To Trim or leaf it alone?


Active Member
Some opinions say not to over-love the plants, but I am growing in a "mini cool cab" and have 6 plants in there on 12/12 cycle. Some of the fan leaves are pretty large and blocking out the light a bit. Should I trim them off or just leave them alone? Over all every plant is healthy and thriving - does it stunt growth to trim them or does the benefit out-weigh the risk? I haven't been able to sex them yet and I'm impatient...My main objective is to get these babes to mature asap for my own needs - I can take my time more on the next crop...

Tks for any advice.


Active Member
I asked the same question in a different thread last week. The response I got was to leave them alone and dont trim them. It could cause your plant stress and slow growth even more then if you were to trim them and to try to help the growth.

I just went out and bought a couple of cheap cfl's that I rigged up to shine on the lower areas of my plants. Plus I started to turn my plants clockwise so much per day as to help with the reflective areas of my plants as only two sides have a good solid white paint to help reflect the light.

But to answer your question the fan leaves from what I have read/been told seems to give vital nutrients to the plant that the plant doesn't seem to get in other places, i.e. carbs. So to hack a leaf that is providing nutrients could actually hurt you rather then help at the flowering stage. However I have also seen an atricle recently posted by Mogie where a fellow actually recommends that you trim your plants in the first week of flowering but then leave them alone for the rest of the period.


Well-Known Member
leaves feed the branches they are attached to. remove the leaf, remove the food supply. some people trim the lower portion of plant at onset of flowering. this is to focus more energy on the upper flowers. lower flowers receive lower light levels and grow slower.
you can "tuck or bend" larger fan leaves out of the way but i would not recommend removing them.


Active Member
Thanks. Yeah I read your post after I asked the question. I'll try to read more and ask less! I'm just impatient and like to play with them. I've been trimming 2 of them and leaving the rest alone to see which works better. One thing I know for sure is you can't really get a buzz off them so I guess why cut them off, right?

Tks again for the reply.


Well-Known Member
best way to learn is first hand. the waiting part sucks. i'm at 7 weeks and i walk around with scissors in my hand. trying to go 3 more weeks. patience...


Active Member
best way to learn is first hand. the waiting part sucks. i'm at 7 weeks and i walk around with scissors in my hand. trying to go 3 more weeks. patience...
Hello,I am having a problem with growing new plants indoors,I use Miracle Grow Potting soil and bottled water,so I believe I am pretty grow in the envorment part,but the problem seems to be when the seedling breaks the surface,its leaves are extremly small and ithe stem looks anorexic and grows perhaps two to three inches REAL fast,then dies!!!!Got any suggestions???Oh yeah,I grow these indoors,they get plenty of sunlight and I let the soil go dry before ther watered again and only with bottled water!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi MAry...

You should start your own thread... iloveyou

Mg soil is very harsh for young plants and it may be the nurients in the sol that are killing your plant.. More likely it is the fact that you are allowing the soil to dry.. Your technique is SOUND for older plants...2+ weeks old.. YOUNG plants need the soil to be moist (not muddy) so that the young roots do not dry out..


It is also important that you pH your water... tap water will be fine..


check this pH video out..

pH Water - See More Buds

If your plant is indoors, it is most likely not getting enough light.. you should get a CFL. ideally 42 watts!



Well-Known Member
Hey natanis, from my own recent experience, do not cut fan leaves They're precious! a bug infestation caused my lady to lose most of it's fan leaves and growth has been dramatically slowed down/stunted/ if your plants look healthy leave them as is, its a good sign...


Active Member
Hey natanis, from my own recent experience, do not cut fan leaves They're precious! a bug infestation caused my lady to lose most of it's fan leaves and growth has been dramatically slowed down/stunted/ if your plants look healthy leave them as is, its a good sign...
Okay the jury has spoken. I'm putting my scissors away for another few weeks..... Yarrrgh. I'm going to devote my free time to inventing a time machine instead ;o)


Active Member
My fucking neighbors cat just ate most of the leaves off of my baby! It was just starting to bud and looking nice. The good news is that the buds have been left alone and they still look good and wondering if there is a chance for it to survive what should I do? I live in Southern Florida so I t's been doing great outside it's probably a foot and a half tall and has three leaves on the blades. any suggestions? Please help a brother out!!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
You can think of the fan leaves as solor panels,cut them off and you cut down the power.things run slower.If they are not bug eaten or anything leave them to feed the plant. Peace Hello gk


Active Member
i am having trouble with indoor growing i have seeds in good soil(miracle grow)water,sunlight but the seedlings come up too fast look anorexic very small top leaves and then die,what could i be doing wrong or what could i do to improve indoor enviroment?????please help,this stuff is expensive here in connecticut

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
mary - hi..

start your own thread and post picture.. you wil get lots of great help..


Hi toke :)

great advice!!!!


Active Member
Hey Natanis
Thanks for asking that question! I've got a mini cool cab too and the guys at Sunlight are really off talking about a 4 week grow cycle. When I read your post, I thought I had written it. I'm going into week 3 with major size bottom leaves but most plants haven't broken 4 inches tall. It's driving me crazy but I guess patience is key! I had clippers in hand but I've put them down. Good luck. This is my 2 attempt with the cabinet. My 1st produced 5 really healthy Males! We'll see if feminized work better.


i have 9 indoor plants growing, with many fan leaves to spare there are certain ones that are blocking the smaller leaves and stems from getting light, i have trimmed many fan leaves to allow extra light to the lower parts of the plant, and every plant i have is thriving, with no problems and no stunted growth. But i paid 350 for 20 seeds.