Tiny holes in leaves.


Active Member
looks like normal wear and tear... if its just the one leaf I wouldn't worry about it, if its all over then check the undersides of the leaves for pests durring the early morning or after dark


Active Member
Thinking leaf hoppers at this point. Which I have noticed out there. Other areas are more damaged than here. New one, for me. Already have leaf septoria, stem borers, PM, grass hoppers and snails. Will spray Biosafe cannabis protocol and keep on trucking! https://biosafesystems.com/programs/cannabis-program/
Just remember outdoor plants always take some damage, they are outdoors afterall. My outdoor plant has some leaves like this, some with smaller holes from grass hoppers, I've caught and earwig up on some leaves feeding a few times and a caterpillar that muched some leaves, but if the overall health of the plant is good and it's not an infestation of something, I wouldn't bother spraying... its like trying to fight the wind...


Well-Known Member
Just remember outdoor plants always take some damage, they are outdoors afterall. My outdoor plant has some leaves like this, some with smaller holes from grass hoppers, I've caught and earwig up on some leaves feeding a few times and a caterpillar that muched some leaves, but if the overall health of the plant is good and it's not an infestation of something, I wouldn't bother spraying... its like trying to fight the wind...
This is my 3rd year outdoors growing cannabis and I have been an avid vegetable gardener for decades. I'm used to seeing damage of all kinds. Spraying is essential for outdoor Oklahoma gardening. The Biosafe protocol, referenced above, has been a lifesaver for several of us around here!