to the yanks on behalf of queen elizabeth


Well-Known Member
Love it we Americans never have been able to laugh at ourselves all that well. As for us though we did win two world wars even if we were a bit tardy. Not to mention we whooped those red coats assess lol. But like what was said earlier it is not cheap being todays nazis. Just remember folks hitler said he was liberating Poland just like we are Iraq Libya and countless other countries. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
Love it we Americans never have been able to laugh at ourselves all that well. As for us though we did win two world wars even if we were a bit tardy. Not to mention we whooped those red coats assess lol. But like what was said earlier it is not cheap being todays nazis. Just remember folks hitler said he was liberating Poland just like we are Iraq Libya and countless other countries. Just sayin.
Actually, we let you take back the territory, because we were afraid that France would attack the mainland if we shipped the military to the states.

You're welcome.


Active Member
per head the uk has a much higher ratio of michelin starred restaurants than the USA, clearly when it comes to food we're miles ahead of the country that came up with "spray out of a can cheese"

on the haggis note, a lot of the best chefs in the world eat offal, kidney and liver are unbelievably good for you and taste like really meaty butter, one of the finest food products right up alongside baluga caviar is foie gras goose LIVER!!

so america can keep its obesity capital of the world title, take mcdonalds kfc pizza hut burger king back, you have contributed nothing to the world of gastronomy apart from reinforced chairs and chronic heart disease.

all the good american food doesn't even originate there its mexican or french canadian influenced.......its a sad day for intelligence when the americans try and get arrogant about their food too


Well-Known Member
Ahh I see lol. I guess what I don't understand is what kind of a proud honorable people is afraid of the pussy French? They couldn't stop Germany twice. Oh and for the record tea sucks drink some coffee lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah. American coffee? or the stuff that comes from Brazil or Africa. mmmmm, and France at the time had the largest army in the world. let me see, why doesnt USA attack the communist and seriously oppresive The Republic of China, let me think?


Active Member
yeah. American coffee? or the stuff that comes from Brazil or Africa. mmmmm, and France at the time had the largest army in the world. let me see, why doesnt USA attack the communist and seriously oppresive The Republic of China, let me think?
we only dominate countries that have natural resources worth plundering,AAARRRGHHH...


Well-Known Member
per head the uk has a much higher ratio of michelin starred restaurants than the USA, clearly when it comes to food we're miles ahead of the country that came up with "spray out of a can cheese"

on the haggis note, a lot of the best chefs in the world eat offal, kidney and liver are unbelievably good for you and taste like really meaty butter, one of the finest food products right up alongside baluga caviar is foie gras goose LIVER!!

so america can keep its obesity capital of the world title, take mcdonalds kfc pizza hut burger king back, you have contributed nothing to the world of gastronomy apart from reinforced chairs and chronic heart disease.

all the good american food doesn't even originate there its mexican or french canadian influenced.......its a sad day for intelligence when the americans try and get arrogant about their food too
So you judge the entire nations food quality based on the worst fast food restaurants? :confused:

Or was it just a "we're better than you" kind of thing?

Well, here you go, have a cookie and enjoy your haggis..



New Member
If you don't beat your meat, you can't have any pudding !! How can you have any pudding if you don't beat your meat?


Sector 5 Moderator
ye canny beat haggis auld pal, sheep heart,lungs and liver, minced and boiled in a sheeps stomach, i had some last week, it was lovely. i also had black pudding a blood sausage yesterday
If it works for you, I'm happy. :)

What would that be exactly?
I'm not sure. All I know is that before the French invented food, the Brits were eating rocks, dirt and sticks. On the other hand, that's the best thing I've ever said about the bloody French.


Well-Known Member
If it works for you, I'm happy. :)

I'm not sure. All I know is that before the French invented food, the Brits were eating rocks, dirt and sticks. On the other hand, that's the best thing I've ever said about the bloody French.
ohh lalala


Active Member
We'll see after tomorrow whether the Kiwis are any good at anything. I'm guessing after the Wallabies rape the All Blacks at Eden Park on Sunday the whole nation will be on suicide watch. After the All Blacks it's only Peter Jackson keeping that country's heart pumping and wallets bulging. Most of them are moving in droves to Oz to plunder our mining riches, following a well trodden path established by the Poms 200-odd years ago....


Yanks and Poms. Quit arguing. We'll help both of you fight and win your wars and never whinge about it... And we're ambivalent about who's spelling to respect. Meh! :-D