To flush or not to flush?

Looks fine. You seem to be on the right track and drastic changes (flushing) isn’t necessary IMO. Maybe a minor adjustment if anything.

if everything going in is correct and they look that good leave them alone!!!
The plants in your pic look fine. This is where you need to practice the fine art of “LITFA”.

That’s what @Autofire couldn’t figure out so he dumped tons of nutrients through it and burnt his plants.

Don’t over react to one leaf
Don’t freak out when lower leaves fade out
Don’t make major changes when your plants look fine.
Isn't the optimum range pH 6.5 to 6.8 in soil but you are vary in that range, make sure you listen to the right person on here mate, a person who has been growing for years, you will soon suss them out, I'm very much a noob but there's quite a few good growers on here, probably quite a few shite ones like me too though. Love that " LITFA"
(leave it the fk alone) also remember KISS (keep it simple stupid) less is more and all that.
If you're using one of those cheap soil pH testers you are not getting an accurate reading. Those things are junk and belong in a landfill. If you're testing runoff then you're also not getting an accurate reading.
Hey fellow growers this is my first grow I’m in 7 gallon fox farm ocean forest I’m on my 4th week in flowering but my leafs are getting tiny yellow dots I’m thinking a calcium deficiency I’ve been giving them calmag every watering cycle but my ph is 8 will a flush help lower my ph?
Why are you giving cal mag each time? What water are you using? And what nutes?