Tobacco Companies Taking Over Cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Big tobacco will roll over home growers not only with better weed but with regulations they get in place to make sure that unless you have a license you cannot sell. Maybe even grow. I dont care what a great grower you are. You dont have access to millions in research and lobbyists that have the ear of congressman.
lack of a license hasnt ever stopped me, and im sure it wont stop many others


Well-Known Member
That's the thing though. They're going to buy out everyone, while still trying to take out every grower in the state and make it so there's no where to get it but them. Once this happens one out of two things is going to happen 1) were going to be buyin hay weed for a high price 2) were going to be buying the tits for a REALLY high price.

The only people I see this not effecting are patents.. But what about civilians? Were all screwed

Well, that is a problem. But, maybe this is the cure. Most people are not patents enough. I think CO and WA are just waiting for the shoe to drop. They are working like crazy in the Federal Lobby efforts to get big T and Pharam on their side.

But, I know the growing rules are much more strict in both places than some others...where I am.

I just like the happy median... what cheez and some others also support....Everybody grow. Everybody gives.

The days they can stop a closet grow on private property are fast fading. Every little chink takes us closer. But, every little backlash takes us away.

Yet, WE have littered they landscape with public education and now, dastardly, use that as exclusion zones for all manner. Pot and govt will mix, badly, like motor oil and sand, looks ok from a distance but is fuck all dangerous, not just ciggies.

But, as long as it is acculturated at all, there will be the low dose benzene additives addicting where they can just use that THC for good hash, for good profit. And there will be GOLD brand, Montezuma's Hash crumble for $90 a gram. That's right, I don't expect the price structure to change a bit.

That is the very careful generational play. Maintain the prices but shift the profits to Big Industry. And will the Cartels fit in or be plowed under violently?...I say the latter. And that is why the prices will stay high.

And, the prices are seen as soft at the top. Still a bunch of headroom for marketing hype. In fact, one way to look at the problem is how to shift the spend from the Drug War to a Cannabis enable through Congress Lobby.

How to get the ones that hate Corporations to deal with devils, and divert the NOW money, etc to aid RJ Reyonlds Lobby? (why RJ? They were the first to fold and settle the tobacco lawsuits and crawled in bed with the Fed)

And keep the rest of the Drug War and modify the Treaties to take OUT cannabis. Don't hold your breath.

That is how it works. We get to watch and influence our elected try to hash (pun) it out. To me I can see how you can't just fell swoop it legal at the Fed. International treaties, mean we spend $Bs for anti-drug everything all over the world. That will not change in a few generations. That is well and truly fucked up and a morass of wasted capital (money) and Capital (standing).


Well-Known Member
(paragraphs and post count)

And another thing...

It takes 4 pounds of corn meal to make 1 quart of moonshine. That is only 32, one ounce shots. 8 friends, 4 shots each. rootin tootin....

How long does 32 ounces of MJ take for 8 people to consume? See what I mean? Even if you make a gal of wine with considerable trouble, you better not invite any friends if you want some tomorrow.

Growing rules. Plenty of harvest to share. This is how our medical collective does it. (don't worry, despite the name, it is hierarchical from top to bottom) They can't just buy bulk and have it stopped in transit, RICO, etc. So, the members grow and "donate."


Well-Known Member
And companies would sell heroin if it was legal.

If there's a demand there'll be a supplier, simples.

Crying in your cornflakes about it is retarded.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
No they don't regulatory costs exceed a hundred grand just to start

I have a cousin in Kentucky who grows about twenty thousand pounds of Burley tobacco every year. His tobacco sells at auction every year to the highest bidder. I think it usually sells for about $4 per pound.


Well-Known Member
No they don't regulatory costs exceed a hundred grand just to start
To sell cigarettes, maybe. Federally, it is legal to grow and sell whole cured leaves with the stem, right out of your backyard. It's an agricultural product until you "process" it, meaning you can sell it at your local farmers market next to your tomatoes. Tobacco doesn't get expensive until it becomes ready for a specific purpose. If the same standards that I can find were applied to weed as well; selling buds would be okay, but selling hash, joints, and things like that, would be subject to tax.

T16: If I grow tobacco, do I need a license or permit from the TTB?

TTB does not license, or require a permit for, growing tobacco. In addition, TTB does not regulate the sale of tobaccos that are not tobacco products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture may regulate the growing and sale of such tobacco. You may find additional information from the U.S. Farm Service Agency.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
To sell cigarettes, maybe. Federally, it is legal to grow and sell whole cured leaves with the stem, right out of your backyard. It's an agricultural product until you "process" it, meaning you can sell it at your local farmers market next to your tomatoes. Tobacco doesn't get expensive until it becomes ready for a specific purpose. If the same standards that I can find were applied to weed as well; selling buds would be okay, but selling hash, joints, and things like that, would be subject to tax.

T16: If I grow tobacco, do I need a license or permit from the TTB?

TTB does not license, or require a permit for, growing tobacco. In addition, TTB does not regulate the sale of tobaccos that are not tobacco products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture may regulate the growing and sale of such tobacco. You may find additional information from the U.S. Farm Service Agency.

in california growing your own tobacco is legal, however if you intend to trade sell or even give away a single leaf you need a Tobacco Marketer's License from the feds, and from the state. many attempts were made in the last century to grow tobacco commercially in california but none were permitted to operate.

i have searched many times but can find no law or court decision which prohibits commercial tobacco farming in california, but there are still NO tobacco growers in the state despite the obvious benefits.

tobacco as a crop sells for a better price than many other products, and much of california is well suited to the crop. many local homegrowers have been quite successful at growing their own, but apparently no farmer has figured out a way to grow the stuff commercially within the byzantine code of laws and regulations.

maybe all the farmers in california are just vehement anti-smoking advocates...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
One of the lowest tobacco consuming States.
however any product which can be grown and sold locally or for export inevitably find's it's way to SOME farm.

i know a guy near santa barbara who grows Bananas for fuck's sake. he's got like 20 acres of fucking banana trees, and makes a packet selling them to boutique shops and restaurants.

meanwhile theres farmers in california who grow mustard and cabbage, two crops with amazingly low returns per acre, and NO subsidies to make up the difference

They do this under cointract to a specific buyer, contract farming has become one of the few ways a farmer can save his place from the bank in the short term, without the hazards of the open market's vagaries, it's guaranteed cash, so the contractor can assure his supply of a crop which simply does not entice most farmers with their low ass return per acre.


Well-Known Member
however any product which can be grown and sold locally or for export inevitably find's it's way to SOME farm.

i know a guy near santa barbara who grows Bananas for fuck's sake. he's got like 20 acres of fucking banana trees, and makes a packet selling them to boutique shops and restaurants.

meanwhile theres farmers in california who grow mustard and cabbage, two crops with amazingly low returns per acre, and NO subsidies to make up the difference

They do this under cointract to a specific buyer, contract farming has become one of the few ways a farmer can save his place from the bank in the short term, without the hazards of the open market's vagaries, it's guaranteed cash, so the contractor can assure his supply of a crop which simply does not entice most farmers with their low ass return per acre.
I'd grow a couple of acres of herb just for myself, with 0 profit necessary.

Id make hash out of it all, and smoke myself retarded.

What a world, Obama you fucking African Islamic prick, do it already.


New Member
My mother in-law works for a guy that has a friend who works for Marlboro. He says that sometime this year they're coming over to Washington and having a sit down on the rights for disubution. I highly doubt their going to grow it in Washington. They're going to make it so no one can grow(not even patients) and everyone is going to have to buy it LEGALLY through Marlboro.

The real question is, how are they going to make it so no one can grow? OH YEAH! Were all in a medical Marijuana Patient System. The only thing that's still going to be around is the white market. Little growers with big dreams that sell it like it's crack on there doorstep.. But, the punishment will be worse than crack if you get cought slippin


Well-Known Member

I have a cousin in Kentucky who grows about twenty thousand pounds of Burley tobacco every year. His tobacco sells at auction every year to the highest bidder. I think it usually sells for about $4 per pound.
Who are the buyers?
licensed and regulated big tobacco?


Well-Known Member
My mother in-law works for a guy that has a friend who works for Marlboro. He says that sometime this year they're coming over to Washington and having a sit down on the rights for disubution. I highly doubt their going to grow it in Washington. They're going to make it so no one can grow(not even patients) and everyone is going to have to buy it LEGALLY through Marlboro.

The real question is, how are they going to make it so no one can grow? OH YEAH! Were all in a medical Marijuana Patient System. The only thing that's still going to be around is the white market. Little growers with big dreams that sell it like it's crack on there doorstep.. But, the punishment will be worse than crack if you get cought slippin
They dont worry about you growing

They worry about you selling


New Member
True. But, how much do patients smoke? REAL patients that need to be high 24/7
They look at that as potential loss in the market. Basically the way I see it it's a go global or go home buisness deal. This will be history


Well-Known Member
My mother in-law works for a guy that has a friend who works for Marlboro. He says that sometime this year they're coming over to Washington and having a sit down on the rights for disubution. I highly doubt their going to grow it in Washington. They're going to make it so no one can grow(not even patients) and everyone is going to have to buy it LEGALLY through Marlboro.

The real question is, how are they going to make it so no one can grow? OH YEAH! Were all in a medical Marijuana Patient System. The only thing that's still going to be around is the white market. Little growers with big dreams that sell it like it's crack on there doorstep.. But, the punishment will be worse than crack if you get cought slippin
like an angst ridden teen on a bad sugar high.


New Member
like an angst ridden teen on a bad sugar high.
I don't get why you're so negative about this? Maybe it's because you sell pot for a living. So you don't want to hear the truth? Is that it? That IS it.

I'm not knockin I Support what you do Boss. But, sometimes it's better to let the reality control you. Instead of wet dreams.


Well-Known Member
Everyone who grows and sells doesnt think full legalization will affect them. But it will and they will be excluded from the market either by free market forces or law.