To flush or not to flush?

How do you know your ph is 8? Run off tests are terrible because people usually just test the nutes that fill up their salt encrusted saucer and it isn't even close to accurate. A soil slurry test is better. For now, Just lower the ph of your water and nutrients until the PH is within range.
How do you know your ph is 8? Run off tests are terrible because people usually just test the nutes that fill up their salt encrusted saucer and it isn't even close to accurate. A soil slurry test is better. For now, Just lower the ph of your water and nutrients until the PH is within range.
I have a soil tester so lower my ph in my water lower than 6.5?
How do you know your ph is 8? Run off tests are terrible because people usually just test the nutes that fill up their salt encrusted saucer and it isn't even close to accurate. A soil slurry test is better. For now, Just lower the ph of your water and nutrients until the PH is within range.
I have a soil ph tester that’s how I know the soil ph is high but I ph everything I give the plants