch!

Gather your crew:


And make sure to take this with you. You'll need it:


Just kidding, I love everybody. Kittens and cupcakes for all!

they some gangstas with some crazy ass killin gangsta guns! :roll::blsmoke:
Nice one Macabee, lol. seriously though you guys should all stop grabbin' your balls swaggering from side to side as if you have some sort of disability, stop acting like morons and give your guns up! Every time I hear one of you "gangstas!" talking about how big and tough you are all I hear is the same sorta shit that Bush came out with before invading Iraq, jesus! chill the fuck out!