Time for a good ol ass beating?

The kid actually just called me. He told me if i dont stop looking for him and calling him he will put a glock to my forehead. He also said if i touch him i will get shot by not only him but all his friends.

Why do they have to use guns? Fight like man. Jesus christ. Idk if ill be getting my money after all.
FUCK THAT SHIT DUDE, no white kid is ever going to do that shit. He will pussy out. go look for him with your boys, im serious, take brass knuckles, and a shank, and seriously fuck this kid up. what a littel bitch, he needs to learn once and for all. He needs to get seriously fucked up for that. Go do it tonight
Really because i never tweaked when on coke. Never tied anything in knots for no reason and didn't look out the blinds every 30 seconds. Im pretty sure your going on stereotypes and being completely stupid.

Dude you saying coke doesnt tweak you out isnt a stero type its what it fucking does......You dont stay up for 3 days if you want because your NOT tweaking........Ive done coke it does tweak you out and that why people do it.. Saying coke doesnt tweak you out is like saying you cant get drunk off beer.....You are stuck in this false reality your crack dealer wants you in....

Cocaine doesnt tweak you out people....It makes you sleepy and want bed time early.....Oh it also doesnt make you numb or have any other effects on the body....:roll:
FUCK THAT SHIT DUDE, no white kid is ever going to do that shit. He will pussy out. go look for him with your boys, im serious, take brass knuckles, and a shank, and seriously fuck this kid up. what a littel bitch, he needs to learn once and for all. He needs to get seriously fucked up for that. Go do it tonight

racsist much?
You have been chumped, apparently by some white kids who think they are gangster. Better luck next time.

no, there will be no more next time, an 8ball is worth a lot of money, and if someone doesnt put this child in his place, he will continue being an ass reamer. You must do something about this, and to think he had the audacity to call you up and tell you he'll put a glock to your face? Yeah fucking right, some little rich punk who still lives with mommy wouldnt think twice.
no, there will be no more next time, an 8ball is worth a lot of money, and if someone doesnt put this child in his place, he will continue being an ass reamer. You must do something about this, and to think he had the audacity to call you up and tell you he'll put a glock to your face? Yeah fucking right, some little rich punk who still lives with mommy wouldnt think twice.

He got screwed on a small time coke deal going through people he shouldn't have. What you want some murders to happen over it? It's stupid kids like you that are the ones I hear about on the news , found shot in the face.
The kid actually just called me. He told me if i dont stop looking for him and calling him he will put a glock to my forehead. He also said if i touch him i will get shot by not only him but all his friends.

Why do they have to use guns? Fight like man. Jesus christ. Idk if ill be getting my money after all.


Look at it this way....She Payed for the soap.. She looked at it and bought it her falt....Go blame her for buying some bunk shit other then getting shot over a couple dollars...This is why people shouldnt do coke or crack.....You are trying to start shit over some crack.....Its asking to get shot..

If I rip people off for a living imma have a gun.....Charge it to the game and stop being a bitch...Because by the look of your pretty eyes you wont like prison.....:roll:
Dude you saying coke doesnt tweak you out isnt a stero type its what it fucking does......You dont stay up for 3 days if you want because your NOT tweaking........Ive done coke it does tweak you out and that why people do it.. Saying coke doesnt tweak you out is like saying you cant get drunk off beer.....You are stuck in this false reality your crack dealer wants you in....

Cocaine doesnt tweak you out people....It makes you sleepy and want bed time early.....Oh it also doesnt make you numb or have any other effects on the body....:roll:

I meant tweak as in like twitch and play with things etc. and i dont stay up for 3 days. I stay up later than usual yes. And yes it does make you numb.

Look at it this way....She Payed for the soap.. She looked at it and bought it her falt....Go blame her for buying some bunk shit other then getting shot over a couple dollars...This is why people shouldnt do coke or crack.....You are trying to start shit over some crack.....Its asking to get shot..

If I rip people off for a living imma have a gun.....Charge it to the game and stop being a bitch...Because by the look of your pretty eyes you wont like prison.....:roll:

Fuck you dude. You dont know me. He isnt a crack or cocaine dealer actually so you got your shit wrong ONCE AGAIN BITCH. I didnt know she was getting it from him or else i would of stopped her because he sells weed but thats it. And yea they have guns but idc im still showing up with all my boys
No way, and you think just blowing it off is going to prevent any further action in the future? It is stupid kids like that :"dealer" that get shot in the face, by people like this guy, and his boys. It may be just a small amount of money to you, but to him, and the dealer, it is obviously worth more value. And its not really the money, it;s the principle of getting robbed. What goes around comes around. Do you honestly believe this "rich little white kid" is going to shoot him in the face? Who has everything to lose and nothing to gain from a would be murder according to you
No way, and you think just blowing it off is going to prevent any further action in the future? It is stupid kids like that :"dealer" that get shot in the face, by people like this guy, and his boys. It may be just a small amount of money to you, but to him, and the dealer, it is obviously worth more value. And its not really the money, it;s the principle of getting robbed. What goes around comes around. Do you honestly believe this "rich little white kid" is going to shoot him in the face? Who has everything to lose and nothing to gain from a would be murder according to you

Your right these kids arent going to shoot me. Yes they have guns,but would they ever use them? No they arent going to shoot anyone. Im going to beat his ass, they might pull a gun but i guarantee no shooting will happen. They are ages 16-21 they arent going to prison over this.
Exactly, and how do you even know they have guns? They are probably bb guns, I used to have one a while back that was very heavy, black, Co2 powered, and replicated a real gun. Don't be scared. Get some boys, get some closure by beating some ass with brass knuckles if you have to. You want him to be scarred for life.
Exactly, and how do you even know they have guns? They are probably bb guns, I used to have one a while back that was very heavy, black, Co2 powered, and replicated a real gun. Don't be scared. Get some boys, get some closure by beating some ass with brass knuckles if you have to. You want him to be scarred for life.

I know they have guns because i personally know these kids.
Enough talking. I've had enough of this arguing. If you're gonna go kick his ass go do it now and of course record it so i can watch. Then this thread can die peacefully.

No way, and you think just blowing it off is going to prevent any further action in the future? It is stupid kids like that :"dealer" that get shot in the face, by people like this guy, and his boys. It may be just a small amount of money to you, but to him, and the dealer, it is obviously worth more value. And its not really the money, it;s the principle of getting robbed. What goes around comes around. Do you honestly believe this "rich little white kid" is going to shoot him in the face? Who has everything to lose and nothing to gain from a would be murder according to you

It doesnt matter what the circumstances are....The guy riped him off witch means hes not scared of this kid...He has a gun he will use it because he doesnt want his ass whooped...The guy that ripped him off has prolly been on a 6 month coke binge and would shoot this kid without even thinking of what hes done..

Reality sucks some times just charge it to the game...Or go out and get your familys house shot up and all sorts of other shit...He is trying to start a war with some punk kids that think they are coke dealers last thing he wants is these kids thinking THEY run shit and shooting at people.

Ive seen it everyday....He says this kids a pussy that robed him(im agreeing here) But is a pussy gonna fight you if he has a gun in his pocket? No hes gonna shoot you and get 6 years in prison because hes a kid....Get over it and think about it...Every action has a reaction he whoops this kids ass next day this guy gets shot because he thinks hes the shit for whooping some dudes ass over some crack.

Its just not worth it no matter the way you look at it.. If you dont have a councealed carry lisence then I would be a little iffy on who you talk shit to. And not to mintion a crack dealer...I mean honestly these guys telling you to whoop this guys ass are trying to get you shot or the worse beat down you have ever had.. Its just not worth it dont smoke crack or do cocaine because the people that sell it are out to get everyone its a fact.
This is retarded. Go do whatever you think you need to do and stop asking people on this site to back you up.
i'd put money that that lil' suburban white bitch wont do a damn thing other than get his ass whooped. the people that run around talkin shit like"imma put a glock to your face" are just that, talk. if youre gonna shoot someone you dont call them and warn them first. hes tryin to scare you so you dont show up and beat his ass. if he really was a bad ass, he wouldnt have bothered to call you, or be pressed about this one bit, because he could take care of it when the time arose.....if I was in Ill i'd go fuck this kid up for you. Like I said earlier, I have shot someone, i know what it takes to do so. Anyways hows this kid gonna have time to shoot you, when you get girly to distract, so you can come up from behind, and use a bat to push the back of his head through his face.
...He is trying to start a war with some punk kids that think they are coke dealers last thing he wants is these kids thinking THEY run shit and shooting at people.


Stop acting like you know them. Because i personally know every single one of those kids.