To Young ?? To be Toking ?


bud bootlegger
3rd graders?? are you kidding me?? yeah, i'd say that's way too young to smoke cannabis, or smoke anything for that matter..


Well-Known Member
I started at 12... For me that is a little young.

On the other hand I watched a study on kids with Autism. The parents gave him bits of hash to help calm him down. Appeared to work because the kicking and screaming stopped.


Well-Known Member
To me, high school age is normal, a 3rd grader is what like 8 or 9 years old? FUCK THAT, way to young, there minds need to be drug free till the teens in my opinion, especially these fucks putting children on amphetamines for add. Not till high school. They should not even know what drugs even do in third grade.

Now, I may teach my daughter to tend to my garden. But it will be referred to as a flower garden from me till shes old enough to know what the fuck is going on. If once shes a teenager, and is curious to try marijuana, She will be smoking my shit, and at either my house, or her moms. Then come 11-12 grade-ish if she wants to drink, it better be supervised. I much rather her smoke. Kid's drinking scares the shit out of me.


Well-Known Member
Unless it is for medicinal reasons, and only for that reason, i would be against it till the kid is like 15-16... If your old enough to drive and work, your old enough to smoke some pot on the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Agree, if for medical. 3rd grade for me was back in the mid 60's, nearly impossible to get to the bathroom back then. yea, 16, I agree.


Well-Known Member
My 6 year old nephew brought me a bag once. It was his mother's but he knew what it was and asked me to roll one for us, his words were "twist one, bitch."


Well-Known Member
My 11 year old neighbor stole a nick from his aunts purse so he could sell it to me. I only found out later how he got it. Then one day he showed up with 2 fat dimes and said he'd sell them to me cheap. It didn't look right and it smelled an awful lot like Rosemary. About a year later we started smoking together. He smoked with his parents too. Smoked stolen cigs. Started drinking then. And a few years later he started on the hard stuff. Now he's on probation for burglary and he's only 22. Can't say I didn't see that one coming. His parents were "swingers". His mom was on the net selling pix of her boob job or so Donny told me. I never saw them myself. This was way back before I started growing. Rosemary, how juvenile.


Well-Known Member
I dunno. At face value i say thats way too young however i do have a good friend that i met when i was 13..he was 8. The day we met i was on the train tracks by my house burnin 1, and here comes this dopey elmer fudd lookin ass kid outta nowhere. He walks up and just says "smells nice, wanna match?" So was like "um yea". Anyways we became friends, this kid smoked as much as i did and i smoked alot. Now my boy is 27, single dad of a kid thats not even his, has a nice house, nice cars, good credit and works as a prof welder. So seeing that, when people say a certain age is too young to smoke, i wonder why exactly? Besides the obvious reasons, but weed also can be benificial or not really have any effect at all sometimes. I dunno