to the yanks on behalf of queen elizabeth


Active Member
rugby is a true mans game unlike american football where your entire body is covered in armour bunch of fags.


Well-Known Member
Uk: spotted dick is a dessert
USA: spotted dick is a good Saturday night you can't remember!

USA for the win!!


Active Member
That was pretty funny. cheeky bastards :-) Even if our 49 states agreed...good luck with texas, which you can have by the way.
only 46 states in USA. Massachusetts, like Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky, are called "Commonwealths". Commonwealths are states, but the reverse is not true.


Active Member
You're right. It is manly to grab your bros junk and intentionally rush into him and grab all over him. ;) My bad.
how can u interpret someone grabbing and near twisting off ur cock as some sort of gay advance? i'm straight so i'm not totally versed in gay interaction but i'm fairly sure thats not floating anyones boat. rugby is undeniably more of a mans game its more brutal with less protection.
having been in a rugby team thats played an american football team at both games i can honestly say that the better players are playing american football. there is more skill and accuracy and tactics involved in american football. but its still not a mans game.

oh yea we got humped at rugby and "football". fair play to em tho they took a beatin

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
how can u interpret someone grabbing and near twisting off ur cock as some sort of gay advance? i'm straight so i'm not totally versed in gay interaction but i'm fairly sure thats not floating anyones boat. rugby is undeniably more of a mans game its more brutal with less protection.
having been in a rugby team thats played an american football team at both games i can honestly say that the better players are playing american football. there is more skill and accuracy and tactics involved in american football. but its still not a mans game.

oh yea we got humped at rugby and "football". fair play to em tho they took a beatin
I have never denied it's a man's game. It is. It's just a gay man's game.


Well-Known Member
this thread fairly took off, the power of humour is far reaching, unfortunately sum fuckers kinda missed the point. and that would be 'have a fucking laugh!'


Well-Known Member
this thread fairly took off, the power of humour is far reaching, unfortunately sum fuckers kinda missed the point. and that would be 'have a fucking laugh!'
I learnt a long rime ago that Americans do not understand British humour.
They don't understand that our humour can be very dry and include self-depreciation and irony. It goes right over their heads.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I learnt a long rime ago that Americans do not understand British humour.
They don't understand that our humour can be very dry and include self-depreciation and irony. It goes right over their heads.
Bill Hicks and Louis CK are all American sir.