Time for a good ol ass beating?

LOL.... maybe your friend Jaime is the one who needs the beat down for being stupid enough to buy pressed soap carvings and powdered sugar from a punk-ass wanna-be gangster..... or perhaps you need the beat down for being dumb enough to hand your money over to such a moron in the first place. :mrgreen:

Shes not a moron, she didn't look at it until she got to my apartment, so don't come at me or her like that when you dont know either of us. k thanks.
thats great.... that's what they deserve if they think they can get away with that... I would never steal someones money or weed. but if someone trys and steal mine, you better believe it's gunna come back to you.

damn str8! karmas a bitch. what goes around comes around. There was pieces of dude all over that parking lot for a month. I work hard for my shit, legal or not. And I'll be goddamned if anyone is gonna take it from me. Hell my old house got broken into, shot that motherfucker in the gut with a nice little double tap from a 9mm baby eagle, he got to go hospital and then jail.
Ill find him. I don't know how long it'll take. Another thing though im on court supervision for 1 year and if i get caught doing anything ill go to jail, but im not letting him get away with this.
well you said your friends dont like him either, just go with them, and "watch". or wait till you see him alone, and then just come up on him from behind and knock his ass to next week, give him a chance to give your money back, and then if refuses, just give him a little more help.
damn str8! karmas a bitch. what goes around comes around. There was pieces of dude all over that parking lot for a month. I work hard for my shit, legal or not. And I'll be goddamned if anyone is gonna take it from me. Hell my old house got broken into, shot that motherfucker in the gut with a nice little double tap from a 9mm baby eagle, he got to go hospital and then jail.

thats right!! I've always said that.... i acually kind of hope that someone does end up breakin into my house. they will know better the next time they are thinkin about breakin into a house.
just do what you thinks right,,,ya pal should of checked the goods before she handed the paper over tho,,,,
you live nd ya learn,,,
thats right!! I've always said that.... i acually kind of hope that someone does end up breakin into my house. they will know better the next time they are thinkin about breakin into a house.
its funny, when I came down the hall with the mag light and gun, dude couldnt tell i was armed, he pulled out this pussy little knife and charged me, next thing I know I'm talking to police about what happened. I mean I know I shot him, but didnt really remeber pulling the trigger, instinct I guess? And the next morning i was really happy when I realized it happened on the tile not the fresh carpet.:blsmoke:
yeah, i would be to. definately instinct, i don't understand why people think it's a good idea to break into someone else's home. but if the gov't takes away our guns, they don't have to worry about getting shot anymore.
Here's something that might help put things in perspective.

I grew up in Detroit,im not a big ole tough guy but i have seen some shit in my day,ive also been to jail twice,the first time for Manufactiring & the second time for Felonious assault with intent to do great bodily harm(fancy name for Attempted Murder).

On the second conviction my story was much like yours,i was robbed at gunpoint,mother fucker put a pistol in my eye & made me empty my pockets,i gave it up too but i stayed pissed over that shit.

I ran into the guy who robbed me about a year later,i saw him but he either didnt see me or he didnt recognize me,either way i had time to think,all i could think of was that mother fucker laughing at me when he left,i went to my truck & got a tree limb & proceeded to beat him within an inch of his life,the mfer kept begging me to stop(please sir) & i told him dont hand me that sir shit,shit was funny last time we met wasnt it,i beat on him till he was a bloody mess then took everything he had on him including his shoes which i threw in the street.

Of course i got picked up,on the stand his mother told how his life was forever changed & what a good son he was,his doctor gave a report about how his bruised heart will most likely never heal right & that i ruptured his kidney,then all about how much pain i caused him,the guy who robbed me even swore that he never saw me in his life & never robbed me.

I ended up doing over 2 years on that one but it was the best lesson of my life,fuck that chump shit,assholes like the guy you know will always call the cops on you after you get revenge,then they'll laugh while your doing time,or they come back stronger next time so it never ends till somebody gets seriously fucked up.

Let that shit pass & learn a lesson,the lesson being dont buy anything from anybody you dont know personally or send anybody else to do a run for you,getting back door'ed is all part of the shit that comes with it & you knew you were taking a chance from the start.

Walk away from that stupid shit & leave his ass to the real gangsters who will rape his mother while his father watches after he rips the wrong person off,and he will.
Shes not a moron, she didn't look at it until she got to my apartment, so don't come at me or her like that when you dont know either of us. k thanks.

Ummmm she bought drugs from a known punk-ass wanna-be gangster and she didn't think to check it before she handed over the money? Perhaps she's not really a moron... but she certainly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed either!

Another thing though im on court supervision for 1 year and if i get caught doing anything ill go to jail, but im not letting him get away with this.

So you are on court supervision with risk of jail and you plan on seeking this kid out and beating him down over the cost of an 8 ball? Is it really worth JAIL TIME over a few hundred bucks? You must be pretty young because you are letting emotion rule you over reason.

Look I'm not trying to be a bitch here... just trying to get you to look at the BIG picture and realize it's not worth it. Do you think ANYONE serving time planned on getting busted? The best laid plans can spiral out of control pretty quickly. A few hundred bucks is NOT NOT NOT worth your freedom.

Personally I think you should lick your wounds and consider it a lesson learned. Karma will take care of that punk-ass kid soon enough.... and it's best if you are nowhere near him when it happens :D
yeah,.... but if the gov't takes away our guns, they don't have to worry about getting shot anymore.

Like I said, I work hard for what I own(guns included) and NO ONE is gonna take my shit. If Uncle Sam wants my guns, he better be ready for a fight. Like another user said somewhere" they might have me out numbered, but I have them out gunned".
mmm. ass whoopin'

I had my fair share of fights from dickholes that think they can get away with faggotry.

Friends come in handy on that sorta thing, its not about the money its more the principal of the issue. If jail is a major issue, if not then you know what you need to do already.
Let that shit pass & learn a lesson,the lesson being dont buy anything from anybody you dont know personally or send anybody else to do a run for you,getting back door'ed is all part of the shit that comes with it & you knew you were taking a chance from the start.

Well said!! :clap:
Panhead, I agree with you, and perhaps ive been lucky to have skated on several felony charges over the years, but sometimes when a line is crossed, or a person is repeatedly bogus, something has to be done, to keep that person from continuing to harm others. Sometimes you just gotta make a stand. I have only called for the police once in my life, and thats when the dumb ass that broke in was bleeding to death in my kitchen and screaming like a little girl...youre right on the "please sir....please" too....that fella that robbed me started begging for mercy and to let him pay me back, before I even hit him once, it was almost comical in a way. big man with a gun, but when its an even playing field most of your typical "bad mother fuckers" are big pussies.