Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"


New Member
Rick White stated: "You realize there is no evidence that suggests a genetic link despite a hoax a while back claiming there was."

False. Although a complicated interplay of genetics and environment is involved, and environment is commonly thought of by researchers who know best as the more predominant factor, genetics is definitely involved. There is no disputing this by now. There are gay animals all over the animal kingdom, and scientists can make fruit flies gay if they want. Do some research before passing off non-facts as facts


Well-Known Member
welcome aboard teejay and thanks for your service.

your post is very similar to what i have found. no big deal.

that equal oppurtunity complaints angle you mention is somehting i never thought of though. never have to deal with a complaint like that now cuz they cant tell. hmmm. i will have to think of this one for a while.

nice post and you will find me old soldiers on here...surprisingly perhaps. :blsmoke:
Cool, good to know we got some strength in numbers on here. Now if we could only get the VA to recognize MM as a treatment and not a "self-medicating drug problem" I would be even happier.

Yeah the whole EO thing sucks, too many people crying wolf and the ones that have legitimate complaints get swept under the rug.


Well-Known Member
Rick White stated: "You realize there is no evidence that suggests a genetic link despite a hoax a while back claiming there was."

False. Although a complicated interplay of genetics and environment is involved, and environment is commonly thought of by researchers who know best as the more predominant factor, genetics is definitely involved. There is no disputing this by now. There are gay animals all over the animal kingdom, and scientists can make fruit flies gay if they want. Do some research before passing off non-facts as facts
i think scientists and the government are trying to make us gay or more feminine. like their putting stuff in the food or water to raise estrogen

jeff f

New Member
Cool, good to know we got some strength in numbers on here. Now if we could only get the VA to recognize MM as a treatment and not a "self-medicating drug problem" I would be even happier.

Yeah the whole EO thing sucks, too many people crying wolf and the ones that have legitimate complaints get swept under the rug.
in my post i meant to say you will find MANY X service members not "me". and even the "others", you know, the "civilians", they seem to be cool to.

as far as medical marijuana, i dont know that anybody has ever approached it from that way, MM for vets. interesting. maybe a lawyer or someone with experience can lead us in the right direction..

as for the EO, that would probably be crazy for the first 4-5 months and then die down. now remember i started in 1981 when race relations were a major issue as well as quotas by race, gender, nationality etc. and the whole nine yardsas
my experience has been, many equal oppurtunity initiatives started with a big roar but usually died down within months and the mission went on.

as soon as people in charge started noticing a bunch of gay activists causing trouble, they would figure out a way to deal with them while still letting the normal gay guys do their job just like they are now.

dude, 2 quality posts. nice start

jeff f

New Member
TeeJay and Jeff's stories are anecdotal, but parallels the law in place..... it works.
they are anecdotal but the same arguments being made now were being made then. i really dont think the military would miss a beat with exception of the first 3-6 month bumps in the road.

the military has its shit together with handling this kinda stuff. there isnt a lot of time to think about anything other than the mission. seems your always overworked and underpaid. anybody who can do their job is very much appreciated.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
A little off the subject here, but...I had two gay cats.Felix and Tu.Now Felix, he was more bi than gay.He was the "top" and Tu was the "bottom." Tu had also had relations with female cats, but he preferred Felix after his initial foray into straight sex.If a female were in heat near him, he paid her no mind whatsoever.Felix, depending on his mood,seemed to like females quite a bit...but he and Tu were most certainly lovers,and sought one another out.Towards the end of my ownership of Tu,they were exclusively with one another.Unfortunately, Tu could not be housebroken to save his life,so I had to find him a home with a family who had a nice warm barn.I had given Tu to my boyfriend's mother at first.She didn't live far away,and about a week later, Felix brought Tu home. So, I had to find a home where he could be an outdoor cat.When I gave Tu away, Felix went missing for about a week-I presume to locate Tu.After he returned, he was depressed and angry at me.He ran away shortly after.Now,Felix was a stray when I got him, so I don't know how his childhood was...but Tu I had gotten from a neighbor as soon as he was weaned, along with two of his brothers-who were straight, by the way.He had a pretty happy kittenhood,I'd say.Father wasn't around much, but what tomcat ever stays with his babies? He was a willing participant in the sexual activities.This wasn't a mere case of "punking him out",these cats genuinely loved and enjoyed one another. I never had the gay talk with them-you know, the one where you tell your kids you'll love them no matter what-and I don't think either cat subscribed to any particular political belief set. I do believe both were atheist or at least agnostic.These were completely normal cats in any other aspect. Do you think Tu's mom weaned him too soon? Perhaps Felix came from an abusive home with a touchy- feely uncle?:lol:

Fact is, like it or not, most of the time behavior that deviates from the norm is caused by some sort of difficulty in childhood. For instance women who work in the sex trade nearly always come from abusive homes and are victims of molestation. Heavy drug use goes hand in hand with a history of abuse. Delinquency was once just assumed to be the result of the lack of a strong male roll model. Then in efforts to rationalize the narcissistic ways of the "me generation" this belief was swept under the rug. Now studies have confirmed this - or you can just drive through Detroit.

Actually, it seems like when ever a clear cause effect relationship doesn't fit the dogma of the Left they just have their cronies in all of our social science colleges suppress the offending evidence.

I have always come down on the nurture side of the nature vs nurture argument where complex behavior is in question. And, I just don't see an evolutionary explanation for a man who desires another man's crank. I also believe that we have the technology to answer the question of homosexuality being genetic - it's just that they have not found the answer they want yet.

But never the less, I do remain open to the possibility. But until then, logic dictates to me that I have to assume that the most likely cause is some form of childhood trauma or other developmental issue. And being cognizant of this, I must reason that these problems probably manifest themselves in other ways that might be problematic.


Well-Known Member
Rick White stated: "You realize there is no evidence that suggests a genetic link despite a hoax a while back claiming there was."

False. Although a complicated interplay of genetics and environment is involved, and environment is commonly thought of by researchers who know best as the more predominant factor, genetics is definitely involved. There is no disputing this by now. There are gay animals all over the animal kingdom, and scientists can make fruit flies gay if they want. Do some research before passing off non-facts as facts
You are talking out of your ass.

First, animals are not aware of their sexuality and can not therefore be "gay." The notion that this is possible comes from something called anthropomorphic fallacy. This is assigning human attributed to non-humans. Saying an animal is "gay" is like calling a dog that kills another dog a murderer. Animals have been seen mounting other animals but this has more to do with the animal simply being confused. Also, many animal behavior is triggered by pheromones. So, if I sprayed you with the pheromones of a female moose and sent you up north - well it's just say you wouldn't be happy. Or maybe you would, IDK.

Anyway, you are incorrect. There is no know genetic link to homosexuality, only speculation.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Gee, it sure looked like my cats were gay.I also observed that the straight cats acted a little repulsed and wanted absolutely nothing to do with the gay sex-like a lot of straight guys might react. Neither cat was "confused"...they clearly knew the difference between females and males.They just preferred one another.Like I said, it wasn't just "punking" or mounting to show dominance...this was courtship and mating between the two of them. Probably one reason Tu couldn't hold his mud, but whatever. I loved my gay cats. And who in the hell would choose to be ostracized,demonized and vilified all of their life when they could just "choose" to be straight and make life easier?
You can't believe that every gay person became that way because of abuse.Seriously.Many, many people have been abused in childhood,and they do not go on to emulate the actions of their abusers.Many people who've had "normal" childhoods have grown up to be complete fruit loops. Why? Because each person is wired in a certain way,and much of your personality is predetermined by biological factors unique to you. Sure, you could be damaged by traumatic childhood events and turn into a real asshole,but its not a guarantee that you will;you have tendencies wired into your brain to react in certain ways to certain stimuli,and though there are many similar reactions in different individuals,no one is exactly the same.
You're always arguing that "traditional" family values,i.e one man, one woman, united in a government/religious contract in marriage is the best way to raise healthy children,and you have no idea what you're talking about.So many fucked up people have come out of these "traditional" unions as to completely disprove that theory. Just because it looks the way you think its supposed to on the outside doesn't mean its not one big clusterfuck on the inside. Truth is, fucked up parents tend to fuck up their kids, at least a little bit-and it doesn't matter whether its a single mom,dad,pair of men or whatever configuration you can think of...if there is no love and nurturing,then the kids aren't being raised in a "healthy" environment. Will they have emotional problems when they grow up? Possibly.It really depends on how they're wired-whether they have the fortitude to overcome a traumatic childhood or succumb to it. But on the other side of the coin, having a healthy childhood doesn't automatically guarantee emotionally stable offspring.
But I do know if we go back to those "traditional values" you hold in such high regard,we'll see a disturbing resurgence of boys trying to prove how straight they are by beating the shit out of the slightly feminine boy in the class. We're going to see the same thing we saw when these values were the norm: children riddled with guilt over their orientation,afraid of losing the love of their parents,unable to tell the truth and be who they are. Because what we're really saying when we tell them to remain silent is "be ashamed.":leaf:
You are talking out of your ass.

First, animals are not aware of their sexuality and can not therefore be "gay." The notion that this is possible comes from something called anthropomorphic fallacy. This is assigning human attributed to non-humans. Saying an animal is "gay" is like calling a dog that kills another dog a murderer. Animals have been seen mounting other animals but this has more to do with the animal simply being confused. Also, many animal behavior is triggered by pheromones. So, if I sprayed you with the pheromones of a female moose and sent you up north - well it's just say you wouldn't be happy. Or maybe you would, IDK.

Anyway, you are incorrect. There is no know genetic link to homosexuality, only speculation.


Well-Known Member
At this point I must ask myself who is the bigger idiot. Stoney for her simplistic view of things or me for bothering.


Well-Known Member
At this point I must ask myself who is the bigger idiot. Stoney for her simplistic view of things or me for bothering.
I always thought when a male dog humped another male dog it was a dominance display. Maybe my dog really is gay. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you post with honesty....and stick to ur guns....after enough posts....someone will always refer to you as "that guy". :wink:
I'm sorry I didn't define 'that guy' well enough and that is my fault.

That guy - someone who asks how much do you think I'll yield, starts a thread with a question that could have easily been answered by doing a search, types in all caps, or gives the wrong advice.

I don't see you as one of those people.bongsmilie

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Of course.When we can't come up with a rebuttal,we insult the person we disagree with.This is number one on the internet troll's code of conduct. We all should stand in awe of RickWhite-after all,his reviews speak for themselves!

"He's the most intelligent man I've ever known!" RickWhite,some office chair,U.S.A
"Nobody knows half as much as RickWhite,just ask him!" R.W, RIU politics forums
"He's a legend in his own mind!" R White, dumbass redneck lair,America
"He totally would know how to find the clitoris,if he could ever shut his mouth long enough for a woman to consider taking her pants off around him!" Mr.White,undisclosed location

Gee, so sorry you had to "bother" translating Neanderthal into English for me, Rick.Having to actually address a woman as an equal when she doesn't have the good sense to remain in the kitchen must be taxing for you,especially since you have the answers to absolutely everything and you can't find a pen to write it all down for us mortals. Of course disagreement has to equal a lack of intelligence on the part of your opponent-otherwise, you might have to rethink your position,and that would cause a tear in the fabric of the universe.Don't let me keep you any more with my silly nonsensical prattle...you and Chuck Norris have to compare chest hair.:roll:
At this point I must ask myself who is the bigger idiot. Stoney for her simplistic view of things or me for bothering.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]THE TOP TEN CHUCK NORRIS FACTS:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]01[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]02[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]03[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]04[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]05[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]06[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]07[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck Norris met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]08[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]09[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]10[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A blind man once stepped on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Chuck Norris.[/FONT]


New Member
I'm sorry I didn't define 'that guy' well enough and that is my fault.

That guy - someone who asks how much do you think I'll yield, starts a thread with a question that could have easily been answered by doing a search, types in all caps, or gives the wrong advice.

I don't see you as one of those people.bongsmilie
There are many variations of "that guy".... :lol: It depends on the viewer. Not all write clearly....not all comprehend what they read correctly. And so it goes....the internet.

I know what you mean... :wink: