to yall RC ers

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing
Because I'd always wanted to try mescaline, it seemed like a different trip completely. But some of the ways of ingesting mescaline seemed a little unappetizing, which is why a crystalline RC form of mescaline interests me


Well-Known Member
i thought the trip was amazing. its was definently top three for me when it comes to hallucinogens. very intense visuals short duration trip whats not to love. i havent done any other RC ever. but ive heard that 2cb is one of the best.


Well-Known Member
2c-b is bromo mescaline... its chemical structure is very simlar... likewise the experience in some aspects. 2c-b in generally is a pretty light psychedelic experience in comparison to lsd or magical mushrooms. However, dosages over 25mg's could invoke a pretty strong trip with visuals reminiscent of mescaline!


Active Member
to be honest 2cb is pretty poor i find personally, for a nice "trip" off 2cb you would have to injest atleast 25mgs.. its all about just getting 2ce instead hehe. also found it not very much like mescaline either...


Well-Known Member
Poor? I wouldn't constitute that word for a true 2c-b experience. It has that warmth and love that mescaline generates! Its definitely not as deep has a lsd voyage... but it sure enlightens. If you're saying that 2c-b lacks that internal dialogue that traditionally psychedelics gives us... sure its a little shallow in that area. Now if anything 2c-i is weak in many levels... all it really did for me was give me a wickedly good body high and some pretty narly visuals... but inside I didn't feel that love... it was empty in that respect.


Active Member
personally 2c-i was great... kinda like a acid trip but more closely related to molly with the speed but like you said.. really no feeling of immense amounts of serotonin being released.. but if you can deal without that part its great


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind takeing advice, I think you should slow down the rate at which you try new substances...I see no good will come from it.


New Member
oh i dont try new substances alot. im just trying to collect it all while i can :) i dont trip every chance i get even though it comes off that way. im just trying to build a collection so when i am ready to trip and if friends are i will have the stuff with me


Well-Known Member
Ah good, I sometimes fear people get the wrong ideas about my posts, especialy when I show them how easy it is to be a homegrowing psyconaut.
I have had hundreds of trip experiences, but spread over decades. It is wonderfull to bond with a substance and learn from/with it, till it has no more to offer.
I had such an awesome DMT experience tonight. It will take me a while to word it, maybe after some sleep. But it was a deep and moveing experience for me and will last me for months.
Erm then there was the little problem of not comming down for like another 20 minutes after the CEVs faded and goodbyes were said, I so hate leaving that place. Only to open my eyes and then to try and convince myself I didn't break my brain this time, as was just "mushroomed" nuts from the tryptamine, the whole room was purple and animated for a good 20 minutes while I had a hard time communicating as my language pools mixed so that I couldn't speak my home language or english, as I was just stringing words from either together. I was a brave little soldier and kept my shit together nicely. But I can see how someone could have a hard time dealing with that level of disasociaction from the physical world. Fully entrapped in an audio visual experience, while my thoughts and very conciousness was being unraveled and rewoven until I got the breakthrough revelation.