To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

To high or not to high that is the question

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I stay high....soo im never really not high....or am I? maybe I was high to begin with and this just calms me down? god now you guys got me thinkin HAHA
its not about both.......ppl saying they medicate........vs getting you really medicate I guess...............would you use pot if it didnt heal but just got you high.

Yes i would when i was 14-15 i was smoking pot not knowing if it had medical qualities now ten-11 years later i use it for both
I smoke to sleep and getting high is a desired after effect. Why do i smoke during the day? Why does a bear shit in the woods?, because its there and its not hurting anyone :-)
I use it to get baked mostly. It does have medicinal benefits for me, as it does for probably everyone else. I am fortunate enough that with the new state law I now can use it legally.
same boat as you SP, I just love getting high, it enhances playing music, makes playing music much more enjoyable, enhances my creativity and the beneficial side affects are just a bonus!! Smoking weed, it's not just a hobby, its a lifestyle!
I smoke to get high, that being said, if i am not high i can not eat, i have a hell of a time sleeping, and my anxiety gets way out of control quick.
I use it medically for my wife, if im high, i don't beat her! J/K!

LOL ... my wife doesn't smoke but alot of times she likes it when i do cause it relaxes me and i dont tend to want to argue and stuff as much.

At this point in my life i think that if i didnt smoke i would have to take something else t relax me. without it i seem to stay pretty high strung all the time and end up getting pissed off fast and very easily.

guess you could say it helps keep me out of trouble lol.
oooh, it's kind of a joke around here. I say have you seen my medication LOL. It comes in a prescription bottle. I will show you a pic.

Sometimes I do smoke for a migraine but usually I smoke to relax.

xanax is medicating too...

this is the bottle. Do you have this in tx?

well so far it 19 to get high and 4 for medical and 1 grower and 4 gays LOLs.......I knew taht one would get votes LOL...........but looks like we do it to get high so far for the majority here.
I do both.... But I laugh when people say they need to medicate and they look fine to me.

Let's discuss the idiosyncrasy of people saying they want to 'donate' excess 'medicine' when they really mean they want to sell it and pocket cash. I find that almost as funny as 'medicate'. Don;t get me wrong, terminally ill and SP need their weed, but come on... half or more of the cards in Cali are probably BS...

To start off with I know pot is great for many medical problems. Im not argueing that. If you ever been even remotely around pot you will know that it is a type of medication. With that said LOL..........

I hear it all the time IM GOING TO MEDICATE I said im not argueing that......its for real........BUT

How many ppl here actually only use pot for medication and how many do it to get fucked up and high....

I been smokeing pot for what around 47 years and I do it to get HIGH AS FUCK.....the side benefits of sleeping well and an old mans aches and pains probley benefit from it but I do it to get HIGH not medicate and I never ever use the term medicate unless teasing

Lets here it from a growers fourum do you get high or medicate......
I do both.... But I laugh when people say they need to medicate and they look fine to me.

Let's discuss the idiosyncrasy of people saying they want to 'donate' excess 'medicine' when they really mean they want to sell it and pocket cash. I find that almost as funny as 'medicate'. Don;t get me wrong, terminally ill and SP need their weed, but come on... half or more of the cards in Cali are probably BS...

You don't have to look sick to be sick. People walking around with Lupus may not look sick but trust me, they don't feel well.

I don't llike that whole thing about donation either. I hate when the dispensary says "recommended donation is $15". It's like, donation? so can I give you $10? or how about I only want to donate $5, will you still give me the same bag? I heard they give it to you cheaper if you're script says you have an illness. What illness do you need though, chronic or terminal? I have chronic anxiety. Would that count?
fuckkkkkkkk i love you stoned.. i just brought up this point last night in a thread, and have been wanting to start a thread on it for ages, but never have for fear of getting a crock of shit over it..
god damn do i effing hate when people say i'm gonna go pick up my meds, no mutha fucker, your gonna go score a bag of weed, and no, your not medicating, your smoking .. FUCK YOU, god, i hate that shit..
and why should i feel like such a jerkoff cuz i like to get stoned?? even magazine like high times have gotten away from calling it marijuana and have started calling it meds.. it drives me absolutely insane..
and how many people that actually have a med card, have a real condition where marijuana is needed?? nigga please.. i'm soo sick and tired of feeling like i'm the bad guy cuz i smoke to get stoned.. lets end all of these games and call a spade a spade..
Don't get me wrong, one of my 'patients' has Lupus and she doesn't work because of it. She cannot sleep without weed. She smokes and likes edibles. I was merely making fun of the ones that 'medicate' and have no illness other than the one in their head... ;)

You don't have to look sick to be sick. People walking around with Lupus may not look sick but trust me, they don't feel well.

I don't llike that whole thing about donation either. I hate when the dispensary says "recommended donation is $15". It's like, donation? so can I give you $10? or how about I only want to donate $5, will you still give me the same bag? I heard they give it to you cheaper if you're script says you have an illness. What illness do you need though, chronic or terminal? I have chronic anxiety. Would that count?
I smoke to sleep and getting high is a desired after effect. Why do i smoke during the day? Why does a bear shit in the woods?, because its there and its not hurting anyone :-)

if that was true jesus, let me ask you this.. did you start smoking marijuana after you found out you had a condition, or before?? i broke me leg once, and started to take percs for the pain, but i didn't take the perc's before i broke me leg..
fuckkkkkkkk i love you stoned.. i just brought up this point last night in a thread, and have been wanting to start a thread on it for ages, but never have for fear of getting a crock of shit over it..
god damn do i effing hate when people say i'm gonna go pick up my meds, no mutha fucker, your gonna go score a bag of weed, and no, your not medicating, your smoking .. FUCK YOU, god, i hate that shit..
and why should i feel like such a jerkoff cuz i like to get stoned?? even magazine like high times have gotten away from calling it marijuana and have started calling it meds.. it drives me absolutely insane..
and how many people that actually have a med card, have a real condition where marijuana is needed?? nigga please.. i'm soo sick and tired of feeling like i'm the bad guy cuz i smoke to get stoned.. lets end all of these games and call a spade a spade..

I don't know but I see quite a few people in the dispensaries who are in wheelchairs and whatnot. I also see quite a few thugs. It depends which dispensary you go to. If you have a script you can go wherever you want but the nonmedical types seem to go to certain places and the medical users go to others. I can think of one place that I've never seen a person who looks like they need a prescription for marijuana. I don't judge, I don't know what thier "illness" is. I think period cramps are a valid reason for smoking pot, headaches, or musce pain. You don't have to be on your death-bed.

oh another thing I can tell you is that I smoke for headaches but I smoke when I don't have them as well, haha.
Anything one would take a tylenol for should be considered as safe ground. I think cards are BS, but if that is what it takes to educate the public to pot, so be it...