Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow


Well-Known Member
2 people tell you becareful with your electrical set up, you might wanna rethink your electrical set up
dont get defensive when constructive critizem comes into play

i thought it was just me.... maybe not... but im being a asshole??? i dont think so. do you?


Well-Known Member
I would only suggest cutting a hole in the ceiling if he/she lives on the top floor.

right, if not i suggest wall. or buy another door from lowes and cut a hole in that and keep the other door for when you move. its like 20 bucks for a door. you can trap light with a 90 degree PVC pipe painted black in the inside... light dont reflect off black.


Well-Known Member
There we go!!!

Good advice brother has those slotted folding doors,so a little construction would be needed
BTW I cut a hole I my ceiling and mounted a fan to suck the hot air into my like a charm!


Well-Known Member
There we go!!!

Good advice brother has those slotted folding doors,so a little construction would be needed
BTW I cut a hole I my ceiling and mounted a fan to suck the hot air into my like a charm!

didnt notice the slotted folding doors. in that case, right there is a passive intake all he needs is a out take..


Well-Known Member
OP is growing in an apt w/no odor control, and the best all of you can come up with is to start cutting holes?.
wondering if this is heat stress or nute burn??

this happend to the set of leaves right after the first ones i cut the ends off to notice if it happend somewere else and it did slight curl up where the leaf meets the the stem?????

banks dank

Active Member
do you really have nothing better to do than lurk on my forum and talk crap find somewhere else to let off your lonely steam
haha your forum thats cute...

Listen to these people...consider that these people may know what there talking about...
Also try reading up on grow room design before u burn down ur moms house...

Good luck

banks dank

Active Member
wondering if this is heat stress or nute burn??

this happend to the set of leaves right after the first ones i cut the ends off to notice if it happend somewere else and it did slight curl up where the leaf meets the the stem?????
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Looks like heat stress caused damage to me...
possible its nute burn but i think it would be more spread out over the leaves if it was.

Whats ur temps at and how close to the light?
haha your forum thats cute...

Listen to these people...consider that these people may know what there talking about...
Also try reading up on grow room design before u burn down ur moms house...

Good luck
yes'm masta right away masta... again if you dont have some constructive criticism plzz dont bother.. i know its hard living with your parents but you dont have to project your insecurities on other ppl. get a life
Looks like heat stress caused damage to me...
possible its nute burn but i think it would be more spread out over the leaves if it was.

Whats ur temps at and how close to the light?
im running them 24 hrs so during the day its open and its 83-85. at night when i close it it gets to 95 lights are 4-5 inches from plants

what are you feeding them with? how much and how often?
im feeding them with fox farms soil trio. twice a week i mist 2-3 times a week and i started them after a week of the seedlings sprouting 1tsp big bloom to a gallon of water just made a new batch second week of veg 1tsp big bloom and 1tsp grow big to a gallon of water

Mr John

Active Member
OP is growing in an apt w/no odor control, and the best all of you can come up with is to start cutting holes?.
Dont blame the peeps trying to help the OP out. His grow room is haphazard and thrown together without any planning out at all.
first of all its my very first grow ive changed that area like 8 times i went from a cabinet to a dresser to a book shelf to now the closet the reason for being on this site but if all i get is ppl like you and them that only talk crap whats the point of this site or asking you guys? help out or shut up lets see your perfect grow room?? plzz enlighten me


Well-Known Member
first of all its my very first grow ive changed that area like 8 times i went from a cabinet to a dresser to a book shelf to now the closet the reason for being on this site but if all i get is ppl like you and them that only talk crap whats the point of this site or asking you guys? help out or shut up lets see your perfect grow room?? plzz enlighten me

we are helping out. the problem is you got a stick up your ass and think we are being assholes. if you want us to we will. jesus dude... learn from people who have been there and did that....

if you dont want to thats fine... just learn the hard way and hope a fire doesnt occur.

and when i switch to vertical.. ill be happy to show you the room. but until then, you can look at the journal not much has changed..