Tonight is the Night

The debate was like watching Chris Wallace ride a rodeo bull into a china shop, Donald the King of chaos. Civil or any discussion is not possible with that moron Trump, the moderator would need a shock collar with a remote control. Donald's head would end up looking like a smoking charcoal briquette. Joe should have called him stupid and incompetent at every opportunity, he's fit only to insult and humiliate.
When he tooK the mask out of his pocket I wanted to shove it in his mouth. Remote control shock collar is needed For Trump. After a while I was able to completely ignore his background ranting and focus in Joe’s answers and comments and I liked everything he has said. I felt like he was speaking to me personally and that felt real and made me hopeful . I liked how he spoke about the environment. Trump was unhinged and deranged looking. His face was all red and blotchy and he was always on the defensive .

getting his base ready to incite a civil war if he doesn’t get re-elected. The Republicans created this monster called Trump. This year is not going to end well. Stay safe and keep a low profile.
Now that I'm totally fucking wasted because I did what I dared all you to do, too take a drink/hit everytime fuckwad mentioned Leftist/Socialist/Antifa/Communist, I'm going to go too bed.
But, before I close my eyes, with a big fucking smile (because Wallace told Trump basically too shut the fuck up 3 times tonight), I wish you all safety/health & happiness.
When he tooK the mask out of his pocket I wanted to shove it in his mouth. Remote control shock collar is needed For Trump. After a while I was able to completely ignore his background ranting and focus in Joe’s answers and comments and I liked everything he has said. I felt like he was speaking to me personally and that felt real and made me hopeful . I liked how he spoke about the environment. Trump was unhinged and deranged looking. His face was all red and blotchy and he was always on the defensive .

getting his base ready to incite a civil war if he doesn’t get re-elected. The Republicans created this monster called Trump. This year is not going to end well. Stay safe and keep a low profile.
Tonight, I sincerely believe that the future of the USA/World is going to be decided.
This is the moment that Biden HAS too drive a fucking stake thru that fucking abomination's chest.
All the cards are in Biden's hand & now, tonight, finish off that fucker, live on national TV.
Trump is a lying/draft dodging/tax cheat/adulter that too everyone on this fucking Planet with a semblance of intelligence knows too be true.
I want Wallace to ask Trump these simple questions tonight,
Have you have ever lied to the American people?
Have you ever cheated on your taxes?
Have you ever committed adultery?
Have you ever denigrated a member of the Military or their family or FUCKING AVOIDED, like your sons, active service to defend this Nation.
4 simple questions that should be asked to both of them, and let's see what fuck face's answers will be.
Enough is a fucking enough
Rip him apart Joe, this is your moment.
Make it Historical :)

I think Joe did it :)
I think Joe did it :)
I knew you didn't go to bed :lol:
The shit show was a classic! :clap:
Image result for trump whining like a kid gif
My take away was it was an unwatchable shit show, thanks to Donald, most people tuned out in the first half hour. Trump didn't come to debate, he came to disrupt one, he abused another American democratic institution. He choked on condemning white nationalists and told the "proud boys and Nazi's to stand back and stand by. If he loses and gives them the "word", either nothing will happen or it will be the slaughter of the proud boys.

Joe has to debate the fucker two more times and they can't cut the mikes. How about he has one of those air horns in his pocket and points it at Donald when he interrupts and gives him a 120 decibel blast? If Donald wants to interrupt, let him talk over that! :D
Donald did nothing but lose votes with this shit show, he showed he was out of control, every time Joe mentioned him he had to interrupt him. When Joe called Donald stupid he reacted hotly, I think when Donald interrupts Joe should call him stupid, an idiot, a fool, a child, brain damaged.... Mention his IQ of 78, people are saying...
Joy Says Trump ‘Physically Could Not Stand To Hear Truths About Himself’ In Debate | MSNBC

Joy called President Trump’s debate performance ‘like a man who was out of control, that Donald Trump physically could not stand to hear truths about himself.’ Joy says the debate ‘was embarrassing for me.’
Honestly when you first spoke about digging in I was “ya ok dig on dude LOFL” but now in light of all of this,........ “dig faster”!!! “STAND DOWN AND STAND BY”!!!! This is the fucking president telling a group of retards to get ready for a fucking civil war!!!!! WTF is happening to the world????? Dig faster JJ!!!! And buy more bullets!!!! It’s like telling a serial killer we appreciate what your doing, thank you .... fuck me.