Tobacco Companies Taking Over Cannabis?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Tobacco is 7 - 15 bucks a pack due to the taxes and regulation that government places on the product. If they left it the fuck alone it would probably cost about a buck a pack...
Im sure if more people could grow there own tobacco supply they would. then it might cost a buck a pack. you need more land to produce tobacco than smokable cannabis. just simple as that. And thats also why uncle sam keeps one legal and the other not. EVERYBODY WOULD BE ABLE TO SUPPLY THEMSELVES WITH BUD, NOT THE CASE WITH TOBACCO LEAF. one makes more in revenue than the other. It may kill more but its a money maker.

Im no tobacco expert but ive never heard of anyone growing there own outside of the south. and i know alot of people who grow there own bud. all over the world. like i said before uncle sam knows how to milk money from the fiends in this country (tobacco, alcohol, lottery are the big 3)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Im sure if more people could grow there own tobacco supply they would. then it might cost a buck a pack. you need more land to produce tobacco than smokable cannabis. just simple as that. And thats also why uncle sam keeps one legal and the other not. EVERYBODY WOULD BE ABLE TO SUPPLY THEMSELVES WITH BUD, NOT THE CASE WITH TOBACCO LEAF. one makes more in revenue than the other. It may kill more but its a money maker.

Im no tobacco expert but ive never heard of anyone growing there own outside of the south. and i know alot of people who grow there own bud. all over the world. like i said before uncle sam knows how to milk money from the fiends in this country (tobacco, alcohol, lottery are the big 3)
a healthy tobacco plant drops big yeilds, as much as a half a pound when dried and cured. they can get BIG

growing it is easy, drying it is simple, but curing it is a pain in the butt.

for cigarettes you have to "Flue Cure" the leaves after they hang to dry for several months, and the "Flue" is basically a chimney that roasts the leaves with hot air till they are cooked and leathery like jerky.
it's complex and cumbersome process, and it takes dedication. weed is much simpler to prepare, and is not available at every corner store

pipe and cigar tobacco is usually just hung for 6 months or more to dry, then partially rehydrated with flavourings or water before it's put in a sealed container for storage.

this chick grows her own on her patio in 5 gallon buckets then dries and cures it in her cellar. but she is a chainsmoker. very few people smoke enough and have the free time to make growing your own more than a hobby.

if growing your own dope had no penalties or stigma, you can bet your ass many more people would grow it, but tobacco is so much more cumbersome it doesnt make sense to do it yourself, any more than it makes sense to grow your own wheat, and mill it for flour when it's so simple to buy it from the grocery store.

Edit: and consider this: a pack of cigarettes is about one ounce or so, and costs around $5 in most of the country ($5.50-$6 in sacramento ca, of which about $3 is tax)
an ounce of decent dope will cost you $250 round here. do the math and youll see the difference. if a pack of butts cost $250, every smoker would have a bunch of plants on his porch.


Well-Known Member
why do you think God made some of you pot growers? you will become better then what they are. just stay calm and smoke on.