To pop or not to pop

Hello Eyeryone

so I will try spit this out as quickly as possible although this is something im working on and don’t seem to be getting any better at so please read on and give me a min of your time.
And to include everything I feel I need to say might take a min but I will try my best to only talk about the most important bits and be as brief as I can.

So I have a bag of seeds.
These seeds came from 2 female plants I was experimenting with a few years ago.

The female plants were the result of a ongoing pheno hunt campaign i suppose you could call it, many different packs of regular seeds were popped and run through so these 2 plants were quite important and also expensive to me personally.
I had run the 2 chosen phenos a few times with absolutely no problems whatsoever from start to finish.
On the 4th run I ended up having a seeded crop.
The only reason I could think of why it had happened was because on this 1 occasion I did flip a little earlier than what I would usually do after a repotting. If I remember right I think I only left it 10 days after repotting but it’s all learning and I was trying to experiment so it’s all good I learnt my lesson and after investigation I found 1 of the 8 plants which consisted of 4 of my 1st choice of pheno and 4 of my 2nd choice of pheno had grown a massive ball sack and had exploded a long time before i found it. Also as it was only 1 plant which was treated the same as the others could it have been something else? We will never know but all I could say was different was this shorter relax time after repotting and then flipping.
I had chosen these phenos because they had already been through some unintentional stressy situations for eg high temps low humidity and extreme pruning in flower due to bugs and also spraying with bug killer (only organic) and they had already proved resilient to all this so i thought i was good to relax with them.

Just to clarify it wasn’t what I have had before on other plants which were discarded which I think we call nanners it was a full grown big hanging sack.

Basically after this seeded crop I decided to shut down due to the fact I had been battling spider mites for a long long time and I had had enough. I refused to use any pesticides which are not organic! I was using biological pest control, twice I had had periods of full light on and no plants in the grow area or nearby for a month at a time. I had done isopropyl alcohol sessions dipping all plants every 2 days for weeks on end serious labour stuff but I just couldn’t get rid of the mites. After this I focused on outdoor crops and since then I have been able to do outdoor growing and combined with slowing down how much I smoke has been enough to see me through without having to buy weed on the street which is all I want to be able to do.

My Question is

Who thinks I should pop a few of the seeds and try grow them out?
Baring in mind the seeds are a mix of my 2 favourite finds out of many different packs so I have been waiting for an opportunity to give it a go and obviously I’m eager to see what comes out.
I had successfully grown these plants from seed and flowered and then again another 2 times from cuttings again as I already said with no problems. What if I am to blame for flipping so soon after repotting? What if I have a mix of my 2 favourite finds from a few years ago and there just sitting there in the fridge?

I have just harvested some bud and had a great crop so I will not be needing any new weed for quite a while so if it all goes wrong I won’t really be missing out on anything because I don’t sell it, only grow for my own clean personal use and what I have in stock right now will probably last me at least a year. Paying for the electric and finding out I have a load of finicky seeds that just herm on me from any little stress is ok with me because if I was to buy weed on the street I would be spending a lot more than what the electric costs me. Couple bags of soil cheap as chips! Got all the feed in stock have had multiple crops off of the same nutes I bought in bulk a long long time ago.

if you have read this properly then all I am expecting is either yes or no answers but if you do have any relevant questions and would like to help out I am more than happy to hear what you have to say.

to pop or not to pop that is my question.

thanks all
I am no good at keeping it short and sweet that type up I just did looks longgggggg. So if anyone does take the time to read it I thank you very much
as above, but keep it to a minimum, have a reliable crop growing with a few of these new seeds, but keep them apart if you do, nothing worse then a seeded crop
as above, but keep it to a minimum, have a reliable crop growing with a few of these new seeds, but keep them apart if you do, nothing worse then a seeded crop
Thanks for your reply.
I did say in my ridiculously long intro that if it all goes wrong it doesn’t matter because I have my own personal stock put away. All iwill be loosing out on is a bit of cost of electric a bit of soil some nutes and a bit of my time. I have money to buy new seeds and if I was relying on having a good crop I would not be using these seeds but I’m just sitting here thinking ok I lost all my strains before, lost money, let people down, wasted my time after narrowing my operation down to a couple of strains out of literally hundreds of seeds maybe into the thousands if I include my partner at the time who was pheno hunting with me it’s defo over 1000 seeds and in this bag I might have a mix of my 2 favourite strains from that mission.
end of the day we are dealing with problematic strains and good practise is to not bother but while I have a spare few months should I give it a go. Here’s something I didn’t add in my first part. 1 of the phenos I had was ridiculously coated in crystals, it was a high yielder, it sent everyone to sleep very quickly. I’m no expert in breeding so somebody might tell me that it’s very unlikely for me to find the same qualities from the seeds I have but that’s why I’m here asking.
thanks again
Do it, your tent is empty and you have enough squirreled away for a year, you invested heavily in it. If it's junk, toss it. If not, more weed! I don't see why you are questioning it.

God hates a coward, he also doesn't help those who don't help themselves. Then again, he doesn't give with both hands. As handsome as my wife says I am, I might not be the smartest person to ask. I do have experience out the wazoo though.

What I've learned after growing for 20+ years is you have to keep it interesting, and exciting. Or else it becomes a chore or job. Pop them beans get that tingle going!
Do it, your tent is empty and you have enough squirreled away for a year, you invested heavily in it. If it's junk, toss it. If not, more weed! I don't see why you are questioning it.

God hates a coward, he also doesn't help those who don't help themselves. Then again, he doesn't give with both hands. As handsome as my wife says I am, I might not be the smartest person to ask. I do have experience out the wazoo though.

What I've learned after growing for 20+ years is you have to keep it interesting, and exciting. Or else it becomes a chore or job. Pop them beans get that tingle going!
Love your reply thanks for that
Clean everything up top to bottom and then again. Get everything together that you’ll need and run it! You only live once and you’ll have more regrets if you don’t do it
Do it, your tent is empty and you have enough squirreled away for a year, you invested heavily in it. If it's junk, toss it. If not, more weed! I don't see why you are questioning it.

God hates a coward, he also doesn't help those who don't help themselves. Then again, he doesn't give with both hands. As handsome as my wife says I am, I might not be the smartest person to ask. I do have experience out the wazoo though.

What I've learned after growing for 20+ years is you have to keep it interesting, and exciting. Or else it becomes a chore or job. Pop them beans get that tingle going!
I’m only questioning it because I have absolutely no experience with using seeds that at the end of the day are linked to unreliability. I said that I done 3 runs on the plants that the seeds came from with no problems. That’s true but really at the end of the day there is some bad genes in this gene pool isn’t there? I’m from uk. We’re known for the exodus cheese. Apparently no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t get that uk cheese to hermie. I’m sure it would be bad practise to pop these seeds because that’s the rules! End of the day they came from a hermie of some sort so I know it’s risky business I just wondered if anyone could tell me yes or no. The seeds in the beginning came from reputable company’s so obv there’s alot of this unreliable genetics going about even from what people call top breeders.

what I’m thinking is that maybe I have a bag of seeds that ok should be feminised as they came from female plants, it’s a mix of my 2 selected strains, and maybe I’m the one to blame for making 1 of them turn!
what do I have here ? Is it called S1 seeds? Talk to me
I had mites for a while too. Almost a year. I tried every organic spray, spritz, juice, sauce, mist. You name it. Finally got rid of them using acephate. Acephate is a synthesized organic compound. Meaning, it's organic but produced in a lab. Acephate is a systemic, it is absorbed through the roots of the plant and stays in the plant for 15 days.

Mites eat leaf, mites die. I use it once a week until the end of week 2 of flower. Haven't seen a mite in 2 months. Feels liberating. Like a fat guy spinning in circles, arms wide out with fancy music playing at golden corral
I had mites for a while too. Almost a year. I tried every organic spray, spritz, juice, sauce, mist. You name it. Finally got rid of them using acephate. Acephate is a synthesized organic compound. Meaning, it's organic but produced in a lab. Acephate is a systemic, it is absorbed through the roots of the plant and stays in the plant for 15 days.

Mites eat leaf, mites die. I use it once a week until the end of week 2 of flower. Haven't seen a mite in 2 months. Feels liberating. Like a fat guy spinning in circles, arms wide out with fancy music playing at golden corral
I have found it very interesting how outdoors the mites don’t dominate like they do indoors. Outside I get great results with using tap water as a spray and blast them off. I was told by an old school grower that this is because outside that have other options and if you make their stay as inhospitable as possible they will move on and this is what I have experienced
I have found it very interesting how outdoors the mites don’t dominate like they do indoors. Outside I get great results with using tap water as a spray and blast them off. I was told by an old school grower that this is because outside that have other options and if you make their stay as inhospitable as possible they will move on and this is what I have experienced
outdoors they have natural predators