Tomi Lahren Destroys Trevor Noah Over #BlackLivesMatter

Well telling by the car driven and the way dressed I would say one was not poor. Why do you assume only poor people use the laundromat ?

I didn't say only poor people. I've seen the examples listed thus far in the laundromat, the occasional blanket or smart pot washer, or someone doing 10 loads at once. I have noticed these are few and far between and do not outnumber the homeless types.
i can post pictures of my brand new, state of the art washer and dryer that cost us thousands of dollars. my wife uses them.

i go to the laundromat though. i have all my laundry done in less than 1h 45m. and i get to play 'cruisin USA' and eat chicken wings while i wait.

No wonder you will have a mortgage till you're 63.
I didn't say only poor people. I've seen the examples listed thus far in the laundromat, the occasional blanket or smart pot washer, or someone doing 10 loads at once. I have noticed these are few and far between and do not outnumber the homeless types.

so you're saying laundromats are for poor people, deadbeats and bums, and that is where you do your laundry?
Oh so it makes sense laundromats are for the poor now, except for you, the 1%er with a mortgage, @srh88 the guy with the big ass blanket and @Unclebaldrick using 20 machines at a time twice a year cuz his tighty whiteys have at least 2 clean sides.
<trailer joke>
Everyone who uses a laundromat is not poor. You sound like @NLXSK1 who thinks only "illegal brown people" work in a laundromat or dry cleaners
Can I literally answer you with previous posts on the same page? Come on man, pull it together.
while you continue to insinuate the opposite in other post.
Yes, I'm sure your laundromat's are in the most upscale parts of town taking advantage of all the rich folks who can't be bothered purchasing such equipment for their homes.

Thank you for your voluntary service to fight unconstitutional wars. I do appreciate your fighting for our freedoms.
while you continue to insinuate the opposite in other post.

Why don't you just address the point? Tell me how your establishment is in the most upscale part of your town and how the majority of patrons are upper middle class to rich, where everyone is a home owner, but love to come to the laundromat despite this.

Where everyone comes to wash their clothes for the fun of it, rather than kick it at home with a beer and watch a game while their clothes are drying.

Notice I did not mention the dry cleaner.
Why don't you just address the point? Tell me how your establishment is in the most upscale part of your town and how the majority of patrons are upper middle class to rich, where everyone is a home owner, but love to come to the laundromat despite this.

Where everyone comes to wash their clothes for the fun of it, rather than kick it at home with a beer and watch a game while their clothes are drying.

Notice I did not mention the dry cleaner.
Why do you not want ALL people to have the opportunity to have cleans fresh clothes ? Why do you think only poor people wash at a laundromat ? Why do you judge people who only want to have clean clothes ?
Why do you not want ALL people to have the opportunity to have cleans fresh clothes ? Why do you think only poor people wash at a laundromat ? Why do you judge people who only want to have clean clothes ?

he's just jealous of you. do you have any idea how much this guy loves coins?

sorting through pennies is his retirement strategy.
Yeah, cause a lot of rich people hang out there just for fun... You sound like a crack addict.
who said rich people ? I said everyone who uses the laundromat is not poor. How do you know what a crack head sounds like. Please explain with example.
who said rich people ? I said everyone who uses the laundromat is not poor. How do you know what a crack head sounds like. Please explain with example.

Poor people and stupid people use laundromats. It is economics. You can easily purchase a washer and dryer with less than 2 years of expense from a laundromat.

So, it is someone who doesnt have space for a washer and dryer or someone who cant afford one or someone who is very odd....

The only people who are hanging out in laundromats on purpose are those poor employees you pay less than minimum wage.
Poor people and stupid people use laundromats. It is economics. You can easily purchase a washer and dryer with less than 2 years of expense from a laundromat.

So, it is someone who doesnt have space for a washer and dryer or someone who cant afford one or someone who is very odd....

The only people who are hanging out in laundromats on purpose are those poor employees you pay less than minimum wage.
The lowest paid worker of mine makes 11.55 an hour. Less time I check minimum wage is 7.25.
Your jealousy has you stuck on stupid. Shame that you stereotype people who want clean clothes. I guess the fact that you had to scrub shit from pools and now have to struggle and hustle as a home inspector has you a bit bitter. I would be pissed also if it took me 4 years to get a two year degree.
Thanks for the new sig.
Why do you not want ALL people to have the opportunity to have cleans fresh clothes ? Why do you think only poor people wash at a laundromat ? Why do you judge people who only want to have clean clothes ?

I do. You see if everyone were pumping silver into your machines then they would have a much better opportunity.
As for vets, I think you should hire more and take advantage of the WOTC that I provide.