Token Paraplegic's Grow Thread Updated Every 12 Hours!

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
well Isabelle is now in the dark and getting some sleep time for the first time in her journey. Hope she sleeps well and hope everyone that checks this thread will cross their fingers for this plant to turn out female! Thanks to alll my subscribers/readers thanks for all the help and hope everyone enjoys this thread I know I havent been very interesting but thanks again!


Well-Known Member
well Isabelle is now in the dark and getting some sleep time for the first time in her journey. Hope she sleeps well and hope everyone that checks this thread will cross their fingers for this plant to turn out female! Thanks to alll my subscribers/readers thanks for all the help and hope everyone enjoys this thread I know I havent been very interesting but thanks again!
Good luck Token! We are all rooting for ya!:clap:


Well-Known Member
good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
New pics really looking real green on the top let me know if you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or whatever. I like hearing from you guys!









Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using token? Be careful not to overwater (looks a little droopy) especially with the light cycle change. Always water right after lights on never before lights off.

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using token? Be careful not to overwater (looks a little droopy) especially with the light cycle change. Always water right after lights on never before lights off.
The soil is Expert Gardner Perfect Mix 0.10-0.08-0.06. About the over watering I gave it only a cup of water yesterday and I think were I put it at night is damp so I am thinking thats what happened because the soil was wetter than when I put it into the dark. And yes I did water when the lights were on and around 8 hours before I put it into dark.


Well-Known Member
Cool just be care there token it looks a little droopy. Let it dry out a bit and give it a deep watering to encourage healthy root growth. I can see why you are not using any ferts yet good call.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey token now that she has perked up how about some mild nutrients? Something with potassium (K) sometimes red/purple stems can be a sign of potassium deficient plants. Maybe try a very mild dose and see how she responds. Just a thought not a sermon :peace:

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
Hey token now that she has perked up how about some mild nutrients? Something with potassium (K) sometimes red/purple stems can be a sign of potassium deficient plants. Maybe try a very mild dose and see how she responds. Just a thought not a sermon :peace:
where exactly can i get something like that walmart or lowes?


Well-Known Member
where exactly can i get something like that walmart or lowes?
Yeah you can probably get miracle grow products at wal-mart or Lowes. Or you can check online too. I like liquid ferts, just start with a really dilute dose and work your way up depending on how the plant responds.:peace: