Tips for dealing with withdraw


Well-Known Member
I recently received multiple mental health diagnosis, some of which I am still not ready to accept. I'm exceptionally skeptical of antiphycotics and mood stabilizers so I told the doc I want to get sober and reset my body/brain chemistry to "normal" and we can reasses in a month or 2. I've been a heavy daily pot smoker since about 15 only stopping for jail/probation. I'm 1 week no booze weed or caffeine. Had about 6 weeks under my belt of no cigs before I started but relapsed on those the past few days. I've have lots of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep this week with lots of night sweats. So far I have only had 1 vivid dream that I remembered but have woke at least 2 other times knowing that that was the cause. I've need a nap most evenings to catch up. I know from my time on papers the the dreams will intensify over the coming weeks.

What's the best way to get back to sleep after being awoken in the middle of the night as I am now (I know I should not be on screens at this time)

Is there a bedtime routine that might help minimize the intense dreaming?

What's the healthiest way to get a dopamine hit when stressed and irritable if exercise and comfort food may not be avaliable/appropriate?
I recently received multiple mental health diagnosis, some of which I am still not ready to accept. I'm exceptionally skeptical of antiphycotics and mood stabilizers so I told the doc I want to get sober and reset my body/brain chemistry to "normal" and we can reasses in a month or 2. I've been a heavy daily pot smoker since about 15 only stopping for jail/probation. I'm 1 week no booze weed or caffeine. Had about 6 weeks under my belt of no cigs before I started but relapsed on those the past few days. I've have lots of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep this week with lots of night sweats. So far I have only had 1 vivid dream that I remembered but have woke at least 2 other times knowing that that was the cause. I've need a nap most evenings to catch up. I know from my time on papers the the dreams will intensify over the coming weeks.

What's the best way to get back to sleep after being awoken in the middle of the night as I am now (I know I should not be on screens at this time)

Is there a bedtime routine that might help minimize the intense dreaming?

What's the healthiest way to get a dopamine hit when stressed and irritable if exercise and comfort food may not be avaliable/appropriate?
Heavy smoker & insomniac here with you. Though I haven't kicked much besides my moderate alcohol consumption. I got that down to every other holiday. (I believe the past problems with me layeth somewhere in this area.) I smoke cigs (Pack a day), burn homegrown (6-7g a day), drink coffee (1-2 cups a day). Lots of anxiety & stress lately. Not much choice but to do things in ways I rather not, which brings on most off that.
At night/wee hours of the morning though I listen to white noise to sleep. Rain sounds help me knock out pretty good. I can't stand chatter when I'm trying to sleep, so can't sleep with normal tv on. The sounds help muffle the kids when they roll through. (Grown hoodlums who raid the kitchen for what's missing in theirs. lol) As long as they don't kill the last of my coffee creamer we're alright. :eyesmoke: Gonna need that when I get up.
I recently received multiple mental health diagnosis, some of which I am still not ready to accept. I'm exceptionally skeptical of antiphycotics and mood stabilizers so I told the doc I want to get sober and reset my body/brain chemistry to "normal" and we can reasses in a month or 2. I've been a heavy daily pot smoker since about 15 only stopping for jail/probation. I'm 1 week no booze weed or caffeine. Had about 6 weeks under my belt of no cigs before I started but relapsed on those the past few days. I've have lots of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep this week with lots of night sweats. So far I have only had 1 vivid dream that I remembered but have woke at least 2 other times knowing that that was the cause. I've need a nap most evenings to catch up. I know from my time on papers the the dreams will intensify over the coming weeks.

What's the best way to get back to sleep after being awoken in the middle of the night as I am now (I know I should not be on screens at this time)

Is there a bedtime routine that might help minimize the intense dreaming?

What's the healthiest way to get a dopamine hit when stressed and irritable if exercise and comfort food may not be avaliable/appropriate?
So you get a bipolar diagnosis?
I can relate and advise on that.
Don’t stress on it. Once you get over the stigma and understand it things are ok.

Id say you might find it tough and cause yourself trouble by going cold turkey on everything. That would usually trigger me.

If you can quit the cigs and alcohol and hold some weed back for weekends to catch up on sleep. Maybe that’s the best approach.
If you been a herb head since 15 there is a reason. Your head needs denting. I know, I am the same.
Eating weed is better than smoking for medicating btw.

Another option to help sleep is a product called ‘dozile’ it’s an over the counter antihistamine that makes you sleep. Good for up to a week as tolerance builds quick. But not much good if you have to work the next day.

Also ask your doc for some benzos for sleep. I find I sometimes need to put myself to bed for three days for a good sleep to get out of a deep funk maybe once a year.

As far as the antipsychotic and mood stabilisation goes I could only tolerate sodium Valproate. It’s great for the irritability but it has some side effects, nothing I can’t live with.
Don’t be scared to try this one first as I’ve tried nearly everything else and some other the others are a bit full on. (I do 2g a day and I’m 100kg, was 90kg when I started so side effect of weight gain for me.)

I currently am five years from diagnosis. Took me two years from diagnosis to actually get my body/brain balance back. (I got sick over a five year period of life stress and crazy irregular shift work)
I currently take sodium Valproate and weed oil everyday and my life is ok now - but slower and less expectations.
The valproate keeps the irritability on an even keel and the weed gives me a daily lift out of bipolar depression and helps me sleep.
My doctor doesn’t totally agree but screw them it’s my life I have to tolerate.
I recently received multiple mental health diagnosis, some of which I am still not ready to accept. I'm exceptionally skeptical of antiphycotics and mood stabilizers so I told the doc I want to get sober and reset my body/brain chemistry to "normal" and we can reasses in a month or 2. I've been a heavy daily pot smoker since about 15 only stopping for jail/probation. I'm 1 week no booze weed or caffeine. Had about 6 weeks under my belt of no cigs before I started but relapsed on those the past few days. I've have lots of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep this week with lots of night sweats. So far I have only had 1 vivid dream that I remembered but have woke at least 2 other times knowing that that was the cause. I've need a nap most evenings to catch up. I know from my time on papers the the dreams will intensify over the coming weeks.

What's the best way to get back to sleep after being awoken in the middle of the night as I am now (I know I should not be on screens at this time)

Is there a bedtime routine that might help minimize the intense dreaming?

What's the healthiest way to get a dopamine hit when stressed and irritable if exercise and comfort food may not be avaliable/appropriate?

Giving up caffeine is hard it gave me a royal headache that was the worst part after a while its easy to stay away from

Giving up pot in your situation is a good idea I had a friend in the same place years ago and weed did settle him he also was better without in the long run.

the dreams are hard to deal with I get it they come fast and furious
Once it’s over thou you can re access your life properly. I gave given up on occasions and the dreams were the worst part I never found a way but time for that to get easier

find a interest that gives you that dopamine hit. Like maybe beating a lvl on candy crush or something like that that teases the brain.
Adhd(well established)
Bipolar (was there with the text book)
OCD behaviors
Learning disabled
Autism (hardest for me to accept)

The gave me antihistamines for the Anxiety but they don't seem to help. I do want meds for my adhd but they won't give them to me til my other symptoms are back in order. Really not trying to take anything else in the time being as that would defeat the point of "detoxing "
Just woke up from one of the most intense dreams I can remember
Obviously pot smokers me including believe in the benefits of smoking.

that said I do not think it’s for everyone esp if you’ve mental problems, some it will help and I wouldn’t deny them it we are all wired up differently others can do better without it.

You can do it beating them dreams is the pits but if your doing it then shows your strong.

ahh forget the labels it’s you as a human that counts not what the label says.
Stick with it they will fade.
I know there bad almost like living it not dreaming it , the sweats
it doesn’t last forever about 30 days
Then you can re evaluate with your docs behind you , if you find in the future you enjoy a smoke then alls good either way make it over the hill and find out what works for you.
I’ve been aa for almost 20 years (booze and benzos) kicked heroin cold turkey and then my worst withdrawals came from quitting antidepressants cold turkey. I realized all of the addiction bs is a part of my mind that I call the addict and view it as a demon.Today I have leukemia and constant chemo and am fuckin old. But I get up have coffee and a joint (sneak a cigarette) and run with the dogs. I can still do 2 miles in 13 minutes. I’m not bragging I’m just pointing out that anyone with a little determination can push themselves, unfortunately everyone seems filled with excuses. When my dad was enlisted (marine) they did boot camp with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. Americans have turned into marshmallows. Quite literally if you are what you eat most Americans are made of corn syrup and antidepressant/psych medication
Drinking was the one I had to kick.

Back during Covid I was drinking a lot, and my work situation became extremely stressful. I started having panic attacks, like all day long, every day. I couldn't do anything except try to lay in bed and calm down. My doctor prescribed some anti-depressant, but I'm not a fan of that stuff either so I didn't take it. I chose the hard way, to face it head on and figure out wth was going on with me, make it right, and bring balance back to my life.

Took several weeks but what I came to realize is it was the drinking for me. I kicked that, and the panic attacks went away. Not saying that's you're issue, just my personal experience with alcohol. For some perspective I grew up in Europe and began drinking heavily at about 13, 14 years old.

I totally get the sleep thing too. Some of it is probably related to your other conditions, but drinking (and quitting drinking) can definitely screw with your sleep and dreams.

Just hang in there man. I know kicking any of those things is tough as hell, maybe the hardest thing you can go through. But what's on the other side is worth it.
Melatonin. I use a multi sleep thing called Nature's Bounty sleep 3. Also, try to limit screen time to an hour before bed.

I recommend listening to or reading a book called "Breathe" by James Nestor. I find it helps with my mood, sleep, and adhd. It gird into the science of breathing, including meditative breathing, and it meaningfully changed my life.

Good luck.
I've been smoking up my stash so that I would be out around the new year. Defiantly time for a tolerance break & beyond. Just want to break some habits like daily smoking as well as some other things. I only get 4-5 hours of sleep while smoking weeds so sure my sleep will be the same + the wild dream. The main thing is just keeping busy so I dont feel bored or irritable. Got a few hobbies I need to get back on besides growing.
antihistamines dont work for anxiety because its an antihistamine, youre not having a need for benadryl youre having anxiety
they prescribe those as a placebo because no one wants anyone on benzos anymore (for decent reason)

First and foremost dont do everything all at once, youre in a journey not a sprinted race. so cutting everything in one go probably not gunna help much lead you to frustration and exhaustion.

So if you relapse on cigerettes or have a coffee its not a huge real, drinking being the main one you dont want to continue as its the worst and if youre self medicating its not helpful, and it worsens disorders, I would start there and stop alcohol.

Therapy but like actual therapy CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy ) mindfulness, exposure therapy if you need it, DBT ,EDMR theres many , but try one , not talk therapy.

For sleep look up healthy sleep schedule try it, it takes time, honestly i know they say no screens etc,but if you genuinely cannot sleep get up read a book do something than try again. sitting in bed getting frustrated doesnt help.

exercise is a great tool but try to limit evening one

And remember while self care is great like lavender bubble baths , and chamomile teas, and exercise they dont cure disorders, there is a huge myth that people with disorders just need some lavender essential oils and viola theyll be cured, you wont, theyre not cures, they are helpful tools you can use but some days are REALLY bad days and drowning yourself in lavender isnt gunna take it away.

Self care is a great tool and it helps people who have bouts of anxiety that manageable etc, but it doesnt cure people with genuine psychiatric disorders and that line right there gets blurred alot

Take it in stride, go slow take your time your disorder isnt going anywhere so dont rush the healing ,

there are a few non medication options out there like TMS, (though I have decided against it myself)
antihistamines dont work for anxiety because its an antihistamine, youre not having a need for benadryl youre having anxiety
they prescribe those as a placebo because no one wants anyone on benzos anymore (for decent reason)

First and foremost dont do everything all at once, youre in a journey not a sprinted race. so cutting everything in one go probably not gunna help much lead you to frustration and exhaustion.

So if you relapse on cigerettes or have a coffee its not a huge real, drinking being the main one you dont want to continue as its the worst and if youre self medicating its not helpful, and it worsens disorders, I would start there and stop alcohol.

Therapy but like actual therapy CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy ) mindfulness, exposure therapy if you need it, DBT ,EDMR theres many , but try one , not talk therapy.

For sleep look up healthy sleep schedule try it, it takes time, honestly i know they say no screens etc,but if you genuinely cannot sleep get up read a book do something than try again. sitting in bed getting frustrated doesnt help.

exercise is a great tool but try to limit evening one

And remember while self care is great like lavender bubble baths , and chamomile teas, and exercise they dont cure disorders, there is a huge myth that people with disorders just need some lavender essential oils and viola theyll be cured, you wont, theyre not cures, they are helpful tools you can use but some days are REALLY bad days and drowning yourself in lavender isnt gunna take it away.

Self care is a great tool and it helps people who have bouts of anxiety that manageable etc, but it doesnt cure people with genuine psychiatric disorders and that line right there gets blurred alot

Take it in stride, go slow take your time your disorder isnt going anywhere so dont rush the healing ,

there are a few non medication options out there like TMS, (though I have decided against it myself)
+1 the antihistamine as placebo
I'm not a alcoholic not in denial that's just not my relationship with booze. I am addicted to nicotine and weed. Phycologist at the hospital told me "I dont think your Bipolar, I think your a pothead."Never thought the weed was an issue until recently but have been trying to give up the cigarettes for a long time now and was really proud of that 6 weeks longest I've made it in about 10 years. I've always been kinda embarrassed to be a tobacco user. I see caffeine as a tool but anything you do daily (outside of meeting health needs)is an unhealthy habit. I have been in therapy for a while but didn't feel I was making much progress til I started working with my current 1 about 5 months ago. I'm in an intensive treatment program now. 6hrs of group for 10days. I'm not scared to have a drink or a coffee when I get though this and I really hope I can regain a health relationship with pot. I'm keeping my grows going as I have such a personal connection to the plant, like to garden, and know it will help someone even if I can't enjoy myself (I don't sell but it is a cash crop if I ever fall on hard times) I'm well aware that there is no cure only better management. I'm eager to get back to work and being the best husband/father that I can be. I've been a highly capable competent and productive person in the past and want to get back to that. I didn't use to carry the anger and resntment with me that i do now, I know that i can be a pillar of my social circle and community and want to get back to being so. Yes life is a marathon not a sprint, but I'm 36 midlife crisis age and there is a lion chasing me this stretch of the run gotta hold my feet to the fire. I'm choosing treatment over medication for the near future because I know it is better in the long run even even if it is way harder in the short term
A quick update for those that care. Even though we don't know eachothers names and faces I feel as though RIU has become part of my community. I graduated my treatment program today. I've been sober since Dec 21st and mostly off caffeine. I intend to stay off the weed until4/20 and not have a drink til a bit after that. I'm back to smoking 1/2 pack+ but am allowing my self the grace that dropping everything at once is a bit much. I'll make a go at kicking that habit again in February. I started a nonstimulant adhd med on wendsday and the doc said it should help with my anxiety. Though it will take about 2weeks to take full affect. Still not down for taking any antiphycotics. I'm back to feeling like my old happy-go-lucky silly self again. I have a second opertunity with a different company at Amazon lined up and hope to get back to work next week. My marriage has made a complet 180. I truly thought it was over when my wife asked me out the house 12/19. We are treating eachother with admiration and respect again, our love life is like it was when we first started dating. My depression feels as though it has completely melted away along with all the accompanied system (uncontrollable guilt, self-loathing, anger SI). I yell at my kids a lot less and am embracing my role as a father. Thank you all for the kind words advice and suggestions . See yall in the grow journals.